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Book online «Finders Keepers Edie Baylis (phonics readers .TXT) 📖». Author Edie Baylis

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They were too young to remember him from when he’d been here virtually every waking second of the day and night.

He traced a thick meaty finger down the woman’s face, its trail continuing along her throat and down towards her ample cleavage. Squaring his body, he grabbed her hand and pressed it against the hardness in his trousers. ‘Think we’ve enough time before your stage call to get better acquainted, don’t you...?’

The woman snatched her hand away, her eyes darting towards her colleague. ‘Sir! Please do not do that! This area is staff only and...’

‘I know the area is staff only, you silly bitch!’ Saul hissed, grabbing the woman by the shoulders and slamming her against the wall. If people thought they could treat him like a muppet, then that idea needed to be quashed immediately.

Leaning his weight against the woman’s body, her eyes wide with fright, Saul smiled, all pleasantries gone. ‘If you want to remain staff, I’d advise you to change your fucking attitude.’

‘I’m getting security!’ the second woman cried, hastening towards the doors, only to run straight into Keith. ‘Mr Grogan!’ she squeaked. ‘This man... he...’

Keith watched Saul release the dancer he’d pinned against the wall, his eyes dancing with both mischief and lust. Yep, Saul was definitely still Saul. ‘It’s fine ladies. This is Mr Powell.’

Rubbing her bruised shoulder, the taller woman glanced worriedly at the man who had just treated her like cattle. ‘Mr Powell?’

Saul turned towards her and smiled coldly. ‘Yes, Saul Powell. You may well have heard of me? Most people have.’ His grin widened. ‘I’ll put your rudeness tonight down to a misunderstanding and I trust you’ll be more friendly next time we meet? Now fuck off and do what you’re paid for.’

Not needed to be told twice, the two women hurried down the corridor to the backstage area.

Chuckling, Keith looked at Saul. ‘I should have warned you that Jonah insists perks are to be taken only when they’re offered.’

Saul’s eyes narrowed. ‘Does he buy them fucking flowers first too! Well, fuck that! This isn’t a convent. I’ve got some catching up to do in that department. Where is he, anyway?’

Keith shrugged, tapping on Jonah’s office door. ‘In here, I guess. Either that or with his fiancée.’

‘His what? And you’re knocking the door too? What is this? Fucking school?’ Saul yelped. He’d only been here five minutes and there were already several of his brother’s rules that would need revising. And what was all this about a fiancée?

Pushing the door open, Saul barged in, all set to give his brother the surprise of his life, but the only person there was Nero Banks, who promptly dropped a tumbler of whisky to shatter on the wooden floor.

‘Not expecting me?’ Saul drawled. ‘It seems no one is. Where’s my brother?’

Quickly composing himself, Nero stepped forward to shake Saul’s hand. ‘Saul! It’s been a long time. I’m expecting Jonah back any minute.’

Jonah would not be expecting this and he doubted whether he would be over the moon about it either.

LENA HAD BEEN CHUFFED TO BITS when Jonah called to say she should come to the club. That was until she’d got there to find Gwen sitting in the office. This what not what she’d had in mind. Not even slightly.

She eyed Gwen malevolently. Thought she could play games, did she? Well, she hadn’t got time for this. ‘I didn’t expect to see you here.’ Lena’s eyes narrowed pointedly, before turning to Jonah. ‘There’s something I think you should know ab...’

‘Sorry, Lena. I haven’t got time to run through how everything will work right now. I’m needed in the office.’ Jonah hadn’t missed Nero frantically beckoning when he’d arrived not five minutes ago. He didn’t know what had happened, but judging by the man’s expression, it didn’t look like it was good.

Besides, he hadn’t got any inclination to babysit Lena. He glanced at her sulky face. He couldn’t say he was happy about Gwen’s suggestion or that he understood it, but if it was the only way to keep her at the club, then he’d take it.

He had to say he was unsure how they would cope working alongside each other, but Gwen was confident it would work. She knew what she was doing and if she thought it would be fine, then it would. He hoped so anyway, because he needed things ticking over nicely and with no distractions so he could get back on the Dulcie Adams case. Enough time had passed as it was, giving whoever had lifted his haul a head start with disappearing off the radar, so the quicker he could get back on it, the better.

Perhaps now Lena had something to occupy her time, she wouldn’t be such a snotty ungrateful bitch, but one peep out of her – one step out of line and the deal was off. There was only so far he’d bend – even for Gwen. On the upside, it would only be a matter of months before Lena’s pregnancy would force her back to the confines of the house. She was far too vain to be around lithe dancers once her belly got big.

Seeing Lena’s scowl deepen as he moved towards the door, Jonah smiled. ‘Gwen and I have discussed everything and she’ll fill you in. Now, I really must get on.’

Lena waited until the door had closed before approaching Gwen’s desk, ignoring the second smaller one – presumably for her use. Pushing a stack of paperwork out of the way, she placed her handbag down and retrieved her packet of cigarettes.

Taking her time to light one, Lena inhaled deeply before helping herself to a large measure of vodka. She perched on the top of the desk. ‘I’m not sure what you think you’re doing,’ she said, scrutinising Gwen pointedly. ‘The deal was that I would replace you, not join you.’ A ghost of a sarcastic smile appeared across her heavily made-up face. ‘I can sit here this evening with you if you

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