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Book online «Star Rider and Bonds of Love: A Sci-Fi Space Opera with a Touch of Fantasy Heidi Skarie (fox in socks read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Heidi Skarie

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arms. “Captain Orneil called us. He’sconcerned about you. How are you doing?”

“Not well. At the councilmeeting Hideo brought up appointing a new head of the military, as ifit was a forgone conclusion that Erling’s dead.” Tears startedstreaming down her face again. “He’s not dead.”

“Of course not.”

“I’m sorry for crying.”

“It’s just your hormones. Ithappens to all pregnant women.”

She stepped away from him andwiped her eyes. “I can’t blame what I feel on hormones.”

“The council should bedisbanded for their incompetency,” Embrosa said. “Of courseErling’s going to return home. He’s one of the best warriors I’veever met. And with him is Michio, an Ahimsa warrior; Captain Zachery,head of the guards; as well as Toemeka and Onolyn, loyal Coalitionoperatives and teammates.” She embraced Koriann. “You’re notalone, Koriann. We’re here to support you.”


Toemeka kept guard the last partof the night. As she sat listening for the sound of soldiers orbuzzards, she ached for her infant son. She hadn’t expected to beseparated from him for so long. After her family was killed, she’djoined the Coalition, wanting to stop Samrat Condor’s takeover ofthe free worlds. Now, with the destruction of Coalition headquartersand takeover of Alandra, that goal seemed further away than ever. Shedecided if she made it back to Jaipar, it was time to let go of thepast and make Michio and their child her priority.

When the sun rose, the windpicked up and began to blow the tree’s large, blue-green leaves.Erling stirred and sat up. “Thanks for letting me sleep.”

“Did you sleep well?”

He stretched. “Not really.Sleeping in a tree isn’t comfortable and I’m cold. How are youdoing?”

“I’m tired and hungry.”

“Are you still determined to goafter Michio and Jake?”

“Yes, I’m not leaving them inCadmus’ hands.”

“What if they weren’tcaptured? If we go back, we could needlessly expose ourselves todanger and delay getting my family off this planet.” Agitated, shestarted to interrupt. He held up a hand. “Let me finish. I thinkit’s time to try to meet Michio in the Inner Worlds again.”

“It’s too dangerous. Cadmusis waiting for me.”

“Searching for Michio and Jakeis even more dangerous. What if you traveled to a Temple in thehigher regions of the Inner Worlds? Inner Temples are protected byguardians and Rochambeau could never gain entrance.”

Toemeka tapped her fingersagainst the bark. “I suppose I could try traveling to a Temple,”she said, hesitantly. “I can’t think of a better idea.” Shepaused to think as she braided her hair into a single rope to keep itfrom blowing around. “I could go to the Temple of Amrita andcontact Michio from there.”

“I’ll keep guard while you’reout of your body.”

Toemeka closed her eyes,uncertain if she was skilled enough to travel to the Temple. Shefocused inwardly and chanted shonu,the word Master Bakka gave her and Michio to facilitate connectinginwardly. Although chanting helped her feel more at peace anduplifted her consciousness, she was unable to leave her body.

She knew the anxiety of Cadmusfinding her held her back. She renewed her efforts, focusing on thelove she felt for Michio and a desire to be with him. As love filledher heart, her anxiety faded. She felt a slight shift, then flew freeof her body and found herself in the astral world.

She visualized the tall, circularTemple of Amrita and the colorful gardens near its entrance. Beforeshe could move into the higher worlds, a deep baritone voice said,You’llnever escape me.

Cadmus!she thought, recognizing his voice. Dread filled her and in the nextinstant she was alone on the side of a cliff with a ferocious windblowing against her. In the distance, thunder rumbled and flashes oflightning filled the sky.

Wheream I?She looked around for Michio, calling his name. The wind snatchedaway her words and beat against her clothes. Michio,find me!

She thought about going to theTemple, but was afraid another Spirit Flight would attract Cadmus.She focused deeper and deeper within, letting the bond between herand Michio reach into the physical world. Michio,if you can hear me, please come.

She felt his unique energy, thenthe air shimmered and Michio appeared in a glowing body of Light. Sheran into his arms.

Mylove,he said, holding her close and kissing her tenderly.

Her chest tightened. Areyou alive in the physical world?

Yes,Jake and I escaped.

WhenI saw the teepee bombed, I was afraid you were in it.

He held her even closer. We’dalready left the teepee to search for you and Erling.

Iwas captured at the river and overheard soldiers’ plans to attackthe camp, but I couldn’t do anything to stop them.She shuddered. Erlingfreed me but we were too late to warn the Owayan warriors and theywere slaughtered.

Iknow. Jake and I saw the attack and were captured. Kumaroo and someof the others escaped. He freed us and gave us an axterdon.

I’mglad you’re free. Erling and I were going to search for you.A flash of lightning lit the sky followed by another boom of thunder.Toemeka looked up at the darkening sky. Wecan’t stay long. A bad storm is rising. Erling and I will meet youat the farm.

Ifyou get there and we don’t show up within a day, don’t wait. Youneed to rejoin Erling’s family and get off this planet. Go home toBaymond. Trust that I’ll find my way back.

She shook her head.I won’t leave without you.

Youmust. Rochambeau is pursuing you. Promise me you’ll leave no matterwhat. Baymond needs you.

She nodded. Iwon’t wait more than a day.

Lightning flashed and Toemekarealized they had to leave; there was no place to take shelter on theledge. A heavy rain started pouring down. They kissed, ignoring thecold water that splashed on their heads, ran down their faces anddrenched their clothes.

Iwish we were together in the physical world so I could protect youfrom Rochambeau. Michioheld her close one last time. I’llsee you at the farm in Kossel.He released her and was gone.

Toemeka focused on her physicalbody, expecting to return instantly. Nothing happened. She wastrapped in this stormy place.

She sensed Rochambeau close byand threw up a shield of Light as she started running along theledge, searching for shelter from the torrential rain. Negativeenergy swirled around her and she felt Rochambeau hunting her. Panictightened her throat.


Erling felt a tingling up hisspine and wondered if it was a premonition of danger.

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