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Book online «Finders Keepers Edie Baylis (phonics readers .TXT) 📖». Author Edie Baylis

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someone like you, Gwen? I don’t want to replace you! What about reduced hours? Would that sort it?’

‘It won’t work, I’m sorry,’ Gwen said. This was harder than she’d thought. It was torture. And this bit would be even worse... ‘I’ve been thinking that Lena might be a good proposition to take over my role? God, how those words stuck in her throat.

‘Lena?’ Jonah choked, his hand spilling tea onto the little table. Angrily mopping it up with a piece of kitchen roll, he stared at Gwen suspiciously.

Gwen nodded. ‘You two are getting married and she could do with being more involved. I may have been a bit hasty in my opinion of her as she does have good ideas. I think that perhaps th...’

‘What’s she said?’ Jonah barked, his eyes narrowing.

Gwen paled. ‘N-Nothing. She’s said nothing, I...’

‘You’re a shit liar! This is Lena all over. What the hell has she done to make you come out with this?’

Gwen looked at Jonah and nausea rose. She had to think of something and quickly. ‘I-I just feel I’m coming between you both and I don’t want to cause problems.’

Jonah closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, but despite this his ragged breathing escalated as his anger grew. He thought Lena had been disturbingly quiet the last few days. He’d even stupidly succumbed to her advances last night, feeling that her pregnancy must have finally kicked in and mellowed her. But this... If Lena had any hand in forcing Gwen to leave...

Gwen interrupted Jonah’s train of thought by grabbing his hand over the table. ‘Lena hasn’t said anything. I haven’t seen her,’ she lied. ‘It’s no secret that we don’t get on, but by staying I feel I’d be doing you a great disservice. This is your chance to be happy an...’

‘Happy?’ Jonah raged. ‘Why would Lena replacing you make me happy? You know as well as I do that she causes ructions. I don’t want her in there and I won’t lose you either.’

Gwen sighed. ‘Don’t be too hard on her. I think she genuinely wants to be involved, but this business with the engagement party hasn’t helped.’ She couldn’t quite meet Jonah’s eyes, still questioning how she was uttering this rubbish in Lena’s defence.

Jonah sat back against the hard kitchen chair and folded his arms. ‘I do not want to replace you with Lena. I can’t stand the fucking whore.’

Gwen blinked, shocked. ‘But you’re marrying her! Why, if you feel like that? Love, if you don’t want her, then tell her to sling her hook.’

Jonah raked his fingers through his hair so hard that Gwen was surprised he didn’t rip some of it out. ‘I’ve got to marry her. It’s the right thing to do.’

‘Not if you feel like that, it isn’t,’ Gwen said.

Jonah sighed. ‘Lena’s pregnant so what choice do I have?’

Gwen gasped. ‘Pregnant? Are you sure? How far along is she?’

Jonah shrugged miserably. ‘Got to be nearly two months.’ He met Gwen’s eyes. ‘What the fuck am I going to do? Please don’t leave, Gwen.’

Seeing the utter distress on Jonah’s face, Gwen grasped his hands. It was times like this that this man wasn’t the head of a dangerous London firm, but the little boy that had been so bewildered after losing his mother. This put a different slant on things.

She couldn’t leave now. Not when Jonah needed her. And right now he needed her more than ever. She had no idea how this would work with Lena’s threats, but she had an idea... ‘Ok, love, I won’t leave. We’ll work something out that works well for everybody, I promise.’


SAUL SAUNTERED INTO THE FEATHERS, his smile wider than one belonging to a Cheshire cat. It had been amusing seeing the doorman’s double take as he’d reached the entrance. He’d clearly been recognised and it wouldn’t be long before his unexpected arrival circulated faster than the Black Death. Yeah, everyone would know of his return soon enough.

He glanced appraisingly around the lobby. It had definitely had an overhaul and it looked good. Real good. Classy.

Not bothering to wait for Keith to park the car, Saul slammed through the double doors into the staff corridor. He was just glad Keith was driving today. After their relatively enjoyable afternoon at the Kings Arms he’d had a few more than he should have to get away with going behind the wheel, but at least the coke Keith had the foresight to bring livened them both up.

The last thing he wanted was not to be on the ball when the moment came to take his throne. His smile cracked wider. He’d been waiting a long time for this. A long, long time.

Moving down the corridor to the main office – the office which had been his father’s, Saul spotted two girls leaving one of the many dressing rooms. ‘Hey up! Who are you two little beauties?’

Turning, the women stared at the tall, well-built and devilishly handsome man striding towards them and blushed, smiling coquettishly.

Approaching the perfectly-dressed women donned in skin tight high-cut leotards, complete with plunging necklines and adorned with glittering sequins and jewels, Saul’s eyes made no excuse from running over their lithe bodies and down their long legs encased in fishnet tights, complemented by high black stilettoes. Seeing beautiful women after such a long enforced drought was a very welcoming homecoming.

Reaching out, he placed his hand against the wall, using his body to corner them. ‘I presume you two ladies are starring in tonight’s show?’ he said confidently, flashing the smile that, if he remembered rightly, went down a treat.

The women glanced at each other, silently sharing their uncomfortableness of this stranger’s close proximity. Remaining professional, the taller of the two women smiled. ‘Yes Sir, we are, however the show will be starting soon, so if you’ll excuse us. It may well be time to go and grab your seat out front.’

Saul grinned. They didn’t know who he was. Well, why would they?

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