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Book online «David Bishop and the Mystic of Creation T.C. Crawford (icecream ebook reader txt) 📖». Author T.C. Crawford

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on the forsaken beasts who had managed to escape its depths.

Eventually, the vortex grew to such strength that the entire army of demons began sliding across the ground, their claws desperately trying to grip the earth before being pulled mercilessly through the air and into the vortex, their horrendous screams finally disappearing beyond its veil.

The Defiant One, seeing the events unfolding around him as they had so many ages ago, screamed as his body began sliding across the ground towards the rift, his hands flailing around trying to grip anything to keep him from falling backwards into the Abyss once again.

His efforts were useless, and he fell away, back into the eternal chambers of the Dark Abyss as the vortex swallowed him whole. At last, the Defiant One disappeared from the world of the living once again.

When the final enemy had been cleared from the land of the living, David focused his energy, causing the rift to slowly close and the scars in the ground to heal. In a matter of moments, the great fissures of darkness vanished without a trace.

As David drifted above the battlefield, exhausted from his momentous struggle, he could see the thousands of bodies of men, Elves, and Dwarves lying lifeless on the ground. They had lost so many…if he had only been able to defeat the Defiant One sooner…

His heart ached for the countless lives lost.

As he succumbed to his exhaustion, he felt his body slowly being lifted higher into the air as the clouds parted in the skies above and enveloped his body in a shaft of gentle light.

His work was done, he was going home. His mortal fears would finally be no more.


Erin and the others watched in awe as the demons were being pulled across the ground towards the dark vortex that had sprung up suddenly from the fissures around Eldergate.

They had seen the powerful blast that had sent the Defiant One flying into the ground. Shortly after, the ground began to tremble, and the great vortex appeared before growing large enough to start pulling in the vast army of demons.

The fighting ceased as they all stood in awe and watched as the intense winds of the vortex whipped around them, pulling enemy forces away and into the Dark Abyss beyond the rift. Their cries were followed by the haunting screams of the Defiant One as he was dramatically dragged across the ground before vanishing without a trace.

David had done it! He had defeated the Defiant One along with his great army of demons.

Shortly after the vortex disappeared, she could see a shining white figure high in the sky above. The figure was that of a man and appeared to be naked, hovering high in the air with great wings of light. He hovered there above the battlefield for a brief moment before collapsing midair. It was David – no, the Mystic of Creation. Her David was gone as she had known him, and he had grown into something more.

Suddenly, the clouds parted, and a great shaft of light enveloped the Mystic of Creation, catching him in its track.

He slowly rose with the beam of light until finally he disappeared beyond their vision and out of sight.

When everyone shook off their awe and wonder and realized what had happened, that the battle was finally over and they had won, the entire army erupted into cheers, raising their hands into the air in defiance of the Mystic of Destruction that had threatened their world and lost.

All but Erin, who fell to her knees and wept.

She wept for David and his selfless sacrifice.

She wept for their love that would never know what fruits it could have blossomed.

And she wept for the thousands of brave men, Dwarves, and Elves who had given their lives for the righteous pursuit of freedom.

But most of all, she wept because he was gone. He was gone, and she knew in her heart that she would never see him again.


In the several months after the battle in the Great Plains where David had defeated the Defiant One and his vast army of demons, a conflict that was now termed the “Battle for Hurea”, the people of Hurea were finally starting to recover from the war.

The Elves and Dwarves had parted from their human allies shortly after the battle and returned back to their respective homes, and the men and women of Ravenfell, Eldergate, and Brineport were starting the incredible task of rebuilding their great civilizations.

King Eldergate, having been gravely wounded in the battle after he had taken a demon’s claw to his chest, lay on his deathbed after the medical staff had determined there was nothing else they could do except to help ease his suffering until he passed. He had been in and out for weeks but was finally awake and, knowing his time was near, had beckoned for his men to get Erin and bring her to his side as quickly as possible.

His room was in one of the great chambers of the pyramid located at the center of Brineport where they had set up a makeshift medical center to care for the wounded.

When she entered his room, he waved for her to come closer.

General Ryan and Tyrius were standing by his side and smiled slightly when they saw her.

“You called, your highness?” asked Erin, confused at why the King would ask for her at such a time.

“Your highness…” said the King slowly repeating her words between labored breaths, “That’s quite a name to call your father.” he said bluntly, no longer having the luxury of time on his side.

Erin, completely caught off guard and eyes as wide as a doe, looked up at General Ryan and Tyrius for confirmation of what she thought she had just heard.

“Yes, Erin. It’s true.” said Tyrius, smiling.

She turned and looked again to the King, the man on his deathbed that was now claiming to be her father.

“You’re…my father?” she asked, still in shock and having a hard

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