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Book online «Lauren Takes Leave Gerstenblatt, Julie (classic literature list txt) 📖». Author Gerstenblatt, Julie

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processing this new information: Tim Cubix is afraid of something? Isettle on, “What’s next?”

He leans back into the leather seats and considers this.“Big press due to come on set tomorrow. I know I have to be there. Everyone’slosing money as is, each day I’m not there filming. If this story gets out, itwill go national.”

“Inter,” I say. “International.”

“Fuck.” He looks my way with ironic grin number five.“Fucking snakes.”

I’m starting to warm again toward Tim, the vampiresuperhero with an actual Achilles heel, but then my smile turns chilly as Iconsider what he’s not admitting. “Snakes or no, you really lied to us.”

“In a way,” he concedes again, this time with regret. Hescratches his scruffy beard. “I wish I hadn’t done it that way, but I justdidn’t see any other choice at the time.”

I can see it pretty clearly from his point of view. But Ihave to think about what Kat would say, how Jodi would respond. “And youused us.”

“As a disguise, of sorts, yes. I needed to regroup, andyou guys just happened along, yelling at each other at the perfect time.” Hesmiles genuine smile number one.

I wanted to stay mad at him, really I did.

But the thing is, I’m not only a somewhat sane person, I’malso the kind of person who likes to give others the benefit of the doubt.

And who can hate a genuine movie star who genuinely hatessnakes with such conviction, I ask you?

So, anyway, as I sit in his stretch Hummer limo, TimCubix is apologizing to me. Do you understand how bizarre that is? And howhuge? He’s sorry for lying to us. His intentions were self-motivated,but weren’t ours as well?

As if sensing my hesitation, Tim adds, “It wasn’tone-sided. You guys used me, too, you know.”

“For your fabulousness?” I joke.

He laughs, a deep chortle. “As Kat would say,Absofuckinglutely.”

Something is still troubling me, though. “How do I knowyou’re not lying to me right now? I mean, you are an actor.” I don’tmention that I’ve privately nicknamed and catalogued all of his expressions.

“I hate when people say that. It’s like you can’t possiblyever be considered truthful if you lie for a living.”

“When you put it that way…” I joke.

“Yeah, it sounds really bad.” He stops to consider whatelse to say. “I guess you just have to trust me, right? Isn’t that what friendsdo?”

“Oh, so now we’re friends.”

“I hope so, Lauren. I really do like you nutballs.” Spokenlike one who knows us pretty well, I think.

“Oh, what the hell.” Even if it is fleeting, I’d ratherhave this moment with Tim under false pretenses than not have it at all. I putout my hand and we shake on it. “It’s all good.”

Now that we’re back to being allies, I debrief Tim on ourdilemma with Sonia Goldberg. “There’s a massive gay pride parade blockingCollins Avenue, and then there’s a plane that’s supposed to take off in onehour and twenty-five minutes…with us on it!” I summarize.

Tim signals to the bodyguards, who get back in the car,and the three of them, together with the driver, try to figure out what to doto help us.

Tim pauses from his conversation for a second and lets hisgaze drift out the window.

Something in the parade catches his eye, because the nextthing I know, he’s barking orders to the bodyguards and forming a plan.

“What?” I ask, excited in a clueless-puppy sort of way.I’m completely happy about his strategy and I have no idea why!

Tim turns to me, his blue eyes sparkling and devilish.“It’s Dixie! She’s the key!”

“She’s got the key? The key to what?” I call, but Tim’snot listening.

Instead, he continues to shout directions at hisbodyguards, Tweedledee and Tweedledum. They ask me where the van with Jodi andSonia was last seen. I quickly rattle off the cross street, and the two burlybodyguards take off in that direction, pushing against the tide of pedestriansas quickly as they can.

Then Tim Cubix exits the limo, grabs me by the hand, andleads me toward the middle of the parade. In that moment, I feel like we’restarring together in some action adventure–romantic comedy mashup film and I’mlong-limbed Cameron Diaz!

But this is real life, which makes me short and makes meworry for Tim’s safety for a moment, knowing he’s truly bodyguardless and trulyin the middle of a full-on city parade. “Are you scared?” I ask.

“Nah!” He smiles. “I’m loving this!”

“Good!” I say. “Me, too!” I feel young and dangerous andsexy, and at the same time, I feel completely safe. I have no idea what Tim’sup to, but I suddenly trust him with my life, since he’s trusting me with his.

“Call Lenny and Kat and have them meet us here,” Timshouts over the din of the crowd.

“Where’s here?” I yell. Tim points and I follow hisfinger’s line, up and over the feathers and boas, and onto Dixie’s float.

I stare at the scene in disbelief.

We could not have planned a more brilliant escape planthan the one floating before us now.

Dixie is cross-dressed as Ruby Richmond again, only todayshe sports an army-green tank top, tight black shorts, and a huge utility belt.Her hair is pulled back in a high ponytail. The float is covered with ancient-lookingartifacts and caskets, with men dressed in fatigues trying to shoot at her frombehind crates.

“Dixie!” Tim shouts as we jog alongside her float. Shecocks a .22-caliber in his direction, which I can only hope is also a prop. Shesees us and drops the weapon.

“Hi!” she says, extending her hand to Tim, that richbravado carrying over the random noise of the crowd. “Get up here, stud!”

Dixie Normous is dressed up as Ruby Richmond in her mostfulfilling role to date: the video-game-to-big-screen character Jenni Bale:Crypt Ranger.

“This float is about to get one more casket.” Tim winks,hoisting me up after him.

Securely aboard, he explains to Dixie the disaster thathas been our morning. “So, bottom line, we’re in a bit of a bind and we need tohitch a ride with you to get Sonia Goldberg’s remains up the avenue. Can youhandle it?”

Dixie’s full lips pout in concentration as she takes itall in. Then she blinks once, and flashes a

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