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Book online «Star Rider and Bonds of Love: A Sci-Fi Space Opera with a Touch of Fantasy Heidi Skarie (fox in socks read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Heidi Skarie

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oftorture, then execution is rather grim. I like being alive.”

“So do I, but it’s toodangerous for them to come after us. Cadmus is a powerful sorcerer.”A soft shuffling sound behind Michio startled him. A moment later,someone tugged at his ropes. He stifled the impulse to turn aroundand see who it was.

The rope fell away from hishands, but Michio continued to keep his arms behind him. A shortdistance away a guard sat by the campfire, staring into the flames.

Michio whispered to Jake.“Someone just cut my ropes.” When the dark figure moved silentlybehind Jake’s tree, Michio saw it was Kumaroo. Once Jake’s bondswere cut, Michio and Jake slipped into the woods with Kumaroo, wholed them away from the camp.

A shout rang out, followed bymore shouting. Kumaroo quickened his pace, leading them to twoaxterdons. Upon seeing the creatures, Michio’s heart lifted in thehope that they might actually escape. Kumaroo mounted one and Michioand Jake the other. The axterdons started off at a lumbering gate.

Kumaroo kicked his axterdon inthe sides and made a clicking sound. The beast broke into a fast run,weaving through the large trees. The axterdon Michio and Jake were onfollowed without urging.

Michio tightened his grip. “Whowould’ve guessed axterdons could run so fast!” he exclaimed.

“I sure didn’t.” Jake’svoice sounded jerky from the axterdon’s uneven gait.

“With them, we’ve got a goodchance of losing the soldiers.” Michio found he didn’t have to domuch more than hold on. Their axterdon stayed right behind Kumaroo’s,racing for over an hour at that harrowing pace before Kumaroo slowedhis beast down.

“How are you holding up?”Michio asked Jake.

“All right. I’m grateful tobe riding an axterdon. I don’t think I could’ve made it far ifI’d had to run all this way.”

“I wonder where Kumaroo istaking us.”

“I’ll ask.” Jake called outto Kumaroo.

Kumaroo let them catch up andride alongside him. He and Jake exchanged a few words, then Jakesaid, “He’s taking us to their new camp.”

“Thank Kumaroo for rescuingus.”

Jake translated. “He saidyou’re his blood brother now and he’s honor-bound to help you.”

“Ask him if many survived theattack.”

“I already did. Most werekilled.”

Michio was sick at heart.

Kumaroo drew up his axterdon andmade the sound of a bird cry. They waited and soon an answering cryrang through the air. Michio looked around, but couldn’t spotanyone. They proceeded forward until they reached a small camp.

Kumaroo signaled for them to stopand they dismounted. Michio was glad to be off the axterdon. On stifflegs, he followed Kumaroo to a campfire.

Kumaroo spoke to Jake whotranslated. “I’m to stay here. You’re to follow him.” Kumaroohanded Jake a bowl of stew before leading Michio over to someonelying on a fur. When he got closer, Michio saw it was the medicineman. His face was ashen and he looked asleep, but when Michio satbeside him he opened his eyes. Michio focused inwardly until he feltan inner connection. You’vebeen wounded. Is there anything I can do?

No,it’s time for me to return to the Source. The laughing river callsme. I’m glad Kumaroo freed you and the circle between you iscomplete. Everything happens for a reason.

Youknew I used what your people call magic to win the fight withKumaroo, yet you defended me,Michio communicated.

Iknow you used magic, but only because you love the woman. The Mastertold me to protect you.

Whatwill your people do, now that so many of their warriors have beenkilled?

Theend of the cycle draws near as we saw in the vision. Our chief waskilled and I will soon join him. Kumaroo will lead our people now.

Whydidn’t your magic hide us? Why didn’t your scouts see Cadmuscoming and warn the camp?

Cadmus’magic is stronger than mine and he used it to find our camp. Ourscouts were killed. Many more of them should have been guarding thecamp, but my people depend on my spells to protect them. You need tofind your woman and return to your people. Kumaroo will give yousupplies. My time is done; I go now to the river to join the ones whohave already crossed over to the other side.

Michio slipped out of hisphysical body. In the Inner Worlds, the medicine man looked muchyounger and his translucent body was surrounded by Light. They walkedto the laughing river where many of the Owayan tribe gathered. Michiorecognized some of the men from the Owayan camp.

The tribe greeted the medicineman warmly. When they started to lead him away, he turned to Michioand clasped his lower arm. We’llmeet again.

Michio nodded. I’llwatch for you.He reentered his physical body and saw the medicine man was no longerbreathing. Michio signaled to Kumaroo who immediately came over. Whenhe saw the medicine man was dead, he sat down and started chantinglah-ku. The other warriors gathered around and joined the chant.

Michio focused his attention onGod and served as a pure channel for the Life Force to flow through.The chanting went on for a long time and finally Michio’s concernfor Toemeka caused him to whisper to Kumaroo, “Toemeka.”

Kumaroo turned to him withconcern in his eyes. They left the circle of men surrounding themedicine man and returned to where Jake slept. Kumaroo handed Michioa bowl of stew. Michio hadn’t given a thought to eating, but uponsmelling the rich aroma he realized he was starving. This was likelyto be the last warm meal he’d have for awhile. While Michio ate,Kumaroo packed supplies on an axterdon.

“What’s going on?” Jakeyawned and sat up.

“The medicine man died. Kumaroois giving us use of an axterdon and supplies so we can find Toemekaand Erling and get to Kossel.”

Once the axterdon was loaded,Kumaroo handed Michio and Jake rifles and knives.

“Jake, thank Kumaroo for theweapons and our lives,” Michio said.

Jake relayed the message, thentranslated Kumaroo’s reply. “What he has is yours.”

“Tell him we are truly brothersin Spirit and I will inwardly always be with him and his people. Ifhe wants to contact me, all he needs to do is listen within to thewind that flows through all things.”

Jake cocked an eyebrow. “Youwant me to tell him that? It doesn’t make any sense.”

“He’ll understand.”

Jake spoke to Kumaroo and againtranslated his reply. “He said your magic is strong, otherwise hewould’ve won the fight. He will look for you

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