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Book online «The Dungeon Fairy: Three Lives: A Dungeon Core Escapade (The Hapless Dungeon Fairy Book 3) Jonathan Brooks (read me like a book .txt) đŸ“–Â». Author Jonathan Brooks

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but she had followed the last part.  Yes, that’s essentially what I did.

David seemed excited now, really getting into his explanation.  “Ok, so try to follow me on this.  I think that this ‘synergy energy’ amplified the effect of the dimensional explosion, but not only that, it also created a ‘synergy’ between your Core and anything not of this particular dimension.  Namely, the invaders.”

What?  But
I’m not all blue or purple or have 6 arms.

“Sorry, I forgot to clarify.  It wasn’t the invaders themselves that you ‘synergized’ with, but their technology.  I think you adapted the same sort of technological effects that their devices apply to their Personal Force Fields, their weapons, and whatever caused a rupture in the regeneration of Dungeon Force, Fairy Mana, and the use of those things by your Core and Dungeon Assistants.”

So, in effect that means
what, exactly?

“That your Core is now integrated with these invaders’ technology, allowing you to tap into and short-circuit – or overload – the devices they brought with them.  That is why your Core looks the way it does, because at this point you’re one third Fairy, one third Dungeon Core, and one third invader technology.”

And I survived in the first place, how?

“That I’m not as sure of, but I think it has to do with the dimensional space that was released from the bags you destroyed.  From my knowledge of particular games, these types of dimensional storage tend to want to keep the items placed inside intact, releasing them when called forth exactly how they looked when they were inserted.  My guess is that you were kicked out to an external dimensional pocket a moment before you were actually shattered, the storage space found that you weren’t quite intact; when it couldn’t hold you anymore since it didn’t technically exist from that point because its container was destroyed, it spit you back out, utilizing the ‘synergy energy’ that it absorbed at the same time to put you back together.  Simple, really,” David said matter-of-factly.

Tacca understood some of that, and what she did understand didn’t seem so simple.  Regardless, it was an explanation; whether that was what actually happened, she had no way of knowing.  Still, whatever it was allowed her to remove the Fields that had been protecting the invaders, so there was that.

“So what are we going to do, now?” Tulip asked, the fear and shakiness she and the other Assistants had displayed earlier completely gone.  Tacca was inordinately proud that all of them had enough courage to stick around and fight, rather than flee when the going got tough.  Any one of them could’ve easily abandoned their group when they were able to Translocate again, and it showed a dedication and fortitude that she wasn’t sure they had in them until now.

Well, we aren’t going to do anything until we get this place cleaned up and survive through the winter.  I think we’re also going to have to set some other defensive rooms up, working together, so that if there is another attack like this last one, we’ll be better prepared.  Now that we all know what we’re up against, we can hopefully figure out a way to fight back effectively without the brave sacrifices of so many Raiders in our defense.  Especially after they leave the mountain once winter is done, as they won’t be here to help.

“Once that is all done, though, what are your plans?” Regina questioned.

Tacca was about to respond that she didn’t know, but that wasn’t quite true.  While she didn’t know exactly what she wanted to do, she knew the end result she wanted to achieve.

Using this new knowledge and my new abilities, I want to wipe every trace of those invaders from the planet.

“Lofty goals, girl, but that seems like a lot of work—”

Almost in unison, Tacca and the other Cores shouted back, “Shut up, Karen!”

“Whatever.  As soon as I find and speak to whoever decided on transporting me here after my death, I’ll tell them about all of this abuse you’ve heaped down on me.”  Something in Karen’s voice made Tacca think that the other Core really enjoyed needling everyone else, and she was pleased she could get under their “skin”, so to say.  She didn’t seem vindictive or mean, it was just who she was as a person, or more accurately, as a Core.

“I don’t know how you plan on doing that, Tacca, considering that you’re sort of confined to this dungeon.  Unless these invaders send every single one of their kind down here, I doubt you’ll be able to wipe them all out.”

What Shale said was true, but Tacca also knew that she had to try
somehow.  Right now wasn’t the time for that, though, because they had some work to do.

The Raiders, after resting and healing their wounds after the battle, left within an hour or so of the 8-armed invader’s death.  Some were so wounded that they needed to be carried, where they would be able to heal once they had access to additional healing spells from the exhausted Healers in the group.  As they were leaving, she finally got a count of how many of them were left, as well as who had managed to avoid any type of combat still back in the Hall.

732 individuals were left.

Out of a total of 3,917 that had arrived at the Hall when winter started.

That meant that over 80% of those that had been living the day before were now dead, and the fact made Tacca more than a bit sad.  She had designed this place to save them from the harsh winter, but it had ended up being a deathtrap for most of them.  There wasn’t much that she could do about it now, though, except work to make sure the rest survived long enough to leave their temporary mountain habitation.

As soon as the room was

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