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Book online «David Bishop and the Mystic of Creation T.C. Crawford (icecream ebook reader txt) 📖». Author T.C. Crawford

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Erin in turn, “Did you find it? The source of your power?” asked Tyrius, seeing again how the orb in David’s hand continued to glow strong and eager to hear the answer they had both been waiting for. If he didn’t, then all of what they had been through over the past couple of weeks was for naught.

“I did…” said David, looking down and away from Erin as he said the words.

“So, what is the problem? Why are you so downtrodden all of a sudden?” asked Tyrius, confused at David’s mood since he woke.

“The power…it comes with a price that I’m not sure I’m willing to pay.” said David bluntly.

Erin’s stomach dropped as she heard the words depart from David’s mouth.

“Do you…do you have to sacrifice yourself?” she asked, afraid of the answer.

“No…not exactly.” said David, dancing around the truth. “I don’t really want to talk about it right now. I need time to process everything. I promise, when the time comes, I will tell you everything.” he said, grabbing Erin’s hand and squeezing gently, gazing into her eyes. They locked eyes for a few moments before she finally responded, recognizing that he was being sincere and not wanting to press the issue.

“Okay…” said Erin, still concerned for her friend. She loved David fiercely, and at the moment she was terrified for him and for herself. What did he mean when he said not exactly? Was he having to sacrifice something else? Her mind was racing with the implications of his final words. They were making her sick to her stomach with worry.

“Fair enough,” said Tyrius, thinking over David’s words, “So what is our next move, then? The orb, it has certainly sprung back to life it seems. Do you have any of your powers back?” he asked David.

“Yes… I can feel the power, it’s definitely there.” said David, “I feel it like I did before…before Eldergate” said David.

“That’s good!” said Erin, hope slightly restored at the positive news.

“I think it’s time we go. We need to get back to the others and prepare for the final march to Eldergate. The Defiant One is amassing an army even greater than the one he had before. He’s going to be sending his army towards Draco’s pass within the next few days, but it is large and therefore won’t be moving very quickly.

“He had received a report from a scout when I was captured saying that I was being taken to him as Bloodvayne’s prisoner. Since we never showed up, he now knows something went wrong and is planning on taking the fight to Brineport. We have to make sure we are ready to face him before his army gets that far or we risk losing countless lives of innocent women and children in the fighting. The Defiant One is ruthless and will use our love for friends and family against us and it won’t end pretty.” said David, shaking his head as he recalled the countless versions of the future he had been shown.

“When the time comes, I need to face him at Eldergate. It’s where the barrier between the world of the living and the Dark Abyss is at its weakest. If I’m ever going to seal him away, it has to be done there. We can’t let his army through Draco’s Pass – the battle must take place in the plains” said David, standing up with a look of determination on his face.

“How do you know this?” asked Tyrius, alarmed at the news.

“I’ve seen it.” said David.

“Seen what?” asked Tyrius.

“The future.” he said. He picked up his pack and started heading out of the temple towards the winding path across the lake.

Tyrius and Erin exchanged mutual looks of confusion before they quickly grabbed their things and followed suit, wondering what in the world had just happened.

David was back, but he was different somehow, and Erin wasn’t sure she was ready to face the consequences of what that meant.


When David, Erin, and Tyrius finally reached the stretch of land between the Eastern range of the Draconian Mountains it had already been several days since they had left the Crystal Caverns.

They had been traveling at a constant pace, and thanks to their mules hauling the majority of the supplies and therefore the heaviest burden, they were making incredibly good time all things considering.

There had been little to no conversation from David, so Tyrius and Erin mostly kept their distance and talked quietly amongst themselves, their worry for their friend growing more and more with each passing day.

As they moved further South, they passed the road leading up to Draco’s Pass on their right and the Forest of Immortals on their left.

This is where they caught their first glimpse of Gilric Ellisar’s forces as they were marching home from Brineport.

When they neared, the army of Elves stopped short and a lone rider began galloping toward them at a fast but steady pace.

“Prince Gilric! Is that you, old friend?” called Tyrius across the way, squinting to try and see the rider more clearly.

The rider approached and atop the great white stallion he could see that it was indeed Prince Gilric of the Woodland Elves.

“Good day, Tyrius!” said the Prince, smiling slightly at the sight of the Elder. He never was keen on showing much emotion.

“David, Erin, good to see you both in good health!” he said, acknowledging the other two with a formal nod of his head.

“Prince Gilric, I have to warn you that the Defiant One has been amassing another army of demons, far greater than the one you have recently faced.” said David, jumping straight to the point.

Gilric frowned slightly at the news, “Yes, we suspected as much. That is why we have come to prepare our people for the coming war. We have just come from Brineport where the survivors of Ravenfell have taken refuge and are rebuilding what’s left of their lives the best they can. The Dwarves parted from our group just last night and are headed back

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