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Book online «Strawberry Kisses Phavy Prieto (bookstand for reading TXT) 📖». Author Phavy Prieto

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after the wedding I had my first delay. The tests showed that we were expecting our first child, Elias.

My parents were so happy that they had rented an apartment in the city to be closer to their grandson. Damian's mother often invited them to the family events she celebrated. It was nice that our families got along so well.

"Don't blame me for being worried. You know I would be a lost man without you. Now you are my life," he said.

"I don't blame you, I love you even more for this," I replied with a smile. I rested my head on his chest and spent the rest of the flight like that.

Unlike the previous wedding, they had decided to celebrate it in an intimate way, with their parents and some friends in a small chapel owned by Michael's family.

"Congratulations, my dear friend!" I said as soon as the couple said "Yes, I do" in front of the altar and I was finally able to hug Nerea.

"Thanks! Although it is me who has to thank you for being here and going through an uncomfortable journey. You are the cause of my happiness," she said, stroking my belly.

"I wonder why it took you so long to get married considering how fast things went between you," I said in a low voice.

"We weren't thinking of doing it, until... well..." she said looking at her belly and touching it with her hands, "someone decided to show up without warning."

"Oh my God! You're pregnant?" I asked excitedly. She nodded smiling.

In six months Michael and Nerea would be parents just like Damian and me.

Dinner passed pleasantly and was quite good. The banquet hall was decorated with exotic plants and white flowers. There was only a long table for the twenty diners, and Damian gave a speech for the newlyweds wishing them all the happiness we were sure they would have. Luckily the dinner didn't last too long because my feet hurt because of my shoes. Lately I could only walk barefoot.

"Oh God, what a pain!" I exclaimed as I dropped onto the bed.

"What's wrong? Are you OK? Should I call the doctor?" Damian asked alarmed, approaching the bed.

"If he's willing to give me a foot massage, go ahead and give him a call, although I'm sure you do it better," I said smiling as I closed my eyes and tried to relax.

It wasn't the first time Damian massaged my feet. I felt swollen, heavy, huge as a cow and I just wanted that feeling to vanish. I couldn’t wait to hold my little Elias in my arms. Damian gently took off my shoes. When I felt his fingers pressing lightly on my feet, I moaned with pleasure.

"Honey, if you keep doing that, I won't be able to restrain myself," he said in that deep tone of voice that made my whole body tremble.

"And who said I want you to limit yourself only to my feet?" I said panting with pleasure. His hands ran along my legs until they reached my hips.

"I don't know how you do it, but every day I want you more and more," he sighed before kissing me between my legs and making me shiver with infinite pleasure.

Just before getting on the plane I was about to reiterate that I was right in deciding to participate in the wedding since nothing bad had happened. But the moment I stepped onto the private jet, I felt a contraction. In order not to cause any concern, I pretended that nothing had happened and hoped that everything was fine.

"Elias, you'd better not be born on this plane or your father will have a heart attack," I whispered as I stroked my belly. I sat down and began to breathe deeply.

"Are you nauseous?" Damian asked.

"Yes, a little," I admitted. "Don't worry, it's nothing."

I pretended to doze off. Those hours were the worst of my life. The contractions became stronger the closer we got to Madrid airport. When I felt the landing gear finally hit the ground, I vowed I would never contradict Damian again. At that moment I just wanted them to give me painkillers to put an end to that hell.

"Damian, you love me, don't you?" I asked staring at him. He looked perplexed.

"Of course I love you, more than anything else in the world," he confirmed in case I still had any doubts.

"Good. Then don't kill me if I tell you I've been in labor for a couple of hours," I said gritting my teeth in pain. I saw his face turn pale.

"Arturo!" he yelled to get the doctor's attention.

"I'll call an ambulance immediately!" Damian exclaimed standing up from his seat as he let the doctor examine me.

Three hours later Elias Devoir came into the world. He weighed three kilos and two hundred grams. A little Adonis just like his father but with amazing green eyes that complemented that masterpiece of nature that I couldn't stop looking at. The moment I took him in my arms, I knew we were a whole family, that my wishes had come true and that life couldn't make me happier.

"Hello, little one," I whispered, "Do you know that you are the most beautiful thing in the universe?" I sighed still unable to believe that he was finally there next to me, next to us. I felt bathed in infinite warmth. I didn't understand how it was possible to have such great love for such a small being that I had just met.

"Thank you," Damian said and placed his lips on my forehead. Then he kissed our little one. "I'm the luckiest man in the world," he added as my heart pounded. "And you gave me the greatest gift I could wish for, a family."

"Thank you for making me so happy and showing me how much you love

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