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Book online «Fulfillment Golland, M. (best classic literature TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author Golland, M.

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in my car,automatically coercing a smile at the recognition of Bryce’smusical genius. The tune was sweet yet the twang of the stringsplucked in quick succession indicated its intricacy. Derek’s smoothvoice filtered through the speakers shortly after, singing lyricsof awakening and coming to life, about the concept of a revelationthat one can be lost then found. I liked the song and automaticallyconnected with it, but it was not just a connection resulting fromBryce being the sole instrumentalist—it was significant to mylife’s recent journey—it was appropriate.

Derekescalated his vocals along with Bryce’s strumming, singing thechorus that instantly triggered a sense of dĂ©ja vu, the lyricsbeing ones I had seen before.

‘You’re all that Iwant and nothing else.

‘I’ve fallen hard andwill never get up.

I cannot let go...Iwon’t.

You’re infectious, mylove.’

Oh, my,God. It’s the song Bryce was writing when we’d first gottentogether. I quickly turned it up and listened in surprise andwonderment. Having Bryce’s declaration immortalised in the form ofa song captured me entirely and left me stunned, but it also warmedmy heart immensely.

When the songfinished, I smiled. Is it naive to believe that Bryce loves meas much as he appears to love me? I shook my head, once againfeeling that I had to pinch myself daily where he was concerned,having believed in the past that a love like ours was a love onlyfound in fairy tales. But I was wrong. He had proved that time andtime again; his devotion for me was evident in everything that hedid.

I pulled outmy phone and typed him a text:

I just listened totrack 4 on your CD.

If anyone isinfectious, it’s u, my luv. - Alexis

I hit send,sighed contentedly then looked out the window, taking in mysurroundings and therefore losing my smile. It’s amazing how yourheart can play tug-of-war, fighting between happiness one secondand sadness the next then somehow finding that in-between to keepit sane. My heart was currently in that predicament, as the lasttime I was here I’d had to say good bye to my daughter.

I proceeded toget out of my car, and before I had even locked the door my phonebeeped with a reply:

It’s how I feel,Hunny. U rule me, entirely.

Where r u? - Bryce

I probablyshould’ve told him where I was going, but he was busy, and Ifigured that if he wanted to come along we could always come backlater in the day.

I typed myresponse:

So everyone keepstelling me.

I think it’s the otherway round though,

U rule me.

I’m at theHospital...

I wanted a moment tofeel close to Bianca - Alexis.

I hit send andwaited for the reply I knew would come swiftly. It did:

R u alright? -Bryce

I didn’t wanthim to worry. I was alright.

I’m fine.

Thought I would spendsome time in the Garden of Angels.

I’ll see u later, luvu ♄ - Alexis

Again, hisreply was instant:

Luv u more - Bryce

I tucked myphone back into my handbag, pulled out a fluffy pink smiley-facedstar I’d found at the shops and headed to the garden.

It felt quitedifferent from the last time I was here as I stepped out onto thepath and looked at the vivid blue blossoms of the Jacaranda whichformed the centrepiece of the garden. Maybe that was because it wasnow summer, and the garden was awash with colour, sunlight and witha happy aura that only summer could bring.

Slowly, Iwalked along the winding cobble path around the entire garden,taking in the abundance of toys, teddy bears, and brightly colouredwooden staked garden creatures. There were also homemade plaquessituated in amongst the shrubbery, against the trees and proppedalong the edging of the path—plaques containing baby’s names. Istopped and took the time to read each and every one, acknowledgingall the angels that shared my little girl’s home. It gave me anidea to ask Charlotte to make one for Bianca and bring it with herthe next time we visited as a family.

After readingall the plaques, I sat down on the wooden park bench directlyacross from the spot where we sprinkled Bianca’s ashes and said ourgoodbyes. I had the pink star on my lap and was tenderly strokingit and hugging it as if it could replace the one thing I wanted tohug and caress the most—my daughter. As I sat there with my eyesclosed visualising a life with Bianca in it, I felt the seat shiftand a comforting hand rest on my shoulder. I didn’t have to open myeyes to see who it was, but I did, because his presence stillsurprised me. He was puffed and slightly glistening, his face alittle pinker than usual.

“That wasquick,” I said with a smile, as I nestled into his side.

“I didn’t wantyou here alone for a second longer,” he said with strained breathas he tightened his grip.

“I’m fine. Ijust needed to be close to her today.”

“Why didn’tyou tell me?” He sounded a little disappointed.

“You werebusy, and I just thought I’d come on my own.”

“I’m never toobusy for you, or Nate and Charli. Remember that—you come first.Always.”

I knew hemeant it, but he was still an extremely sought after person in hiswork life, and I didn’t want to interfere with that. There weresome things I would have to do on my own, and I was okay with that.I needed my independence—I liked it.

I looked up athim and noticed him staring at the garden ahead. “I think shewould’ve looked like you,” I said softly.

He scoffed.“Me, too. The force is strong in my family,” he playfullyreplied.

I lovinglyshoved him. “Yeah, don’t I know it.”

“I think shewould’ve had blonde wavy hair like her mother, my blue eyes, yourbutton nose, and the sweetest little dimples like Charli. Shewould’ve had Lucy’s smarts, Nate’s determination, and yourkindness.”

I was staringat him, tears rolling down my cheeks.

He turned hishead and wiped them away. “No doubt, she would’ve sent me to anearly grave,” he smiled sadly.

I giggled. “Iknow. I can imagine her having your stubbornness, your drive, andyour ‘no restraints or restrictions’ attitude.” I broke free of hisembrace and leaned forward, ready to put the pink star in thegarden. “I guess we’ll never know,” I said regretfully.

He grabbed myhand and gently took the star from it, smiling

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