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and cream cheese almost made her moan as she devoured therest of the cake. When she fell back down to earth, Roxanne finallynoticed she was the only one laughing.

“You’re serious,aren’t you?” She couldn’t keep the incredulous toneout of her voice.

“Very,” hereplied, powering off his laptop.

The crumbs in Roxanne’smouth suddenly turned to dust. She picked up the Mason jar next toher plate and gulped down her milk, wishing it was something stiffer.

Never in a thousand yearswould she have guessed Leo wanted more than friendship! If histight-lipped answer was any indication, a new millennium hadobviously dawned. Roxanne eyed him over her glass. Not as a goodfriend, but as a woman eyeing a potential lover.

Easy on the eyes, Leo had acurly mop of jet-black curls that offset his electric blue eyes andthe rich, olive-toned skin he’d inherited from his Greekparents.

Those very same genes alsocontributed to a pair of full lips, high cheekbones and a lean,six-foot-plus frame that didn’t need much in the form ofexercise, even though he worked out on a regular basis.

Looks aside, Leo was alsovery intelligent and the owner of one of Chicago’s mostsuccessful internet companies. He’d earned his first millionfive years ago at the ripe old age of twenty-four.

Despite the solidfoundation, Roxanne knew she couldn’t go there. Becoming loverswould only complicate things. Boyfriends came and went, true friendsdid not.

Wedged between a rock and ahard place, she decided to grease her way out of a difficultsituation with reverse psychology. “You and I both know I’mnot your type.”

“Not my type?”Leo rolled his eyes. “You’re one of the most desirablewomen I’ve ever met.” Leo’s light gaze slid overher in a lingering perusal. Hot, predatory and disturbingly wicked,the gaze lingered far too long on her cleavage.

Unsettled and feeling agrowing itch between her thighs, Roxanne snapped, “Who are youkidding? Every woman you’ve dated sprouted from the same GrowMe a Barbie Petri dish. All of them were size zero, blonde andblue-eyed, just like your ex-fiancée.”

Roxanne winced as a shadowfell over Leo’s expression before he quickly blanketed it.Damn! Leo’s confession had so unsettled her, she’d runroughshod into forbidden territory.

Two years ago, VictoriaCarlson, Leo’s former fiancée, had called off theirwedding a month before the nuptials on the ridiculous assumption thatLeo was in love with someone else. The idea was preposterous. Leo hadalways been a one-woman man.

Roxanne reached out todiminish the damage. When her fingers brushed along his forearm, ajolt of electricity bolted up her own. Startled, she drew back. Whatwas wrong with her?

“You’re lookingfor excuses.” Leo cocked his head and mustered up a tightsmile. “I would have never taken you for a coward.”

Roxanne’s mouth fellopen. “Take it back!”


“I think cautious is abetter word for it.”

Leo tucked his thumbs underhis armpits and flapped his arms. “Bock, bock,” heclucked.

A patch of giggles eruptedacross from them. Time to go. Ignoring the whispers and giggles ofthe parochial set, Roxanne grabbed her clutch bag and pushed Leo fromthe booth, sliding out behind him. “Let’s take thisoutside,” she said, nodding at their underage audience. Shethrew a twenty on the table while Leo gathered his things.

Roxanne stepped outside andpulled on her leather gloves. Chicago’s temperature must haveplummeted twenty degrees while they’d been inside Let Them EatCake.

Leo followed, bursting intoa speech as soon as he cleared the threshold. “Why won’tyou admit it? The real reason you won’t consider me is becauseyou’re not attracted to me. Roxanne Simmons always falls fortall, dark and debonair. Not tall, white and geeky. You like guys whowear cashmere, tailored suits from London and suede horse-bitloafers. Not computer geeks who live in wrinkled khakis, button-downshirts, Chuck Taylors and glasses.”

Broadsided by hissuperficial opinion of her, Roxanne stood rooted to the spot—becauseshe realized she couldn’t entirely disagree. But saying shefound him unattractive wasn’t exactly the truth. Leo might notbe GQ’s man of the year, but there was something about him thatappealed to her in a way other men never would.

Still, his opinion stung.She refused his hand when he found an opening in traffic, insteadpicking her own way through Chicago’s midday rush. She neededthe brief respite to dampen her hurt and anger.

Once on the other side ofthe street, Leo clicked his key fob, opening the doors to his silverMaserati GranCabrio. Roxanne crossed in front of the shinyfour-seater, which Leo called his First Born, and scaled the curb.Miffed by the whole situation, she didn’t get in the car butinstead started to pace beside it briskly.

“Leo…I’mhurt by what you said back there. I don’t find you unappealing.Far from it.” Roxanne stopped abruptly and faced him. “Butyou’re my best friend. I love you and I don’t want tolose what we have by downgrading you to a booty call. Think about it.If it doesn’t work between us, can you go back to what we havenow?”

For several drawn-outseconds, he didn’t say anything. In the late-afternoonsunlight, his exotic features were more pronounced and his gazetwinkled like diamonds behind the black frames of his glasses.

“No,” he finallyadmitted, shoving his hands in the pockets of his khakis. “OnceI’ve tasted you, I’d be unable to settle for anythingelse.”

Roxanne blamed the milkshe’d gulped down earlier for the sudden flutter in herstomach.

“Come on, get in,”he said. “I’ll drop you back off at the boutique. I’llcome over later and we’ll finish your profile.”

Roxanne nodded in agreement.But as she slid in beside him, she wondered if what she really neededwas online…or already sitting right beside her.

* * * * *

Leo realized the dynamicbetween them had changed the moment Roxanne had climbed into his car.During the half-hour commute across town, she didn’t speak aword. She’d even taken pains to make sure they didn’ttouch, sitting as stiff as an ironing board. And when he’ddropped her off, she’d jumped out of the car so quickly, hecould barely say goodbye.

Cursing under his breath,Leo gripped the leather steering wheel. He’d opened his bigmouth and ruined everything.

Leo made a sudden right. Ashe merged into traffic, he speed dialed his assistant. Instead ofreturning to his offices overlooking Lake Shore Drive, he headed westoutside the Loop and Chicago’s downtown business district. Heneeded to let off some steam and there was no better place than around at

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