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“She’s a figurehead. PrinceErling heads up the military plus he united the planet against SamratCondor. Michio worked alongside him and even took over leading themilitary, when needed. With them dead, conquering Jaipar and the restof the planet is within my grasp.”

Alarmed, Toemeka said, “Theyhave no idea where I am. They’ll never find me here!”

“Not until I’m ready forthem. I plan to bring you completely under my control before drawingthem here. You’ll be my woman more than just physically; you’llwantto be with me.”

“There’s nothing you can doto make me want to stay.”

“You’d be surprised howdrugs, mind-control and physical abuse can break a person.”

“You don’t want a zombie andI don’t think you captured me just to gain control of Jaipar. Ithink your interest is more personal than that.”

“You’re naive. You’re anobject to me — nothing more. I will use you as I please, thendiscard you when I’m done. Your old life is over. I suggest youwork on pleasing me because if you don’t, I’ll decide I don’twant you as a mistress and you’ll become a slave. A slave’s lifeis hard; my men use and abuse them as they choose.”

Toemeka recoiled in horror.

A sinister smile spread acrosshis face. “You’re beginning to understand. But don’t look soworried. I’m not tired of you yet; you’ve only just arrived.”

“I’d rather be a slave than apersonal whore for you!”

Cadmus grabbed her upper arms andgave her a hard shake. She cried out as pain tore through herfractured ribs. “Would you, Toemeka! Have you ever been rapedrepeatedly by every man who wants you? Have you ever been beatenuntil you couldn’t move? How long do you think you’d survivethose conditions? All of your inner strength will desert you.”

He released her and she drewshallow breaths, hoping for the pain to ease. His cruel words andnegative vibrations terrified her. He was already affecting heremotionally and controlling her through fear. She visualized theMaster beside her inwardly and some of her courage returned.

He watched her reaction closely.“No defiant answer this time?”

She clenched her fists, afraid toanger him further.

“You’re learning quickly. Nowyou know the score. Please me and I’ll treat you well. Offend meand I’ll crush you. I can be a great lover or a merciless master.You decide.”

As he left the room, tearsstarted rolling down her cheeks. Her heart ached with longing forMichio and her baby.

During the next few days, Toemekabecame increasingly listless and depressed. The doctor gave her pillsto dry up her milk. She hated taking them, but saw no choice. Itseemed symbolic as if the final bond between her and the baby wasbeing broken and she’d never see him again.

Cadmus came to see her regularly,bringing gifts. She had no interest in any of his offerings andrefused to be drawn into conversation.

Before coming here, she’dalways felt the Inner Master’s loving presence and had been able tocontact him. But now she felt cut off from him. Nor was she able tospirit travel and reach Michio in the Inner Worlds. Some force seemedto be blocking her, or perhaps it was her own despair. How could shereach out to Michio when she knew she’d be drawing him to hisdeath?

Her hopes for the future and herwill to survive weakened. She knew when her ribs healed, Cadmus wouldtake her for his mistress until he tired of her. Then he’d cast herto his men. She sank into a deep depression, similar to the one shehad after her family was killed and her village burned eight yearsago. She lost everyone she loved then and now she’d lost her newfamily, too.

Her nightmares returned withforce and she replayed her family being murdered nightly.

Most of her waking time was spentlying in bed, looking out the window as she surrendered tooverwhelming lassitude. Movement caused such discomfort that shedidn’t even try to sit up.

Amaretta stayed beside her,taking care of her every need. The doctor came to see her daily andtold her she needed exercise. He gave her pain medication, but shehated the drugged state it left her in and used it as little aspossible.

One day when Cadmus came to seeher, she looked at him without emotion — not even fear or despair —then turned her head to look out the window. She dimly noticed heseemed distressed about something.

“The doctor tells me you’renot getting better,” Cadmus said. “He says you don’t have anywill to recover.”

“Why would I want to recover?”she asked. A tear slid down her cheek. Tears came easily these daysand she didn’t seem to be able to stop them.

He was quiet for a long time.Only her muffled sobs could be heard in the room.

“Please don’t cry. Perhaps Ishouldn’t have threatened you. I didn’t expect you to respond inthis manner. You used to be such a fighter.”

She gazed despondently into hiseyes. “I have nothing to fight for.”

“You have your life to fightfor.”

“My life’s over.”

“It’s not over. It’s justchanged. I don’t want to destroy your spirit. It’s part of what Ilike about you. I wish I was indifferent and it didn’t bother me tosee you languish away — but it does. I don’t want you to beterrified of me or fear what might happen to you. I promise to neverturn you into a slave. Now rest and heal.”

As Toemeka watched him leave, itfelt as if a burden had been lifted. She didn’t feel the heavinesssurrounding her anymore. She wondered if Cadmus had been using darkpowers to control her and now withdrawn them. She put up a shield ofLight to protect her from further mind invasions, then closed hereyes and sang her Soul Song. For the first time since being abductedshe felt connected to the eternal life force that always surroundedher. She realized if she stayed in tune with it, she would never fallso low again.

She was usually aware of theSound Current flowing through her in a steady pulse, giving her lifeand energy. Being cut off from it was worse than going without food,water or sleep. Her fear of Cadmus combined with the drugs created anopening in her aura that allowed him to use psychic powers, cuttingher off from the connection to her higher self.

A Light filled her

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