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Book online «Gone: A Shadow Slayers Story (Shadow Slayers Stories Book 3) Nellie Steele (if you liked this book .TXT) 📖». Author Nellie Steele

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the source of your troubles.” Marcus rolled his eyes at the statement. “In fact, when they learned of your situation here, they seemed to believe it was their duty to correct history. Of course, they believed this to be their time band and that some strange electrical pulse altered history.”

“I see,” Celine answered. “They did not understand they were visiting a different time band. They were unaware that they had traveled both backwards in time and laterally to a new time band.”

“No, none of us realized,” Alexander replied, color returning to his face. “How fascinating. Events in your time band seemed quite different to ours.”

“Yes, it appears they are,” Celine agreed. “You said Michael and Damien were sent to the future last night?”

Alexander nodded. “Yes. Our Celine opened a portal for them.”

Celine sighed. They had come to the correct time band, but missed them by less than a full day. They would need to discuss a plan to get to them somehow. “Thank you, Alexander. We should leave.” Celine stood from the couch.

“Just a moment,” Marcus interjected. “You said events here were quite different. What was Celine’s situation that Michael and Damien set out to correct?”

Alexander paused, glancing between the two of them. “They were quite disturbed to learn that you were not married to Grayson, and instead…” he paused. “You were married to Duke Northcott.”

“And did they succeed in ‘correcting’ the matter?” Marcus pressed. Celine shot him a glance.

“Well, yes. I just put you… our Celine on a ship bound for America with Grayson.”

Marcus closed his eyes for a moment. “I see. Well, I suppose we should depart as Celine suggested.”

“Yes, thank you. You’ve been a great help,” Celine assured Alexander.

Alexander stood. “There is no need to leave. If you require any assistance, please stay.”

Celine understood his impulse. She smiled at him. “No, we must find Damien and Michael, but thank you.”

“Are you sure? You’re sure you’re safe?”

“Yes, I’m sure. I am safe. But Michael and Damien, wherever they are now, must be alarmed realizing their plan may not have achieved what they intended. We must find them and take them home.”

“Good luck, Celine. I hope you find them.”

“Thank you,” Celine answered, squeezing his hands. She stepped away to exit the room with Marcus following her.

“Oh, Celine,” Alexander said before she left. “Say ‘hello’ to my counterpart in your time. I understand we are good friends.”

Celine smiled at him. “I will do that for you.”

They departed from the Buckley residence, making their way down the street. “Your meddling friends have ruined another time band for me, I see,” Marcus complained.

“Oh, stop, Marcus,” Celine groaned. “Complaining is not your style. Focus. We need to figure out how to get to Damien and Michael! If they are in the future here, how can we get to them?”

“It’s not an issue, Celine. We shall simply go forward in time.”

“Simply go forward in time?” Celine questioned, grinding to a halt on the sidewalk.

“Yes, Celine. Have you forgotten I am capable of opening time portals and traveling through them? I shall open a time portal. You will go through it and I will follow. Simple.”

A smile crept over Celine’s face. “That’s right. Your newfound ability can be put to good use this time.”

“I found it a good use the last time I exercised the ability.”

Celine rolled her eyes. “Stop making jokes. Come on, let’s get on with this.”

“I wasn’t joking,” Marcus assured her. “Do you suppose they traveled to the Buckley estate in our time?”

“Yes,” Celine answered. “They most likely assumed once they ‘fixed’ the past, everything would return to normal in the future. I’ll bet they were distraught once they arrived there. Events were likely quite different due to the aberrations already existing in this time band.”

“How unfortunate for them,” Marcus replied, rolling his eyes while he guided her to a deserted alleyway.

“They must be so scared. We must get there,” Celine urged.

“Yes, Celine, we will get there. Just a moment,” Marcus tempered. “Are you always this impatient?”

“I’m afraid so,” Celine confessed. “Lucky you missed out on it, huh? Now enough small talk, let’s go.”

“All right, all right,” Marcus answered. “When it opens, go through, do not wait for me.” Celine nodded. Marcus stretched his arms out in front of him, closing his eyes. Celine waited for the characteristic sparkle to appear in front of her. The wind picked up, and the sparkle turned to a small black hole. The hole grew in size until it was large enough for her to step through. She wasted no time in entering the portal, taking a few steps until she stepped into a recognizable spot.

She glanced behind her. The portal remained open. Within moments, Marcus stepped through and the portal snapped shut behind him. “Okay, let’s go to the house,” Celine insisted, beginning to walk toward the path.

“Aren’t you going to tell me how happy you are to see me?” Marcus questioned.

“Don’t push your luck. Come on.” They traipsed through the woods toward the house. As the house came into view, Celine commented, “Perhaps we shouldn’t use the front entrance. Even at this hour, we may run into someone.”

“A wise idea,” Marcus responded. “I have no desire to run into any more Buckleys on this trip. It’s enough to anticipate dealing with them when we return.”

They approached the house, easing open a side door. Celine peeked inside. “Coast is clear, come on!” she whispered. They hurried down the hall to a back stairway. “If I know me, I put them in the same rooms they have in our time band.”

Celine led them through the halls to the rooms she guessed were Michael’s and Damien’s. She approached Damien’s door. Celine turned the handle inch by inch, easing the door open. She peered into the darkness. A figure lay in bed. She crossed her fingers, hoping it was Damien.

Tiptoeing into the room, she peered closer at the figure in the bed. A grin came over her face. Damien lay asleep on his side. She glanced to Marcus,

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