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Book online «Finders Keepers Edie Baylis (phonics readers .TXT) 📖». Author Edie Baylis

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very least he could do.

Glancing back at his top spec Range Rover, Jonah loped up the steps to Gwen’s maisonette, balancing the bags of supplies in one hand as he pressed the doorbell. He’d grabbed a selection of staples; bread, cheese, some ready meals and tea and coffee from the shops on the way over, but he’d happily pop back out for anything else she might need.

He was just about to ring the bell again when the door opened. ‘Morning!’ he said, smiling to hide his shock at the state of Gwen. She looked like she hadn’t washed in days, was deathly pale and her skin was tinged with grey.

‘J-Jonah?’ Gwen cried. ‘What are you doing here?’

‘Thought I should make sure you’re alright!’ Jonah frowned. ‘But you don’t look like you are...’

Gwen hovered unsteadily on the doorstep and said nothing, her mouth frozen. Did he know? Had Lena told him?

Jonah held up the bags of shopping. ‘I’ve brought you some supplies. You going to invite me in?’

Finding her voice, Gwen stepped aside. ‘Yes, yes, of course. Sorry. Please come in.’

Walking into Gwen’s tiny hallway, Jonah turned and smiled. ‘Right, I’ll put the kettle on and then you can tell me how you are and what I can do to help.’

Gwen smiled weakly as she shut the door. If only someone could do something to make this better, but they couldn’t.

GWEN KNEW SHE HAD TO DO IT. What choice did she have? She’d wracked her brains, yet hadn’t been able to come up with anyone who would know of her secret or furthermore, speak of it to Lena. The sad truth was it might not even be someone who worked at The Feathers at all. It could be anyone and was like looking for a needle in a haystack. Either way, she was finished and she knew it.

There was no way she could return to work. She couldn’t go anywhere around here either now someone knew her history. Even if they didn’t say anything, Lena would.

Lena would definitely open her trap to get what she wanted. Having nothing to throw back to counter it, Gwen had reached the realisation with a sinking heart, that she had little choice but to do what the horrible woman wanted. Even if it meant losing her job and Jonah’s respect, she’d much rather level with him than submit to that money-grabbing little tart’s blackmail.

It was no use. She had to bite the bullet and it may as well be now.

‘So.’ Jonah stretched his long legs out, almost filling the entire width of Gwen’s kitchen and sipped at the tea he had insisted on making. ‘Have you seen a doctor? Is there anything I can do?’

Gwen’s eyes filled with tears. Jonah’s Savile Row suit looked out of place in her home, but she loved him for making the effort to come and see how she was. That in itself made things even worse.

Jonah sat forward, worry etched across his rugged face. ‘Gwen? What’s wrong? It’s not something serious, is it? Please tell me you haven’t got something serious?’

Gwen shook her head and brushed away the tears. ‘No, nothing like that.’ She took a deep breath. ‘I’m just exhausted.’

Jonah grinned. ‘Well, that’s easily rectified. Have yourself a couple of weeks off – all expenses paid. God knows you’re long overdue for a holiday – like about thirty years if I remember rightly!’

Gwen smiled sadly. ‘There’s no need. It won’t help. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking; it’s been in my head for a while now, if I’m honest.’ This was anything but honest, but she’d got to do it rather than him finding out and it destroying him.

She stared at her mug as she turned it around in her hands, but knew she had to look at Jonah if she wanted him to believe her. He wouldn’t buy any of it if she didn’t meet his eyes. Come on Gwen, you can do this.

‘Ok, I’m listening,’ Jonah pressed, his face still lined with worry.

Gwen took a deep breath and placed her hands in her lap so their trembling wasn’t visible. ‘It’s been a really hard call to make, but I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s time for me to retire.’ She kept her eyes on Jonah without giving way to the tears pressing to escape.

Jonah’s expression could not be classed as anything other than abject shock. ‘Retire?’

Gwen could already feel her resolve crumbling. ‘I know it’s probably a shock, but I’ve been doing this for over thirty years and, like I said, I’ve never had a break. I...’

‘Gwen, you can have all the breaks you need. All you have to do is say,’ Jonah said, his concern accelerating. Gwen Vella retire? She couldn’t. He needed her too much.

‘I didn’t mean that you’ve made it difficult for me to have any time off because you haven’t,’ Gwen said quickly. ‘It’s me. You know what I’m like. I live and breathe my work, but it’s getting too much now. I’m not at the age where I can keep up with it anymore and I don’t want it to get to the point where I let you down.’

‘You can’t possibly be serious?’ Jonah’s face cracked into a smile. ‘You’d miss me too much for a start!’

Gwen couldn’t return his smile. She would miss him. She’d miss him, the club, the work – the combination of all of that made her tick, but she couldn’t do it anymore. Not now Lena knew. ‘Of course I’ll miss you, but it’s the right time, love. I’m too old for this lark. I...’

‘You’re not even sixty!’ Jonah cried.

Gwen bit the inside of her cheek to keep herself in check. ‘I’ve made my mind up. It’s time to replace me... replace me with some fresh blood. Give someone else a chance to put their ideas into practice.’

Jonah raked his fingers through his hair. And to think he’d been in a half-decent mood today. ‘How the hell am I supposed to replace

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