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Book online «Target on the Mountain Elizabeth Goddard (dark academia books to read .txt) 📖». Author Elizabeth Goddard

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he could tell she was running out of strength and hope. He understood. He was, too. It seemed that everything they’d tried so far had failed. They had no idea where Liam was and Deacon was in danger. Still, he wasn’t ready to die here, and he certainly wasn’t going to let anything happen to Rachel. He’d fight to his last breath to save her.

“Get them back to the lodge. He’s angry. We need to get this thing settled now. Before they arrive,” McNamara blurted out, and Rachel slid Alex a look. Someone was coming here? He tried to digest the meaning but he couldn’t.

With two men restraining them and two others pointing weapons at them, Alex didn’t believe he and Rachel stood a chance at taking them out. They’d be forced back to the lodge.

After what felt like forever, it came into view. Blake Temple stood on the porch. Where was Michelle? She’d been his constant companion and now she was no longer with him.

Rachel saw Temple as wel, and her footsteps faltered.

“It’s going to be okay. Remember, they need us.” Alex hoped that was still true.

Temple spotted them and hurried down the stairs. The men holding them captive released them and shoved them forward.

“So, we meet again.” Temple’s menacing smile told Alex the man was going to enjoy getting even. “Well, this time the tables are turned.” He addressed Rachel directly. “You will answer our questions now. Otherwise, your friend here will die.”

Standing close to her, Alex could sense all her fears. She’d been through so much. He’d hurt her badly. She’d lost her husband too soon. She deserved to have the chance to be happy again, and he was determined to give it to her even if it meant losing his life to save hers.

“Where is he?” Temple got into her face. She couldn’t keep from flinching. “We’ve searched the lodge. He’s not here. Start talking.”

While Rachel struggled to come up with a believable answer, he had an idea that just might work. “I know where he is,” Alex told the man, immediately drawing Temple’s glaring attention to him.

“What do you know? Who are you, anyway?” The man was clearly doubtful.

So far, no one appeared to know that Alex was CIA. He just needed to come up with a convincing story to buy them more time.

“Liam is my friend. He called me a few days before he went missing. I think I know where he would be hiding.”

Faint interest showed on Temple’s expression, yet he wasn’t fully convinced.

“A friend, you say. What else did he tell you?” He was trying to figure out how much of the real story Alex knew.

“Nothing. Only that he was coming up here for a few days to fish in one of our old spots.” The swimming hole in the cave. If he could convince them that Liam was in there, he and Rachel would have a shot at escaping through the labyrinth of passages the cave provided. The man who searched him earlier had taken the knife and flashlight, but had overlooked the lighter for whatever reason. They’d have the advantage. They knew how to get out. These men did not.

“Don’t believe him. He lied to us before,” McNamara told his boss.

While Temple didn’t quite buy the story, whatever he needed from Liam had made him desperate. He was willing to go along. “And where exactly would that be?” Temple asked in a bristled tone. “And keep in mind, you’d better not be leading us on again...otherwise...” He left the threat hanging.

“I’m not. I want to live. I want Rachel to live. I know where Liam’s at. I can take you there.” Alex held on to a breath as the man continued to watch him, trying to determine if he was telling the truth.

“And why would you give up your friend?”

Alex struggled to make his answer seem believable. “Because I care about her and I don’t want her to die because of something her brother did.” He turned to Rachel, with his heart in his eyes. As he watched, a tear spilled down her cheek.

“Touching,” Temple mocked. “Then you’ll make sure you don’t try anything foolish, because if you do, she dies.” Temple turned to one of the men standing nearby. “Take him to the vehicle. I’ll be there shortly.” He faced Rachel again. “You’d better hope he’s telling the truth. Otherwise, I’ll kill you myself.”

Temple motioned to one of his men, who grabbed Rachel’s arm and started toward the lodge. There was no way Alex was letting Temple separate them. Staying together was their only chance at surviving.

“Hold on just a second. I’m not going anywhere without her.” Alex stood his ground. He meant it. He wasn’t budging without Rachel. “If you want my help, she comes, too.”

Temple glared at him for the longest time. Alex was certain he’d call his bluff. “All right,” he said at last. “But she stays in the vehicle, and if you’re lying, I’ll have my man kill her without thinking twice about it. Understood?”

Not exactly the answer Alex hoped for, but at least Rachel would be close. He struggled through exhaustion to come up with some way to get them both free. He couldn’t help but feel time was running out. For them. Liam. Deacon. He couldn’t imagine how bad Deacon’s condition had deteriorated in the hours since they’d left him.

“Get them both in the SUV. We’ve wasted enough time. We have buyers counting on us.”

Alex’s blood ran cold. Buyers counting on us... Had Temple just let it slip that whatever it was they were trying to locate, possibly sarin gas, he had a buyer waiting impatiently for it?

He looked over at Rachel. She’d heard it, too.

“You men come with us. McNamara, try to reach them. Let them know everything is going according to plan,” Temple told the man. “Apparently I can’t trust any of you to do the job correctly. I’ll need to go there in person to make sure Carlson gives up

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