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like bread
cast upon the waters; but if we send out thoughts of fear, worry, jealousy, anger, hate, etc.,
we will reap the results in our own lives.
26. It used to be said that man is completely built over every seven years, but some
scientists now declare that we build ourselves over entirely every eleven months; so we are
really only eleven months old. If we build the defects back into our bodies year after year, we
have no one to blame but ourselves.
27. Man is the sum total of his own thoughts; so the question is, how are we going to
entertain only the good thoughts and reject the evil ones? At first we can't keep the evil
thoughts from coming, but we can keep from entertaining them. The only way to do this is to
forget them -- which means, get something for them. This is where the ready-made
affirmation comes into play.
28. When a thought of anger, jealousy, fear or worry creeps in, just start your affirmation
going. The way to fight darkness is with light -- the way to fight cold is with heat -- the way to
overcome evils is with good. For myself, I never could find any help in denials. Affirm the
good, and the bad will vanish. - Frederick Elias Andrews
29. If there is anything you require, it will be well for you to make use of this affirmation; it
cannot be improved upon. Use it just as it is; take it into the silence with you, until it sinks into
your subconsciousness, so that you can use it anywhere, in your car, in the office, at home;
this is the advantage of spiritual methods; they are always available. Spirit is omnipresent,
every ready; all that is required is a proper recognition of its omnipotence, and a willingness
or desire to become the recipient of its beneficent effects.
30. If our predominant mental attitude is one of power, courage, kindliness and sympathy, we
shall find that our environment will reject conditions in correspondence with these thoughts; if
it is weak, critical, envious and destructive, we shall find our environment reflecting conditions
corresponding to these thoughts.
31. Thoughts are causes and conditions are effects. Herein is the explanation of the origin of
both good and evil. Thought is creative and will automatically correlate with its object. This is
a Cosmological law (a universal law), the law of Attraction, the law of Cause and Effect; the
recognition and application of this law will determine both beginning and end; it is the law by
which in all ages and in all times the people were led to believe in the power of prayer. "As
thy faith is, so be it unto thee," is simply another, shorter and a better way of stating it.
32. This week visualize a plant; take a flower, the one you most admire, bring it from the
unseen into the seen, plant the tiny seed, water it, care for it, place it where it will get the
direct rays of the morning sun, see the seed burst; it is now a living thing, something which is
alive and beginning to search for the means of subsistence. See the roots penetrating the
earth, watch them shoot out in all directions and remember that they are living cells dividing
and subdividing, and that they will soon number millions, that each cell is intelligent, that it
knows what is wants and knows how to get it. See the stem shoot forward and upward,
watch it burst through the surface of the earth, see it divide and form branches, see how perfect and symmetrical each branch is formed, see the leaves begin to form, and then the
tiny stems, each one holding aloft a bud, and as you watch you see the bud begin to unfold
and your favorite flower comes to view; and now if you will concentrate intently you will
become conscious of a fragrance; it is the fragrance of the flower as the breeze gently sways
the beautiful creation which you have visualized.
33. When you are enabled to make your vision clear and complete you will be enabled to
enter into the spirit of a thing; it will become very real to you; you will be learning to
concentrate and the process is the same, whether you are concentrating on health, a favorite
flower, an ideal, a complicated business proposition or any other problem of life.
34. Every success has been accomplished by persistent concentration upon the object in

PART NINE Study Questions with Answers

81. What is the imperative condition of all well-being? Well doing.
82. What is the condition precedent to every right action? Right thinking.
83. What is the underlying condition necessary in every business transaction or social
relation? To know the Truth.
84. What is the result of a knowledge of the Truth? We can readily predict the result of any
action that is based upon a true premise.
85. What is the result of any action based upon a false premise? We can form no conception
of the results which may ensue.
86. How may we know the Truth? By a realization of the fact that Truth is the vital principle of
the Universe and is therefore omnipresent.
87. What is the nature of Truth? It is spiritual.
88. What is the secret of the solution to every problem? To apply spiritual Truth.
89. What is the advantage of spiritual methods? They are always available.
90. What are the necessary requirements? A recognition of the omnipotence of spiritual
power and a desire to become the recipient of its beneficent effects.
"Thought means life, since those who do not think do not live in any high or real sense.
Thinking makes the man." - A. B. Alcott


