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Book online «Gone: A Shadow Slayers Story (Shadow Slayers Stories Book 3) Nellie Steele (if you liked this book .TXT) 📖». Author Nellie Steele

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Celine swallowed the liquid in the glass, almost gagging. “Ugh,” she moaned, shuddering.

“Celine, are you all right?” Gray asked.

“I warned you,” Marcus chuckled.

“It was still worse than I expected. I’m glad that’s over. Now what?”

“Now, you should rest. The journey ahead will prove taxing.”

“I don’t need rest. Let’s just proceed with the next step.”

“The concoction will take time to work. Go rest. I will prepare the next steps and we’ll be ready to move on when you return.”

“Come on, Celine,” Gray instructed. “Let’s go.” Gray guided her to their bedroom. “Now, lay down and get some rest.”

Celine grabbed Gray’s hand. “Stay with me,” she requested. Gray sat on the edge of the bed next to her. “I’m sorry this is so hard on you, Gray.”

Gray shook his head, shushing her. “Shh, Celine,” Gray soothed, “I’m more worried about you. I’m fine.”

Celine shook her head, disagreeing. “No, I…”

“Celine,” Gray interrupted. “I am fine. Stop worrying. I can handle this. I’m more worried about you. The trip to Alterra is enough but to have to go with that man… well, I worry for you.”

“I’ll be okay,” Celine promised. “I just want Damien and Michael home. The sooner the better.”

“Well, the sooner you get some rest, the sooner they’ll be home. Now, close your eyes.”

“Wake me up in an hour. Promise?”

“I promise,” Gray said, kissing her hand.

Celine closed her eyes, squeezing Gray’s hand. She wasn’t sure she could sleep, but she would try. Sleeping would pass the time faster at least, she figured.

The next thing she realized, she was being shaken awake. “Celine,” Gray whispered. “Celine, wake up.”

Celine opened her eyes, finding Gray hovering above her. “Hey, sleepy head,” Gray answered, “time to get up.”

“What time is it?”

“Almost eight.”

“Eight? You were supposed to wake me an hour ago!” Celine sat up, swinging her legs over the side of the bed.

“You needed the rest.”

Celine pulled her hair into a ponytail, standing. “Hopefully, Marcus is ready,” she said.

“I’m not sure I can say I hope for that,” Gray responded. “But I suppose the sooner you go, the sooner you’ll be back.”

Celine giggled. “Yep. Now, come on. Let’s go.” She grabbed his hand, pulling him out the door.

They pushed through the door to Damien’s room. Marcus tinkered with a few items on the dresser. “Ah, Celine. I hope you were able to rest.”

“I was. I overslept, I’m sorry. Are we ready?”

“No problem, my dear. I’ve just finished preparations. We are ready,” Marcus informed her.

Celine nodded. “All right, I suppose we should proceed.” Celine turned to Gray.

“Be careful, Celine, please,” he implored her. “I love you.”

“I will.” She embraced him. “I love you.”

“See you soon, Celine,” Alexander said. “Be careful.”

“Thanks,” Celine answered, hugging Alexander. “I will.”

“All right,” she said, turning to Marcus. “Just tell me what to do.”

“Have a seat here,” he told her, pulling a chair away from a table set up in the room. He handed a vial of red liquid to Gray. “If anything should happen, pull Celine’s hand from mine and give this to her. It will reverse any negative effects she may experience and wake her from the trance.”

Celine watched the exchange. “Why is there only one?”

“I am a pragmatist, my dear. I have no illusions that should anything happen, either of the Buckleys would save me. Now, I shall sit here.” He pulled a chair next to hers. “Give me your hand. It should not be hard for us to make a connection, given our shared blood. Close your eyes and relax. You’ll feel me pull you toward Alterra. Just follow.”

Celine nodded, she placed her hand in his and he closed his hand around hers. Celine closed her eyes, taking deep breaths. She felt Marcus’ flesh against her and concentrated on their connection. Within seconds, the sounds of the room faded away. There was nothing but silence and blackness.

Celine stood unmoving for a moment until she felt a tugging on her arm. “Celine,” Marcus called, his voice echoing into the darkness. She opened her eyes. “This way, my dear.” She grasped his hand tighter, following him through the blackness.

Celine shuddered as a chill went through her. “It’s cold here,” Celine said, rubbing her arms.

Marcus pulled her closer. “Yes, we shan’t be here long with any luck,” he informed her.

“What is this place?” Celine asked as they walked through the blackness. No features stood out, it appeared as though they walked through an endless dark hall. No sounds were present, only silence.

“It is an in-between, a conduit between worlds.”

“How do you know where to go?” she asked.

“I’m following the trail Damien and Michael left behind. Look,” he pointed to a specific area in the blackness.

“I don’t see anything,” she replied.

“Look closer, Celine. Pay careful attention.”

She studied the area he referenced. Tiny blue flecks glistened upon closer inspection. “I see it!” she exclaimed. “How did they find their way through here?”

“They didn’t,” Marcus informed her. “This is a residue left from the pulse that pushed them through here.”

“Oh,” Celine answered. Celine pondered for a moment. “How would we have navigated if this wasn’t here?”

“I brought the vial of Damien’s blood,” he answered, removing it from his pocket with his free hand. “Notice how the blood particles are beginning to reformulate into the single blood cell. The closer we are to the Alterra band, the closer to a single normal blood droplet these will be.”

Celine stared at the vial, noticing the blood particles, once distended and spiked, returning to a single blood droplet. “We’re getting closer,” she noted.

“Their path along with this blood will lead us to where they arrived. Then we must find them within the Alterra world. You were right to come along. You’ll have the best idea where they may be.” Celine nodded, and they continued through the black forest of nothingness. Celine kept a tight hold of Marcus’ hand. “I’m surprised Grayson allowed you to come, though.”

Celine chuckled. “Allowed me to come?”

“He treats you like a child, Celine.”

Celine rolled her eyes. “He does not. And I suppose even if

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