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Book online «Takedown Heather Atkinson (rosie project txt) 📖». Author Heather Atkinson

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as watching the others on the security monitors to guide them.”

“You mean we’re going to wear those cool earpieces like in the movies so we can communicate?” smiled Kevin.



“You’re the most tech-savvy of us Jason. You’re best doing that.”

He nodded. “No worries. Are we bringing Abi in on this?”

“No,” said Faith. “This is going to get very heavy duty. At the furniture warehouse she was kept out of danger. This plan means going inside and she’s not experienced enough to deal with it.”

“You’re sure we’re experienced enough?” said Jason.

“We have to be,” she said determinedly.

“All right, I’m bloody coming,” yelled Mickey when there was a knock at the door for the second time, jogging downstairs while pulling on his jumper. “I was just about to get in the shower.”

He reached the door and hesitated, reluctant to open it, fearing it was the police returned to drag him back to the station, or someone even worse.

“Who is it?” he called through the door.

“Delivery,” called back the voice. “I’ve got a package for you.”

“Just leave it on the doorstep.”

“Okay, if you want.”

Mickey pressed his ear to the door but could hear nothing. Cautiously he opened it a crack and peered out just in time to see a white transit van speed off. On his doorstep was a package about the size of a shoe box wrapped in brown paper with his address neatly printed on the front. He couldn’t remember ordering anything but it wouldn’t be the first time he’d gone online shopping while drunk or high and ended up with an unexpected delivery. The last one had been a wig for a dog. He’d no idea what he’d been thinking when he’d ordered that.

He took the package into the living room and sat down on the couch to open it. In a way it was exciting, not knowing what piece of useless crap he’d saddled himself with this time.

Mickey was pleased when he tore off the paper to reveal a box adorned with the image of an expensive pair of trainers.

“Nice one,” he smiled, lifting the lid.

There was a quiet bang, a puff of smoke and his head spun.

“What the fu…,” he began before collapsing unconscious back into the couch, the box slipping from his lap and falling onto the floor.

Vance, Faith and Caleb entered the house through the back door and found Mickey out for the count on the couch.

“Worked like a dream,” smiled Vance. “Where the hell did you get the idea for a weaponised sedative?” he asked Faith.

“I didn’t,” she replied. “Raven’s dad came up with it.”

“The same one who made those flash devices? I’d love to meet him one day, the man’s obviously a genius.”

“Mickey should be knocked out for a good hour,” she replied, holding her breath as she picked up the box and hastily replaced the lid. She also collected up the parcel paper it had been wrapped in. “Plenty of time for us to get him to the laser tag arena.”

Caleb and Vance hog-tied Mickey and carried him to the back door and through the yard to the waiting transit van driven by Kevin, who still wore his delivery uniform of dark blue trousers, polo shirt and baseball cap. Faith got in the front with him, shoving the box and paper into the footwell while Vance and Caleb got in the back with Mickey.

“I didn’t need this get-up,” said Kevin. “The sod wouldn’t even open the door to me.”

“Sounds like Mickey’s afraid.”

“So he bloody well should be.”

“I don’t think all is harmonious between him and the firefighters.”

They drove to the laser tag arena, which was closed for business for the night. Jason was waiting for them and let them in through a side door. Caleb and Vance carried Mickey inside and upstairs to one of the main rooms, Faith, Kevin and Jason following.

“Have you familiarised yourself with all the controls?” Faith asked Jason.

“Yep,” he replied. “It’s a simple system, no worries.”

“Good,” she smiled.

“I’m looking forward to knocking those bastards dizzy.”

“First we have to lure them here,” she said, watching as Vance and Caleb tied the still unconscious Mickey to a chair, who sagged forward, only his bonds keeping him upright.

“How do we wake him up?” said Kevin.

“We can’t,” replied Faith. “We need to wait for him to wake up in his own time.” She glanced at her watch. “Which should be in about forty minutes. While we wait, Jason can keep an eye on him. The rest of us need to familiarise ourselves with the building. Ben and his crew will probably come armed.”

They wandered about in the gloom, learning every passage and turn, which would have to be made in perpetual darkness if their plan was to work.

They were drawn back to Mickey when they heard him shouting and yelling.

“Well someone woke up on the wrong side of bed,” grinned Kevin.

“Don’t smile at me you fucking ferret,” Mickey spat at him, furiously struggling against his bonds. “Let me go.”

Kevin’s grin dropped. “What the fuck did you call me you twat?” he yelled back.

Faith stood before Mickey, the sight of her sending him into overdrive.

“This is your doing, isn’t it?” he bellowed. “You stupid bitch.”

“No Vance,” she said when he drew back his fist to punch him. “Mickey was rendered unconscious and then kidnapped. He has the right to be angry.”

“Fucking right I do,” retorted Mickey. “I’m raging and when I’m free I’ll rip off your fucking tits.”

“That’s it,” said Vance, driving his fist into his stomach.

Mickey released an oof and sagged in his chair, gasping for breath and groaning.

“We know what you’ve been up to with Ben and his crew,” said Faith now he was finally silent. “You plotted with them to steal

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