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Book online «Target on the Mountain Elizabeth Goddard (dark academia books to read .txt) 📖». Author Elizabeth Goddard

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ever be a right time for them?

Please, God.

McNamara nodded to one of his men, who grabbed Alex by the arm. They were both forced outside.

When the final man left the cabin, Rachel found comfort in the fact that McNamara and his thugs hadn’t discovered Deacon. At least he was safe for the moment.

Outside, the predawn had finally arrived and bits of filtered light pierced through the trees.

Two black SUVs slowly made their way to the camp. One of the drivers got out and hurried over to McNamara.

“We haven’t found either of them yet.” Rachel just managed to catch the man’s words. Were they still looking for Liam and Deacon? If so, then at least there was hope that Liam was still alive.

McNamara was clearly irritated by the news. “Have your men keep looking. They can’t have disappeared into thin air. Find them.”

The man appeared scared of McNamara. He nodded and hurried back to the SUV.

McNamara turned his annoyance to Rachel. “Your brother has caused us enough trouble. You’d better know where he’s hiding, otherwise it won’t be good for you.” Whatever it was that Liam had taken, McNamara was consumed with getting it back.

He opened the back door of the remaining SUV, flipped the seat down, and shoved her inside to the third-row seating. Seconds later, Alex was thrust in next to her. There was barely room for both of them to sit. Two men climbed into the back seat, keeping a careful eye on them.

With McNamara in the passenger seat, he pinned his gaze on Rachel once more. “Now, tell us where this lodge is and don’t try to pull anything.”

Rachel inched closer to Alex. She wasn’t alone. No matter what happened, what they faced from here on out, she wasn’t alone. “It’s down the road we were on, halfway back to the town of Hendersonville. This road hasn’t been maintained in years, though. We may not be able to make it the entire way by vehicle.”

McNamara didn’t answer. He motioned to the driver, who put the SUV in gear and slowly eased it down the slippery road.

Alex touched her hand and she looked at him. “We have to create a distraction to get away,” he mouthed. She understood. Once they reached the lodge and discovered Liam wasn’t there, McNamara would know it was a ruse.

Rachel struggled to recall the layout of the land, looking for something that would give them an edge over their captors. This side of the mountain usually got a lot more snow and ice accumulation. The patches she and Alex had run into earlier while fleeing would make traveling difficult.

Still, they needed help. God’s help. She desperately prayed for divine intervention.

The driver didn’t appear familiar with driving in the icy mountain terrain. His nervous reaction each time he hit a slippery spot on the road made it clear he wasn’t comfortable with the conditions.

As he rounded one of the tight curves in the road, the vehicle began to slide. The man quickly overcorrected, heading them straight toward a sheer drop-off. He struggled to regain control of the ride while McNamara was screaming at him. The driver finally managed to rein in the vehicle, but not before blowing a tire after he drove the SUV over several jagged tree stumps.

When the vehicle finally came to a jarring stop, McNamara commenced verbally berating the driver for his failings.

“Well, what are you waiting for? Someone get that tire changed. Time is running out. We need to find him and get the...stuff.” McNamara caught himself before giving more away.

The two men in the back seat hopped out along with McNamara and the driver, momentarily leaving Alex and Rachel alone.

Alex turned to her. “This is our chance. We have to get out of here now. It won’t be easy with these.” He held up his hands.

Rachel glanced behind them, where one of the men had unloaded the spare tire and jack from underneath the SUV.

“I think they left keys in the ignition. If I can get up there without them seeing me, I’ll try to drive us out of here. It’ll be slow going, but they’re on foot. We have a chance.”

It was a long shot, but one they had to take. “I’ll keep watch for you.”

Alex slowly eased to the front seat undetected. He got into the driver’s seat. “The keys are here. Hold on, this is going to be a rough ride.”

Alex locked the doors, grabbed the keys, which proved difficult enough with his hands tied together, and then fired the ignition. He shoved the vehicle into Drive.

“They’re getting away. Stop them!” McNamara yelled.

Rachel watched as all four men charged after them. “Hurry, Alex. They’re coming.”

Alex floored the gas pedal. The SUV lurched forward, the blown tire and his restraints making the ride ten times worse.

“Can you make it up to the front seat? We need to find a way to get these ropes off.”

“I’ll try.” Rachel struggled to ease over the seat with her hands tied. She landed halfway between the seat and floor and righted herself. After fumbling with the glove box, it finally opened. “There’s a knife, a flashlight and a lighter inside.”

Alex somehow managed to keep the vehicle moving forward in spite of the tire.

Rachel peeked behind them. The men were still coming after them. With the SUV’s slower speed, they’d never get away from them like this.

She couldn’t get the knife into a position to loosen her ropes. “Let me try to get yours free.” With the blown tire and the rough road, the knife almost flew from her hand several times. Finally, she was able to cut through the rope and free his hands.

Alex rounded another curve and the road stretched out in front of them. Even with the bum tire, they were able to put distance between themselves and the men.

“I’m not sure how much farther we can make it in this thing. The engine’s overheating because of the stress of pushing it so hard.” He glanced behind them. “At

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