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His eyebrows rose as if he were going to pose anotherquestion.

Instead, he scurried offinto the crowd, disappearing into a group of reporters and camera mencornering a player making his way toward the team’s lockerroom.

Standing at least ahalf-a-foot taller than most of the people gathered around him, thefootballer seemed un-phased by the microphones and bright lights. Aseasoned spin doctor herself with six years of public relationsexperience under her belt before seeking her MBA two years ago,Yvonne stepped closer.

All of her years ofexperience left her woefully unprepared for the ballplayer skillfullyholding court despite the incessant press of the media.

His confidence, beyondexemplarily, didn’t hold a flame to the man because handsomecouldn’t aptly describe him or his effect on her body. Handsdown he had be to the most beautiful man she’d ever laid eyeson.

He made her fingertipstingle, and for the first time in her life Yvonne found herselfwithout words.


“I see he has the sameeffect on you as he does the rest of the female population.” Yvonne’s cheeks heated with embarrassment, she’d been soentranced with the football player she’d missed Keitha sidlingup next to her.

“Who is he?” sheasked unable to look away.

Keithachuckled. “That beautiful specimen is the team’s captain,Paolo Saito. The fans call him IlDuca,The Duke, because his rule over the pitch is unparalleled.

He’s one of the bestplayers in Series A, probably the entire world. He’s led Brazilto the World Cup twice. Right now he’s one of the highest paidforwards in the league. And when he becomes a free agent at the endof the season, he’ll be number one.”

“Filthy rich andbeautiful to boot, any woman would be lucky to tag that one. No one’ssucceeded so far.” Keitha paused to lay a hand on Yvonne’sshoulder. “So, if I were you, I would stay away from him.”

“A huge player?”

Keitha snorted. “Enormous.According to all the gossip rags, he likes to share his God givenattributes with everyone. Young, old, pretty, plain, single, marriedor engaged, it doesn’t matter as long as they’re female.Every week he has a different girlfriend or lover, a differentconquest all of them well documented in the tabloids.”

Yvonne wasn’tsurprised Paolo Saito’s love life was practically publicrecord. Average human beings loved to escape the ordinariness oftheir existence by living their lives through the rich and beautiful. Heck the tabloids could stay afloat on her monthly subscriptionsalone.

A man with his looks andchosen career would be a playboy of the worst kind and a consummatecharmer.

Classically handsome, hisAsian features fit together like an exotic puzzle.

A pair of dark eyebrowsslashed across his sun-kissed skin and provided a perfect frame tohis almond-shaped eyes and aquiline nose.

As expected for a man whomade his living outdoors, his bronzed skin, only a shade or twolighter than hers, contrasted beautifully with his short black haircut into a modified Mohawk. And his body language and easy smile,while he answered rapid fire questions, conveyed a confidence that ifbottled would sell millions.

“How do you feel aboutthe playoff season?” Saito scanned the crowd for the source ofthe question. A young blond kid barely out of his teens raised hishand.

“Price Quimby,OnThePitch.com.”

Saito’s Brazilianaccent triggered Yvonne’s dormant hormones like an automaticrifle. If she’d been alone, she would’ve probably touchedherself.

“Roma Internazionaleplays like a team not a group of individuals. No egos. No ulteriormotives just one goal to win the European Cup.”

“So you agree withmanagement’s decision to replace your good friend JoãoSchmitt with Robbie Gutierrez?” Price asked.

At the mention of Robbie’sname, Yvonne drew closer while Saito’s sunny dispositionsuddenly took a southward detour. His expression tightened and hissmile wavered, but he answered the question.

“At this time, I haveno complaints with Gutierrez,” Saito replied his accentnoticeably thicker.

What was up with that?Yvonne mused. Was there some hidden animosity between the two? She’dhave to remember to ask Robbie about it later.

As Saito scanned the crowd,his eyes skipped over her then swung back. Like a possum caught inheadlights, Yvonne couldn’t move.

“Uh…oh,”Keitha whispered. “The player just found a new playmate.”


His gaze pinned Yvonne tothe spot. He wasn’t physically touching her, but the effectstoked a fire deep within Yvonne’s belly and she began to throband tingle in the most intimate places.

Instinctively, Yvonne’shand flew to her chest. Her heart was pounding a mile a minute! Tomake matters worse, her nipples had become traitorously hard littlepebbles pressing against the fine material of her cashmere sweater.Embarrassed and as a means of defense, Yvonne folded her arms acrossher chest and faced her tormentor.

Big. Mistake.

Before she could say fishand grits, Mr. Sex in Soccer Cleats, cut through the throng of cameramen and reporters and headed her way. Normally, she would have beenflattered but he wasn’t the reason why she was in Rome.

Time slowed to a crawlwithout either of them saying a word as he stopped just inside herpersonal space. Even the reporters crowding around them remainedsilent save the sound of pencils scribbling on paper. Could theysense the electrical charge ping ponging between them as well? Ifnot, they could surely see the smoke coming out of her ears. She waspractically burning up!

“Awkward,”Yvonne sing-songed under her breath. Although they didn’t haveany privacy, she didn’t find it too hard to block out thepeople around them when she had the most beautiful pair of jet blackeyes staring down at her.

Yvonne gulped. He’dtaken her hand in his, bent over like a cavalier of old and kissedher knuckles. If it weren’t for the AC vent overhead, she wouldhave gone up in smoke.

“Comoa senhora se chama?”he asked.

“I don’t speakItalian,” Yvonne whispered in awe of his chivalry.

“Not Italian,”he said, easily switching to English. “It’s Portuguese,my native tongue.”

At the mention of tongue,images of them lip locked floated in her head. “I-I don’tspeak that either.” I’m open to private, one-on-onelessons, though!

Paolo shrugged. “Honestmistake. Your dark beauty reminds me of the women in my homelandBrazil.”

Kisses on the hand andcompliments. He was good! Sensing danger of the sexual kind, Yvonneshook the stardust out of her eyes.

“I’m Paolo andyou are?”

Yvonne struggled to regainthe use of her tongue. “Y-yvonne Floyd.”

DidI just give him my first and last name? Yvonne’s brow knittedin vexation.

In spite

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