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Book online «Target on the Mountain Elizabeth Goddard (dark academia books to read .txt) 📖». Author Elizabeth Goddard

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go faster. Are you up to it?”

She wasn’t so sure she was, but the alternative was impossible. “Yes, I’m up to it.”

“The minute they find out we’re not inside, they’ll fan out and search the entire mountainside. We have to keep ahead of them.”

They started walking as fast as the deep snow allowed through the woods. It took her a few minutes to realize they were heading back in the same direction as the camp.

“Do you think it’s safe to go back into the camp?” Would they be leading the men back to Deacon?

“Probably not. But it’s not safe to stay out here like this, either.”

From the tree coverage where she stood, Rachel could still see the lodge. An SUV was now parked in front. It looked like the same one that had left the camp earlier.

As they watched, a second similar vehicle pulled up. Two people got out. Rachel recognized them right away. It was Blake Temple and Michelle.

“Alex, look.” She pointed to the two. They watched as McNamara came out to meet them. From McNamara’s body language alone, it was easy to see Temple was the real person in charge. McNamara had lied about not knowing Temple.

She couldn’t make out what they were saying but it was obvious Temple wasn’t pleased with the turn of events, and everyone was feeling the effects of his anger.

Several men who had been inside the lodge came out. She turned to Alex. “We need to get out of here. They know we’re not inside.”

He pointed in the direction of the cave they’d recently left. “I hate to keep backtracking, but it seems the safest and they don’t know about the cave yet. At least we’ll be out of sight. It will give us the advantage.” He pointed to their footprints in the snow. “But first, we’ll have to try to find a way to lead them away from the spot. They’ll see our tracks and follow otherwise.” Alex scanned the surrounding countryside. “This way.” He pointed to their left. “There doesn’t appear to be as much snow there and we can circle back to the cave easily enough.”

They’d been able to slip through the cave unnoticed before. She hoped the same could be said for the return route.

“How much longer before your team arrives?” Rachel prayed it wouldn’t be too late for Deacon and for them.

The bleakness in his eyes did little to encourage. “Depending on when they were able to get in the air, I’d say we have at least another four hours to survive.”

Four hours! A lifetime when facing down death.

Alex saw her reaction and tried to be encouraging. “It could be sooner. Let’s just get to the cave and out of sight as quickly as possible.”

He was right. They were both unarmed. They needed to stay hidden.

As they hurried through the thick woods, a noise grabbed Rachel’s attention. It sounded like...footsteps close by.

Alex heard it, as well. “Hurry, Rachel.” He took her hand and they started running as fast as they could.

“Wait. Over there. I see them,” someone yelled nearby. More than one set of footsteps could be heard stomping through the woods after them.

She glanced behind them. “They’re gaining. We’ll never make it to the cave.”

Gunfire split the air and a round of bullets flew past her head. Rachel ducked low along with Alex.

Alex still held her hand. She looked into his eyes. “On my count,” he said in a steady voice, and she slowly nodded. Once he’d counted off three, together they raced through the woods at breakneck speed with the men coming after them full force firing along the way. Were they trying to kill them? McNamara had said no, but the men’s behavior spoke differently. If they no longer needed them alive, then had they found whatever they were searching for? Where did that leave Liam?

Alex stopped short when their path was blocked by a fallen boulder. It was the size of a small car and had sloughed off the mountainside.

Rachel stopped next to him. She couldn’t believe it. They were trapped. “What do we do now? They’re almost here.”

“We surrender.” She couldn’t believe she’d heard this warrior beside her correctly. They’d barely escaped with their lives the last time. “If we want to live long enough to find Liam, we have to find out what this is really about once and for all.”

Alex had just gotten the words out when four men came to a halt in front of them, weapons aimed at their heads.

“That’s far enough,” McNamara snarled at them. “You two, get them.” He nodded to the two men on his right. One of the men rushed over and yanked Rachel by the arm, pulling it behind her back.

Anger boiled deep inside of him. Rachel had suffered enough at these men’s hand. “Leave her alone.” Before he could reach her, the second man grabbed his arm, restraining him. “We’re coming with you, okay? There’s no need to hurt her.”

“Be quiet.” McNamara fumed at him. “You are in no position to tell us what to do. You two have caused enough trouble already...along with Carlson. You’d better hope when we locate him that he’s willing to talk. Otherwise, none of you are walking out of here alive.”

Rachel’s gaze flew to Alex. He’d heard it, too. They didn’t know where Liam was and whatever he’d taken was still missing.

As he’d learned so many times in the past, when your back was against the wall, God worked wonders. Alex prayed for God’s intervention with all his heart.

“Search them both,” McNamara ordered. Right away, the knife Alex had in his pocket was discovered and taken along with the flashlight.

“Get moving,” the man holding Alex’s arm ordered. “You’ve wasted enough of our time thrashing through the woods like this.”

Rachel stumbled to the ground. The man gripping her arm dragged her to her feet. “I’m okay,” she whispered to Alex when she saw the fear in his eyes he couldn’t hide. “I’m okay.”

She managed a smile, but

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