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hard time. Allwas a dark illusion, a waking nightmare.

“By the time Erling and Hendorafound us, I was completely under Seetva’s control. I didn’t seethem as friends, but as evil demons coming to attack us. I pulled outmy gun and told Onolyn to get their weapons. Erling let Onolyn takehis, but Hendora drew hers. We both fired. She missed me, but my shotwas true. I should’ve been the one to die. I— I might have shotErling as well, but he called on Master Bakka and broke the spell. Idon’t know exactly how—it’s not all clear to me, but I doremember you appeared before me inwardly and the Higher Force becameso strong that the sorceress was no match for it.

“When I woke up, I was freedfrom her power, but then I discovered Hendora was dead. Only then didthe real horror of what I’d done hit me.” He and Michio sat insilence.

At last Michio cleared histhroat. “Seetva is a powerful sorceress and you’ve never beentrained to fight black magic. Hendora was partly responsible; shepanicked and fired. You wouldn’t have shot her if she’d yieldedher weapon. When the three of you first meet Seetva, Hendorashould’ve realized the danger you were in, since she was the moreexperienced field agent. It was a trap and you were all entangled.

“Zac, let go of the past andmove on,” Michio continued. “In your line of work, you’ll oftenbe in situations where you’re responsible for other people’slives. You’ll just have to do the best you can, taking theexperiences as they come. Sometimes you’ll make wrong decisions.Mistakes are part of learning and growing. If you never make any,you’re probably not stretching and challenging yourself.”

Zac hung his head. “Erling andOnolyn must blame me—though Onolyn insists she doesn’t. I feelashamed when I’m with them, knowing what I’ve done.”

“They both understand whathappened and value your friendship. Queen Koriann has greatconfidence in you. She wouldn’t have appointed you Captain of theRoyal Guards if she didn’t. You’re young for the position, butshe felt it was more important to have someone she trusts completelythan a more experienced man. I know because she discussed thedecision with me at length. You have to go on, Zac. Accept whathappened; learn from past experience.”

“I don’t feel worthy of beinga student of the Secret Teachings,” Zac said, in anguish.

“Hendora died in the physical,but she lives on in the Inner Worlds. We’re immortal beings.Hendora is in a much more beautiful world than this one. I can takeyou to see her, if you like.”

Zac’s eyes widened. “Can youreally?”

“Certainly.” Michio satbeside Zac on the log. “Close your eyes and take a few deep breathsto relax your physical body. Now imagine a river flowing by. Thisriver is the Eternal Life Stream. Into that stream, throw all yourfears, doubts and guilt.”

Zac went into contemplation.After a few moments Michio said, “Now place your attention onSpirit and I’ll come to you.” Michio moved into the Inner Worldsand helped Zac leave his physical body.

Inthis world we can move by our thoughts, Michiosaid telepathically. Putyour attention on Hendora. Michiopictured Hendora in his inner vision and she was instantly with them.

Hendora looked much the same asshe did when alive in the physical world, but she radiated love andcompassion. This love flowed out from her toward Michio and Zac.

Hendora’s words came to them inthought impressions. Ibear you no ill will, Zac. I understand and forgive you. Know thatI’m glad to be here and happier than I was in my earthly body.

Zac felt a wave of love pour overhim while Light coursed through him, burning and cleansing him.

Thankyou, Hendora,Zac said telepathically.

Zac and Michio followed Hendorainto a pleasant sitting room. They all sat down and talked about theexperiences they had together in the physical world. Then Hendoratalked about her new life and all she was learning and experiencing.

At last Michio said it was timeto go. He and Zac placed their attention on their physical bodies andinstantly returned to them.

“Thank you, Michio.” Zacembraced Michio and tears of joy rushed to his eyes. “It was awonderful experience. I will treasure it always. I feel like a greatburden was lifted from me.”


A few days later, Michio carrieda tray with breakfast on it into the bedroom. Toemeka sat in bed,nursing the baby with a contented expression on her face. Despite herreluctance to give up her life as a Coalition agent, her maternalinstincts were strong. He thought she was better suited to her newlife. She seemed more at peace, as if she’d come into harmony withher true purpose in life.

“I brought you some breakfast.”

“Thank you, it looks good.”

He set the tray on the nighttable and took the baby from her so she could eat. He felt a surge ofpleasure as he put Baymond against his shoulder and gently patted hisback. He’d never paid much attention to babies and was amazed athow much enjoyment his own son brought him.

“You look tired,” Toemekasaid, her fork halfway to her mouth.

“I walked the baby half thenight. If he doesn’t get his days and nights figured out soon, I’mgoing to let him cry it out.” Michio sat down on the bed, taking apiece of toast off her tray and biting into it.

“He’s too young to know dayfrom night. He’s not used to this world. Think of what a shock itmust be for him after being in the radiant regions of the InnerWorlds. When I look at him, I see that divine spark of Light thatmany people lose as they grow older and experience the pain of thisworld. I want him to know we love him.”

“Love, yes, but not that he’sthe king of the roost like he has been so far.”

“You don’t need to get up atnight. I have to get up with him anyway to nurse him.” She lookedat him with such a distressed expression that he relented.

“I’m as soft-hearted as youare, despite what I say. I won’t let him cry for long, but he hasto start getting straightened around. I’ve been glad to help withthe baby. I’m just tired.” He leaned across the tray and kissedher tenderly.

“Why don’t you rest for awhile?”

“I’ve gotten behind

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