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Book online «Condition Evolution 4 Kevin Sinclair (top 100 novels of all time TXT) 📖». Author Kevin Sinclair

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at you but at these fucking bastards.” I waved at the display angrily.

“I understand, Captain. I will continue forward.”

“We should be able to pull up images soon, to clarify the true state of affairs,” Calegg offered.

“Thanks, man. Get them up, as soon as possible,” I said before angrily sitting back in my chair, feeling completely inept. All the weapons stations were manned, but all we could do was watch. I sent up a silent prayer to any gods that might be listening out there to make sure everyone was okay on board the Haven, and that we would be able to make it through to them.

Once we were able to pull up images of the battle, my heart lightened somewhat. While there was a 100-strong Galactic Empire fleet attacking, they were getting their asses handed to them. Our 40 fighter ships tortured them, and the Haven’sshields and deadly array of firepower made them look invincible. We all stared at the display in awe. “I wonder if we shouldn’t have called the Haven something a little more impressive, like the Indomitable or something, because it’s absolutely beasting these fuckers. I think it’s time we offer what assistance we can. I’m sure some of our fighters will come and help us out if we need it.”

We came to a stop some distance away and opened up on one of the larger Galactic Empire ships. They were so under the cosh from the Haven that they couldn’t even respond to the new threat, and within two minutes we had played a part in destroying it. We moved on to the next largest ship. They managed to return fire, but our shields held out. It availed them nothing as they were shredded between our fire and that of the Haven. After that ship was finished, Calegg shouted, “We have comms. That last ship must have been blocking the signal somehow.”

Acclo appeared on the screen. “It’s very good to see you return, Uprising.”

“Acclo, thank the stars. How’s the Haven faring?” 

“We are fine, Captain. The ship has performed in a manner far superior to anything we could have expected. We will continue to clear this enemy further until you can safely navigate through to us. It should not be too much longer.”

“Great news, Acclo. We’ll continue to assist as we can.”

“See you soon, Acclo,” Ember shouted over my shoulder, drawing a smile from the onscreen Veiletian.

We were in the process of switching targets to hasten our return when a horror of horrors occurred. Six Guegumar Stars suddenly jumped into the space around us. If you’ve forgotten, those are the same kind of ships as the Uprising.

“What the fuck!” I screamed. “Run!”

Too late. As one, they opened fire on us.

Chapter 25

No Contest

It is hard to explain the complete, uncomprehending confusion of having six ships identical to ours appear around us. For a split second I thought they were friendly on the basis of them being the same type of ship. Fucking stupid, I know. Because a second later they ripped us a new asshole. We were a dead duck in less than a minute, floating lifelessly on the endless lake of infinite space. Engines gone, only emergency power which provided shitty blinking lightning remained, and thankfully the comms. We managed to send a desperate message to the Haven.

“We are coming!” It was Ogun’s voice this time. “Hold on for as long as you can, Shaun.”

“Unknown ship,” came another communication. “Why don’t you identify yourselves properly this time? Shaun from Earth doesn’t quite cover all that you are,” said a very deep and menacing voice.

I smashed my hand down on the comm to reply. “Shaun from Earth and his friends is all you need to worry about, you fucking cocksucker!”

The deep voice boomed out a laugh. “I must say, it was a wonderful surprise for you to announce your continued existence to us like that. We thought the traitors had done our job for us, but apparently not.”

I didn’t reply straight away as I looked around to the others. “He fucking knows about the Apochros?”

“It seems that way,” Ember agreed. “Just stall the bastard until the Haven can get here.”

A massive boom shook the ship. The deep voice came back over the comms again. “As easy as it would be to just end you here and now, the Emperor wants the heads of everyone who fled from Earth. That sound you just heard is our boarding tunnel. I thought I’d come and pay you all a friendly visit. To think, I could have returned empty handed if not for you delivering those useless little heads to us on a silver platter, or should I say a Guegumar Star. What a fantastic folding drive it has, don’t you all think?”

I hit the comm to reply in anger but Ember nudged me to stop me replying. “Don’t piss him off any further. We need him to take his time. Not rush us in a rage.”

“Fuck! You’re right,” I admitted before taking some calming breaths. They did fuck all and my mind was all over the place. There was only one thing for it, and I swiftly moved into my Mindscape, stretching out the bond to give me time to think. The first extended minute was dedicated to stilling the panic that was racing around my entire body. Then I focused on the problem: We needed more time. They were coming on board, no matter what we did. So, how to stall them?

“If they’re coming on board, then let me kill them all,” Havok offered.

“We’ll definitely be fighting, mate. But how to plan it to buy us time?”

“I want them all.”

“You’ll have your fun, now shush-up and let me think,” I hissed at him. My mind ticked over plans and placements. We could run further into the ship and hide? That might buy us enough time, but then, they could always just choose to leave and blow the ship up before the Haven got close. Could we get through

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