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Book online «Demon Day Penelope Fletcher (which ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Penelope Fletcher

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swallowed ascream seeing the hunched figures lumbering behind us. One grinnedmanically and I saw the glint of fang.

“There are vampires behindus,” I whispered to Tomas and tugged on his hand to get hisattention, which was focused on a point up ahead and had been forthe last ten minutes.

“Do you trust me, Rae?”Tomas’ voice was soothing, and the darkness inside me smoothed overmy nature, which was agitated, spiky, telling me something waswrong here.

Why was I here again? Coming here wasprobably the worst idea I had ever had. It was my idea to come herewasn’t it? Where was Breandan and why was he not with me? Wait. Hedefinitely did not want me to come here, but he would never havelet me come here without his protection. Or maybe he thought Tomasprotection was enough to keep me safe?

I swallowed hard and looked over myshoulder.

More vampires - dozens of them -ambling behind us in liquid slinks. One darted past, whooping, andshrieking as he did. They ran with a fluid yet cumbersome gate,zipping across the wide street manically and passing from shadow toshadow so all I saw was bare chests and ragged jeans. The slap ofbare feet on the concrete had the hair rising on the back of myneck. The moon was bright and when one of the vampires passedthrough its light I saw a starved emaciated body covered in grimeand dirt.

Breathing hard, I stumbled but mywings fluttered and I was okay. This was not right. “I don’t thinkI’m supposed to be here.”

Tomas squeezed my hand. “Do you trustme?” he repeated with a firm undertone. He sounded like he wasasking the question for the sake of it and that I should simply sayyes.

I trusted him did I not? Why would Ibe here if I did not? I decided to come here with him didn’tI?

“I–” A high-pitched squealof delight pierced the night, and my eyes rolled seeking the mouthit pealed from. “I–”

Something icy brushed past the nape ofmy neck. A mad chuckle echoed in my ears before a gangly vampireappeared in front of me. I stopped dead, my hand slipping fromTomas’ and I heard him curse as another slipped in behind thefirst, pushing at him so as to get a better look at me,slobbering.

Stumbling back, I remembered thosebehind me then spun round to see what they were doing, which wasnothing. Well, they were collectively wiping the drool from theirchins, and licking their lips as they eyed me up and down hungrily,but other than that, they were still.

Backing up, I held my hands up andtried to step around the vampire. He feinted to block my way. Heartpounding, sweating, I tried to go the other way and he jerked toblock my path. Terrified, I reached out to the Source and armedmyself with energy. It buzzed at my fingertips. The vampire spreadhis arms out wide and swung his head from side to side once thensmiled toothily at me, his fangs running out. I was used Tomas’extended fangs, but he had all his other teeth, unlike the one infront of me who smelt like he bathed in sewage. My stomach droppedas he chuckled oddly, and jerked forward making me jerk back. Hedid it again and I got the distinct sense he was playing with me,taunting me. Just like I had been told vampires liked to do whenthey were hunting.

There was a pained grunt and thelittler vampire – who had been trying to get a better look at me–flew toward me and I ducked to let him sail overhead and crashinto those behind me.

The vampire that was playing with mespun, and got Tomas’ fist in his face. He dropped to his knees andkeened, then shrank back when Tomas raised his hand again andsnarled. Crawling back the feral vampire gave me a wide birth andquivered when Tomas took a step forward to offer me his hand. Itook it and let him pull me into his arms.

I shook so hard I could barely stand.Vampires were not to be messed with. Even as a fairy I knew if astrong vampire got lucky it could take me out. They were powerful,horrendously strong and nearly as fast as fairykind. These oneswere also completely insane, and insanity had a way of lendingextra cunning to a hunter.

And I, a tasty blood bag, was standingin the middle of them, my heart beating wildly.

“Calm down,” Tomas saidquietly and stroked the back of my head. He inhaled deeply.“Release your hold on magic Rae, it will bring you nothing but painhere. It is okay you are safe. They got carried away because yousmell good.”

Holding onto the calm tenor in hisvoice, I let my grasp on the Source go and instead clung to him.Only the pang – that was quickly muted by the darkness – had mewishing it was someone else. The one who bathed me in silver light… but he was not here.

Why was he not here again?

“Did I mention that youvampires are creepy?” I shifted back so I could look at his face,my eyes still wide with fear. “You know them?”

He nodded then focused over hisshoulder. “Come on. We are almost there.”

He took my hand again; wrapping hisfingers securely round mine, and sneered once more at the vampirestrailing us.

The fog of uncertainty had thinned inthe face of my fear, clarity coming on as an after effect of theadrenaline preparing me to fight or run. Okay…. None of my currentsituation made any sense. Rather than feeling indifferent about itthis time, it made me uncomfortable, and concerned about what wasgoing on.

“Tomas, I … I decided tocome here with you, didn’t I?”


“Why didn’t Breandan comewith us?” I looked down at our joined hands. I was confused andwary. “Why isn’t he here with me? I think he should behere.”

“No. Keep moving,Rae.”

My brows furrowed, my head hurt somuch. “But … where? Where are we going?” Tomas picked up the pace.“I mean, we spoke about coming to see your Nest because we need totalk to vampires. We need to be united.” My words were right, wedid need to be united, but why did I sound and feelunsure.


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