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Book online Ā«Antony and Cleopatra William Shakespeare (easy readers TXT) šŸ“–Ā». Author William Shakespeare

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A street. Enter Lepidus, Mecaenas, and Agrippa. Lepidus

Trouble yourselves no further: pray you, hasten
Your generals after.


Sir, Mark Antony
Will eā€™en but kiss Octavia, and weā€™ll follow.


Till I shall see you in your soldierā€™s dress,
Which will become you both, farewell.


We shall,
As I conceive the journey, be at the Mount
Before you, Lepidus.


Your way is shorter;
My purposes do draw me much about:
Youā€™ll win two days upon me.

Agrippa Sir, good success! Lepidus Farewell. Exeunt. Scene V

Alexandria. Cleopatraā€™s palace.

Enter Cleopatra, Charmian, Iras, and Alexas. Cleopatra

Give me some music; music, moody food
Of us that trade in love.

Attendants The music, ho! Enter Mardian the Eunuch. Cleopatra Let it alone; letā€™s to billiards: come, Charmian. Charmian My arm is sore; best play with Mardian. Cleopatra

As well a woman with an eunuch playā€™d
As with a woman. Come, youā€™ll play with me, sir?

Mardian As well as I can, madam. Cleopatra

And when good will is showā€™d, thoughā€™t come too short,
The actor may plead pardon. Iā€™ll none now:
Give me mine angle; weā€™ll to the river: there,
My music playing far off, I will betray
Tawny-finnā€™d fishes; my bended hook shall pierce
Their slimy jaws; and, as I draw them up,
Iā€™ll think them every one an Antony,
And say ā€œAh, ha! youā€™re caught.ā€


ā€™Twas merry when
You wagerā€™d on your angling; when your diver
Did hang a salt-fish on his hook, which he
With fervency drew up.


That timeā ā€”O times!ā ā€”
I laughā€™d him out of patience; and that night
I laughā€™d him into patience: and next morn,
Ere the ninth hour, I drunk him to his bed;
Then put my tires and mantles on him, whilst
I wore his sword Philippan.

Enter a Messenger.

O, from Italy!
Ram thou thy fruitful tidings in mine ears,
That long time have been barren.

Messenger Madam, madamā ā€” Cleopatra

Antonius dead!ā ā€”If thou say so, villain,
Thou killā€™st thy mistress: but well and free,
If thou so yield him, there is gold, and here
My bluest veins to kiss; a hand that kings
Have lippā€™d, and trembled kissing.

Messenger First, madam, he is well. Cleopatra

Why, thereā€™s more gold.
But, sirrah, mark, we use
To say the dead are well: bring it to that,
The gold I give thee will I melt and pour
Down thy ill-uttering throat.

Messenger Good madam, hear me. Cleopatra

Well, go to, I will;
But thereā€™s no goodness in thy face: if Antony
Be free and healthfulā ā€”so tart a favour
To trumpet such good tidings! If not well,
Thou shouldst come like a Fury crownā€™d with snakes,
Not like a formal man.

Messenger Willā€™t please you hear me? Cleopatra

I have a mind to strike thee ere thou speakā€™st:
Yet if thou say Antony lives, is well,
Or friends with Caesar, or not captive to him,
Iā€™ll set thee in a shower of gold, and hail
Rich pearls upon thee.

Messenger Madam, heā€™s well. Cleopatra Well said. Messenger And friends with Caesar. Cleopatra Thouā€™rt an honest man. Messenger Caesar and he are greater friends than ever. Cleopatra Make thee a fortune from me. Messenger But yet, madamā ā€” Cleopatra

I do not like ā€œBut yet,ā€ it does allay
The good precedence; fie upon ā€œBut yetā€!
ā€œBut yetā€ is as a gaoler to bring forth
Some monstrous malefactor. Prithee, friend,
Pour out the pack of matter to mine ear,
The good and bad together: heā€™s friends with Caesar;
In state of health thou sayā€™st; and thou sayā€™st free.


Free, madam! no; I made no such report:
Heā€™s bound unto Octavia.

Cleopatra For what good turn? Messenger For the best turn iā€™ the bed. Cleopatra I am pale, Charmian. Messenger Madam, heā€™s married to Octavia. Cleopatra The most infectious pestilence upon thee! Strikes him down. Messenger Good madam, patience. Cleopatra

What say you? Hence, Strikes him again.
Horrible villain! or Iā€™ll spurn thine eyes
Like balls before me; Iā€™ll unhair thy head: She hales him up and down.
Thou shalt be whippā€™d with wire, and stewā€™d in brine,
Smarting in lingering pickle.


Gracious madam,
I that do bring the news made not the match.


Say ā€™tis not so, a province I will give thee,
And make thy fortunes proud: the blow thou hadst
Shall make thy peace for moving me to rage;
And I will boot thee with what gift beside
Thy modesty can beg.

Messenger Heā€™s married, madam. Cleopatra Rogue, thou hast lived too long. Draws a knife. Messenger

Nay, then Iā€™ll run.
What mean you, madam? I have made no fault. Exit.


Good madam, keep yourself within yourself:
The man is innocent.


Some innocents ā€™scape not the thunderbolt.
Melt Egypt into Nile! and kindly creatures
Turn all to serpents! Call the slave again:
Though I am mad, I will not bite him: call.

Charmian He is afeard to come. Cleopatra

I will not hurt him. Exit Charmian.
These hands do lack nobility, that they strike
A meaner than myself; since I myself
Have given myself the cause.

Re-enter Charmian and Messenger.

Come hither, sir.
Though it be honest, it is never good
To bring bad news: give to a gracious message.
An host of tongues; but let ill tidings tell
Themselves when they be felt.

Messenger I have done my duty. Cleopatra

Is he married?
I cannot hate thee worser than I do,
If thou again say ā€œYes.ā€

Messenger Heā€™s married, madam. Cleopatra The gods confound thee! dost thou hold there still? Messenger Should I lie, madam? Cleopatra

O, I would thou didst,
So half my Egypt were submerged and made
A cistern for scaled snakes! Go, get thee hence:
Hadst thou Narcissus in thy face, to me
Thou wouldst appear most ugly. He is married?

Messenger I crave your highnessā€™ pardon. Cleopatra He is married? Messenger

Take no offence that I would not offend you:
To punish me for what you make me do
Seems much unequal: heā€™s married to Octavia.


O, that his fault should make a knave of thee,
That art not what thouā€™rt sure of! Get thee hence:
The merchandise which thou hast brought from Rome
Are all too dear for me: lie they upon thy hand,
And be undone by ā€™em! Exit Messenger.

Charmian Good your highness, patience. Cleopatra In praising Antony, I have dispraised Caesar. Charmian Many times, madam. Cleopatra

I am paid forā€™t now.
Lead me from hence;
I faint: O Iras, Charmian! ā€™tis no matter.
Go to the fellow, good Alexas; bid him
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