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breaking her heart even more.

“I know…I love you too, Erin. I’ve known for some time now. You are an amazing woman…” said David, looking into her big blue eyes. He could see the light of the fireflies, reflecting dimly in her pupils. She looked so beautiful, like always. So strong, yet so delicate. His love for her was so fierce it felt like it was burning his insides and would explode if he let it.

He leaned in and kissed her again, slowly, gently, then turned and leaned up against the rails, watching the fireflies as if seeing them for the first time.

“They’re beautiful, aren’t they?” he asked, watching the little lights blip in and out throughout the canopy.

Erin nestled up next to him as he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her in close. She had her David back again, and she planned on relishing it as long as she could.

They stood there for some time, enjoying each other’s company while watching the fireflies and basking in the light of the stars.

Chapter XXXI

Over the course of the next day, the remaining forces of men, being led by King Reximus Kane of Ravenfell and King Eldergate of the Northern Kingdom, along with a great host of men from the city of Brineport who had agreed to come along and fight by their side, began pouring into the valley between Draco’s Pass and the Forest of Immortals.

As the day waned on, the Dwarves began filing out of their tunnels from deep below the surface, marching in long lines down the mountainside before joining in making camp with the rest of the human forces.

By the end of the day their forces filled the entire space between the forest and the mountains, and with what remained of the Elven forces, hosted a combined might of a few hundred-thousand strong.

When David, Erin, and Tyrius saw the masses gathering they decided to go and meet the others to catch up on all that had transpired since they last saw each other.

They walked to the large central tent that had been put up as a command post in which the Kings and Generals gathered to discuss the final plans for the coming battle.

When they entered the flap, they all turned to watch David as if he were some reverent king who had returned from a faraway journey.

He ignored the looks and instead walked right up to the table where Rex and Orin were standing near General Ryan and General Owen who were looking over the battle plans.

They turned and looked up to see David approaching and big smiles stretched across each of their faces, especially Orin’s.

“David, my boy! How good to see you again!” he said, wrapping his old, frail arms around David’s neck. Despite his frail appearance, the old mage was much stronger than he seemed, and his embrace nearly took the breath from David’s lungs.

“And Erin dear, you’ve been gone for so long!” he said, giving her an equally strong embrace to which she finally escaped, gasping for air.

“Orin, good to see you!” said Erin and David, smiling and rubbing their necks where he had been squeezing.

Shortly after, a set of powerful, muscular arms wrapped the two of them up in a great big bear hug, squeezing the breath out of their lungs once again.

“REX!” they shouted through gasps, “We can’t breathe!” they said together.

When he finally put them down, they all started laughing. It was good to be together again, and for the first time since he had left the Crystal Caverns, David felt like his old self again surrounded by his old friends.

They broke away from the planning, leaving it to Gilric and the others to continue while they sat down and enjoyed a few drinks and shared tales of their adventures.

Rex gave a very lively reenactment of their battle of Ravenfell, with Orin helping out here and there and paying particularly more attention to his battle with General Krauss. When he finished, he puffed up his chest and said loudly that he was the true hero of the day while Rex just laughed and agreed, remembering how he had indeed saved them from the powerful General’s attacks.

David, Erin, and Tyrius caught Rex and Orin up on their adventures through the Southern Kingdom and the Dwarven mines, going over David’s capture by Jakob Zander and their roles in the uprising in Brineport before finishing off their story with their journey by boat up the coastline to the Crystal Caverns.

“Ahh, so you’ve finally reconnected with the orb, just as we had hoped would happen!” said Orin as they finished their story.

“Yeah, you could say that.” said David, suddenly remembering why he had been so down lately.

Sensing she was about to lose him again to the dark mood that had been hanging over him, Erin changed the subject to the coming battle, “So, now that we’re all together again, what’s the plan for stopping the army headed our way?” she asked.

“Yes…David said he saw a vision of the army amassing at Eldergate. It is troubling indeed, but if history is any indication of our strength when we unite as we are now, I have no doubt we can take on this army and come out victorious!” said Orin confidently.

He had also had several drinks by this time and was smiling much more than normal, which was a lot for Orin. Erin suspected he may indeed be slightly drunk.

“I agree,” said Rex, equally as optimistic, but unlike Orin, very much in control despite having had several pints already. “The combined might of our forces will be a formidable match for any army, no matter how large. The demons fight ferociously but recklessly, and that is their weakness. They aren’t very skilled, and without caution or fear of death, they make mistakes that expose their weaknesses far too often. We used this to our advantage in the battle of Ravenfell, and we will do it again in the coming fight.” he said, slamming

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