If you get a thorough understanding or the thought contained in Part Ten, you will have
learned that nothing happens without a definite cause. You will be enabled to formulate your
plans in accordance with exact knowledge. You will know how to control any situation by
bringing adequate causes into play. When you win, as you will, you will know exactly why.
The ordinary man, who has no definite knowledge of cause and effect, is governed by his
feelings or emotions. He thinks chiefly to justify his action. If he fails as a businessman, he
says that luck is against him. If he dislikes music, he says that music is an expensive luxury.
If he is a poor office man, he says that he could succeed better at some outdoor work. If he
lacks friends, he says his individuality is too fine to be appreciated.
He never thinks his problem through to the end. In short, he does not know that every effect
is the result of a certain definite cause, but he seeks to console himself with explanations and
excuses. He thinks only in self-defense.
On the contrary, the man who understands that there is no effect without an adequate cause
thinks impersonally. He gets down to bed rock facts regardless of consequences. He is free to follow the trail of truth wherever it may lead. He sees the issue clear to the end, and he
meets the requirements fully and fairly, and the result is that the world gives him all that it has
to give, in friendship, honor, love and approval.
1. Abundance is a natural law of the Universe. The evidence of this law is conclusive; we see
it on every hand. Everywhere Nature is lavish, wasteful, extravagant. Nowhere is economy
observed in any created thing. Profusion is manifested in everything. The millions and
millions of trees and flowers and plants and animals and the vast scheme of reproduction
where the process of creating and recreating is forever going on, all indicates the lavishness
with which Nature has made provision for man. That there is an abundance for everyone is
evident, but that many fail to participate in this abundance is also evident; they have not yet
come into a realization of the Universality of all substance, and that mind is the active
principle whereby we are related to the things we desire. 2. All wealth is the offspring of
power; possessions are of value only as they confer power. Events are significant only as
they affect power; all things represent certain forms and degrees of power. 3. Knowledge of
cause and effect as shown by the laws governing electricity, chemical affinity and gravitation,
enables man to plan courageously and execute fearlessly. These laws are called Natural
Laws, because they govern in the physical world, but all power is not physical power; there is
also mental power, and there is moral and spiritual power. 4. Spiritual power is superior
because it exists on a higher plane. It has enabled man to discover the law by which these
wonderful forces of Nature could be harnessed and made to do the work of hundreds and
thousands of men. It has enabled man to discover laws whereby time and space have been
annihilated and the law of gravitation to be overcome. The operation of this law is dependent
upon spiritual contact, as Henry Drummond well says: 5. "In the physical world as we know it,
there exists the organic and the inorganic. The inorganic of the mineral world is absolutely
cut off from the plant or animal world; the passage is hermetically sealed. These barriers
have never yet been crossed. No change of substance, no modification of environment, no
chemistry, no electricity, no form of energy, no evolution of any kind can ever endow a single
atom of the mineral world with the attribute of Life.” 6. "Only by the bending down into this
dead world of some living form can those dead atoms be gifted with the properties of vitality;
without this contact with life they remain fixed in the inorganic sphere forever. Huxley says
that the doctrine of Biogenesis (or life only from life) is victorious all along the line, and
Tyndall is compelled to say: 'I affirm that no shred of trustworthy evidence exists to prove that
life in our day has ever appeared independent of antecedent life.' 7. "Physical laws may
explain the inorganic, Biology explains and accounts for the development of the organic, but
of the point of contact Science is silent. A similar passage exists between the Natural world
and the Spiritual world; this passage is hermetically sealed on the natural side. The door is
closed; no man can open it, no organic change, no mental energy, no moral effort, no
progress of any kind can enable any human being to enter the spiritual world."
8. But as the plant reaches down into the mineral world and touches it with the mystery of
Life, so the Universal Mind reaches down into the human mind and endows it with new,
strange, wonderful and even marvelous qualities. All men or women who have every
accomplished anything in the world of industry, commerce or art have accomplished because
of this process.
9. Thought is the connecting link between the Infinite and the finite, between the Universal
and the individual. We have seen that there is an impassable barrier between the organic
and the inorganic, and that the only way that matter can unfold is to be impregnated with life;
as a seed reaches down into the mineral world and begins to unfold and reach out, the dead matter begins to live, a thousand invisible fingers begin to weave a suitable environment for
the new arrival, and as the law of growth begins to take effect, we see the process continue
until the Lily finally appears, and even "Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of
10. Even so, a thought is dropped into the invisible substance of the Universal Mind, that
substance from which all things

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