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Book online «Demon Day Penelope Fletcher (which ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Penelope Fletcher

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if he was embarrassed or concerned. “And I am not sorry. Theconnection was the only reason my compulsion worked on her. Evennow she fights it.”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “Whetheryou expected it or not it does not explain how you forged a bloodtie with this girl in the month you have been gone when we havebeen together for the better part of a century. Our mating was notforced and we have never experienced….” Her head swung and shestripped me with a glare. “What passed between you and my mate,fairy?”

I looked at Tomas and his expressiontold me nothing. “A kiss,” I said, stupidly.

Lips flattening to a taut line he madea dismissing movement with his hand. “What has transpired betweenRae and I does not concern you.”

Gwendolyn’s body shook with repressedrage and the darkness began to blot out the whites of her eyes.“Does … not….” She sounded like she was being strangled.

Chest rising and falling in tensejerks her bone white hands became claws, and even as I saw thethread of her calm snap and her lips curl back, Tomas slid in frontof me. She grabbed his shoulder, digging her nails in, but hewrapped his hand around her throat.

“Calm yourself,” heordered. “It means nothing.”

She snapped at him and he released hishold on her throat to pull her into him. Tomas murmured somethingsoothing in Gwendolyn’s ear as she completely freaked out, clawingat him so she could get to me. She made growling noises mixed withrabid shrieks and her dark eyes rolled madly.

Tomas struggled to keep her in hisembrace, but managed to stroke her hair whilst he watched metremble. The corners of his mouth pulled down when he read the fearin my face.

Well, what did he expect? I was nolonger fully under his compulsion and this situation got scarier bythe moment.

The whole time I had not moved, but Ihonestly had no idea what to do. I remembered bringing us hereusing magics, and I could tell we were not near a forest. Hungryvampires surrounded me so running like prey through the streets ofan unknown city was not an option, and where was I running to? Mysenses were muddled from Tomas’ compulsion, and I was not entirelysure I could move my feet yet. The bond between Breandan and I keptstretching into nothing then flowing over me in full force as if hedrew nearer, but I ignored it as I couldn’t trust what I felt. Iswallowed loudly and forced my heart to stop trying to bash freethrough my chest, no doubt it was like a dinner bell to the demonsthat had me trapped.

The mad fire in the Gwendolyn’s eyescooled and her rabid expression faded. Tomas let the Nest Queen goand without hesitation, she slinked over to me, around me, takingmy measure.

I ignored her and silent tears spilledover to run down my cheeks. The last vestiges of the compulsionwere fading and freed my emotions. They came tumbling back in fullforce – the fear and complete betrayal. The darkness waseverywhere, still writhing and wiggling through me because I wastied to Tomas by blood. He had led me here to these starved andinsane vampires.

Icy breath tickled my ear and coldfingers brushed the back of my neck. “Looking for someone?”Gwendolyn asked quietly.

She could sense my magic? My eyesclosed, and I shook my head, not in answer to her question, but indenial of the entire situation.

The vampires that had followed Tomasus here watched me openly with hunger, with longing. Everywhere Ilooked fangs dropped and tongues snaked over parched lips. A fewwere even salivating, and I looked away from the carnal pleasure Isaw lurking in the depths of their bottomless eyes.

I found my voice, “Tomas, why have youdone this?”

Gwendolyn giggled and tugged on aclump of my hair and I flinched, my hands flitting up to bat heraway. Tomas did not answer me. He looked between us, and sighed, asif we troubled and bothered him.

My mind was still not coming to termswith what he had done. “But I trusted you.” I turned to look him inthe face, my confusion, and horror plain. “I trust you,Tomas.”

Gwendolyn smirked and came to stand infront of me blocking my view of him – twisting a lock of her hairaround her middle finger. “Are you so desperate to believe you havedone no wrong that you refuse to see what he is?”

I sucked in a breath. My heart crashedin my chest, which was painfully tight. “I don’t believe it.” Ileaned around her to search Tomas’ eyes. “I know you’re mad aboutBreandan,” I mumbled. “But there was no choice and you know that.There was no choice for me.”

Tomas finally moved again. Heshouldered past Gwendolyn who pushed him back playfully and slowlyplaced his cool hands on my face to cup it gently. His thumbstroked over my bottom lip. The corners of his bottomless eyestightened. “I know you will never understand why I did this,” hesaid earnestly. “I am sorry, for everything, but I had to get youhere, Rae. I had to.”

He let me go, and I staggeredback.

Gwendolyn bit her grubby fingertipcoyly, giggled. “Silly fairy.”

My legs gave way, and I fell to myknees. Tears splashed on the gray concrete like rain, making a darkpuddle beneath me. I pressed my forehead to the ground, wantingnothing more in that moment than to curl up and die

Deception. Everything Tomas had donewas a trick, a ruse to get me here.

Gwendolyn’s laughter and the laughterof her Nest burned me, echoed through the cold, empty buildings tobe magnified and thrown back at me, infuriating me.

I lurched up, filled with fire anddetermination. An anger so consuming I feared it would choke me ifI did not appease it with blood. I drew deeply on the Source untilit filled my being with white-hot light then I–


I tried again to channel my power andmanifest a fireball but nothing happened. Staggering back, aterrified squeal of horror was torn from my throat as I repeatedlytried to use my magic. I could not wield the energy gifted to me asmy birthright. The breath whooshed from my lungs, and I looked downat my hands, willing them to fill

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