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Book online «Target on the Mountain Elizabeth Goddard (dark academia books to read .txt) 📖». Author Elizabeth Goddard

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about the lodge, but it was possible. Liam loved the old place and there were many times when he went there to seek solitude. “I sure hope not. It depends on whether or not he’s injured.”

“I’m pretty sure Liam was the one who took care of Deacon. He’d try to get help. If McNamara and his men took Liam’s phone and obviously Deacon didn’t have one on him, then the only option for Liam would be to hike out...unless he couldn’t.”

They were racing against the clock, unarmed and running for their lives. If they didn’t get help soon, those men back there would quickly catch up with them.

Rachel struggled not to let the helpless feelings overwhelm her. She’d been in countless situations just as deadly before, but she wasn’t part of that life anymore and going back to it was difficult. She had to stay focused on saving Liam’s life because the thought of losing her brother to these thugs was unimaginable.

“Hey.” Alex stopped walking and took her hand, tugging her closer. He’d clearly seen all her fears. “Help is on the way and there’s no way on earth we’re giving up on Liam.”

She forced a smile. “I know. I just feel so frustrated.” She looked up at him. The expression in his eyes made breathing painful.

Alex gently framed her face. “Rachel,” he whispered so softly and then leaned his head against hers. “I’ve wanted to tell you something for a long time now...” He hesitated, unsure. “I’m sorry for the way things ended between us.”

She flinched as if he’d struck her. His regret was the last thing she wanted. She tried to pull away but he didn’t let her.

“No, listen.” The urgency in his voice made her want to hear what he had to say. “I should never have let you go,” he whispered with so much passion that she believed him.

But did it matter anymore?

“I was messed up back then. I thought my life revolved around the CIA and you wanted me to walk away from all of that.” He shook his head. “I was wrong. So wrong, and I’ve regretted the decision every day since.”

Five years ago, she would have been thrilled to hear him say that. Now, it was just another reminder of what was lost.

Rachel moved away. Slowly, he let her go. “It’s okay. Things happen for a reason. Maybe we wouldn’t have worked out. I wouldn’t have met Brian and I couldn’t imagine my life without him. I think our lives turned out the way God wanted them to.”

She watched him try to cover up the hurt. “I guess you’re right,” he murmured, and then turned away. When the awkward silence between them became too much, Rachel started walking again. Best not to reopen those old wounds again. Especially when their lives and Liam’s were still in danger.

In the past, she’d tried to hold on to the fond memories of her life with Brian and shove aside the heartache of losing Alex. Although her husband had never questioned her about the relationship with Alex, she’d told him everything.

“How did you two meet, anyway?” Alex asked after a while, probably to fill the uncomfortable silence between them.

Rachel didn’t really want to talk about her husband with Alex, but he had asked. “At church,” she told him. “Brian attended the same church as Tom and Jenny. After I’d been home for a while, the Reagans invited me to go to the service with them.” She stopped, remembering that dark time in her life.

She’d felt so lost. Couldn’t believe it was possible to move forward with her life after losing Alex. Brian had taught her that no matter what circumstances you were going through, you could overcome them with God’s help.

Brian’s exuberant personality always made her smile. “He had leukemia when we met and yet you would never have known it from the way he presented himself. He was always smiling and happy. He was dying and he knew it but he never let it bring him down. He was an amazing man and I miss him terribly.”

Rachel hadn’t realized how much she’d loved Brian until he was gone. If his death had taught her anything, it was that it was possible to move on with your life no matter what you faced. She knew Brian wouldn’t want her to be sad forever. In fact, that had been his dying wish—that she not mourn for him too long. He wanted her to get on with her life. Be happy. She’d been trying to fulfill that promise to him ever since his death.

Seeing Alex again had brought all the old hurt to the surface once more. Was it possible for them to be able to move beyond the pain and regain the friendship they once shared? Could she accept being friends with Alex after everything they’d once had? She still cared for him, there was no doubt about it. Theirs had been a passionate romance. Could she settle for anything less?

Alex swallowed back the ache he felt when he looked at the love in Rachel’s eyes for another man.

He could see she was still hurting. It was evident whenever the conversation returned to their past. Would there ever come a time when they could talk about what happened? He sure hoped so.

“We should be getting close to the lodge,” she told him, and he roused himself.

He managed a nod. “Good. Let’s hope Liam is there and that he’s not injured too badly. We’ll need to get him out as quickly as possible before McNamara and his men show up, which is only a matter of time.”

“I can’t even imagine what they’re planning.” Rachel shook her head. “And where are Temple and Michelle?”

He didn’t want to say it aloud, but he believed whatever Temple had planned, it would involve deadly sarin gas.

“Right now, nothing makes sense and I’m too tired to try to fit the pieces together,” Rachel said. “I’ll leave that up to your team.”

Under the best

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