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little deeper into Galactic territory. Does anyone disagree, or have a better idea?” I asked.

“I do not, Captain, however I believe we should travel at reduced velocity,” Hwista suggested.

“I can’t disagree with showing caution. I’ll put the fighter ships on alert, in case of unexpected contact.”

I called Ialos and Ogun to the bridge as the Haven moved tentatively forward. I wanted the benefit of their experience for this. Our mission had just become a little more dangerous. After three more hours, there were still no Fystr ship signatures to be detected, and an increasing number of Empire ships on our periphery. We pulled to a halt once more.

“Do you think the Fystr scouts have returned to the fleet?” Ember asked.

“It seems likely,” Elyek answered. “There is only so long they can continue to wander around Galactic space. I don’t understand what kept them here so long in the first place.”

“I would surmise interrogating the Galactic Empire presence in the area. They may wish to make sure we are not hiding on any of their planets,” Ogun suggested.

“How the hell are we gonna get their attention now?” I asked, looking to anyone and everyone who might offer a solution.

“I do not know, Captain,” Elyek responded from one of the seats alongside mine. “We can attempt to move within communication distance of their fleet, but their Hunter ships will catch the Haven easily. While this ship is able y to deal with them, I do not think our crew are competent enough if things go badly. We have no idea how many Hunter ships they can send after us, so close to their main fleet.”

“Is there any other way to catch their attention then? How fast are our fighter ships?”

“Very fast, but they have no jump capabilities, and their range is not great. You will get a day of evasive maneuvers, or up to three days' travel time before they need to land and refuel. Added to that, they don’t have long-range communication.”

“So basically all of our options are shit.”

“It would seem so,” Elyek agreed. “Perhaps we should retreat back to the fleet and discuss unexplored options. “It will take a long time for them to travel back to Fystr space. We could always catch up with them later.”

“Or,” Ogun interjected, “we could just let them go and focus on building our own strength?”

It was Ialos answered, which was just as well, because it sounded like he was bottling it to me. “While they have this fleet out here, we have an opportunity to strike a devastating blow. The Apochros will not be compelled into a more aggressive action.”

“So, what are you saying?” Ember asked her.

“I would say that with our limited options I think we should return to the fleet and work on other options as Elyek suggested. We still have a limited window of opportunity to pull them back into our defenses.”

I mulled over our options and was about to agree to turning back when I had a brainwave. “You bunch of thicko’s!” I announced, to startled and mildly offended looks.

“We’ve got the fucking Uprising! The Hunter ships haven’t got a fucking chance against its folding drive. We can totally do this!”

“You’re right, Shaun. I can’t believe none of us thought of the Uprising.”

“It could be possible,” Elyek contemplated. “We would need to work out a plan for jump distances. Do we know the last location of their fleet?”

“Let’s go to my office, we need to work the logistics of this out properly. Anyone who feels they have knowledge that’ll help, get your asses in here,” I ordered, rising and marching into the captain's office.

A back and forth of questions and data analysis occurred, and for once in my life I found myself following not only the words used, but the flow of the conversation. That infodump the Apochros had given me was pulling its weight now. It was empowering, not needing to have everything simplified and summarized for me.

In the end our plan was simple: get in communication range with the Fystr Fleet, deliver our message, then jump the fuck out of there. We would keep the Haven at Uprising’smaximum jump distance from that point, so that should we somehow be followed, the Haven would be ready and waiting. Otherwise we’d just park up and make like a banana.

We needed to make sure our folding drive was ready to use once we’d made contact. So while we could jump so far, we would have to travel the last day on our primary engines, to allow the folding drive to reset.

“The big question is, who goes?” Ember asked.

“I only want to take enough people to fly the ship and operate weapons. Whoever goes is being put in a risky position, so volunteers for this one.”

“What? Why would you go?” Ember asked.

“I think you know why, Ember,” I answered, meeting her eyes to convey that I was serious.

“Damn! Well, I guess that's me coming too, then! Cos there's no way I’m letting you out of my sight again! Just as I was getting comfortable in my new room as well,” she said with feeling.

“You were looking right at me when we all got zonked by the Apochros.”

“True, but I’m still minimizing our chances of being separated.”

“I will fly,” Elyek interrupted.

“I will come also,” Calegg offered. “I know the Uprising like the back of my hand. Me being present gives us the best chance of success if anything goes wrong with the ship, and I can operate the weapons stations proficiently.”

“I’m coming too. Someone needs to look after Calegg.” Koparr laughed.

“Okay. Just a few more weapons operators and we should be good to go. Any suggestions, or shall I put out a ship-wide call?”

Ember cleared her throat to get my attention. “I suggest Calparr, Roger and…” She winced as she spoke the last name. “William.”

“What in the actual fuck! Really?” I said, gobsmacked.

“They were solid for me on the space station, Shaun. I’d trust them all with my life.”

“Whatever you say. It’s

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