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Book online «The Master Key by Georg Erich Winter (english readers TXT) 📖». Author Georg Erich Winter

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of the One, all are parts of the whole, there is no difference in kind or quality,
the only difference being one of degree.
"Thought cannot conceive of anything that may not be brought to expression. He who first
uttered it may be only the suggester, but the doer will appear." - Wilson.

PART TWELVE Study Questions with Answers

111. How may any purpose in life be best accomplished? Through a scientific understanding
of the spiritual nature of thought.
112. What three steps are absolutely essential? The knowledge of our power, the courage to
dare, the faith to do.
113. How is the practical working knowledge secured? By an understanding of Natural laws.
114. What is the reward of an understanding of these laws? A conscious realization of our
ability to adjust ourselves to Divine and unchanging principle.
115. What will indicate the degree of success with which we meet? The degree in which we
realize that we cannot change the Infinite but must cooperate with it.
116. What is the principle which gives thought its dynamic power? The Law of Attraction
which rests on vibration, which in turn rests upon the law of love. Thought impregnated with
love becomes invincible.
117. Why is this law irresistible? Because it is a Natural law. All Natural laws are irresistible
and unchangeable and act with mathematical exactitude. There is no deviation or variation.
118. Why then does it sometimes seem to be difficult to find the solution to our problems in
life? For the same reason that it is sometimes difficult to find the correct solution to a difficult
mathematical problem. The operator is uninformed or inexperienced.
119. Why is it impossible for the mind to grasp an entirely new idea? We have no
corresponding vibratory brain cell capable of receiving the idea.
120. How is wisdom secured? By concentration; it is an unfoldment; it comes from within.


Physical science is responsible for the marvelous age of invention in which we are now living,
but spiritual science is now setting out on a career whose possibilities no one can foretell.
Spiritual science has previously been the football of the uneducated, the superstitious, the
mystical, but men are now interested in definite methods and demonstrated facts only.
We have come to know that thinking is a spiritual process, that vision and imagination
preceded action and event, that the day of the dreamer has come. The following lines by Mr.
Herbert Kaufman are interesting in this connection.
"They are the architects of greatness, their vision lies within their souls, they peer beyond the
veils and mists of doubt and pierce the walls of unborn Time. The belted wheel, the trail of
steel, the churning screw, are shuttles in the loom on which they weave their magic
tapestries. Makers of Empire, they have fought for bigger things than crowns and higher
seats than thrones. Your homes are set upon the land a dreamer found. The pictures on its
walls are visions from a dreamer's soul.
They are the chose few -- the blazers of the way. Walls crumble and Empires fall, the tidal
wave sweeps from the sea and tears a fortress from its rocks. The rotting nations drop off
from Time's bough, and only things the dreamer's make live on."
Part Thirteen which follows tells why the dreams of the dreamer come true. It explains the
law of causation by which dreamers, inventors, authors, financiers, bring about the realization
of their desires. It explains the law by which the thing pictured upon our mind eventually
becomes our own.
1. It has been the tendency, and, as might be proved, a necessity for science to seek the
explanation of everyday facts by a generalization of those others which are less frequent and
form the exception. Thus does the eruption of the volcano manifest the heat which is
continually at work in the interior of the earth and to which the latter owes much of her
2. Thus does the lightning reveal a subtle power constantly busy to produce changes in the
inorganic world, and, as dead languages now seldom heard were once ruling among the
nations, so does a giant tooth in Siberia, or a fossil in the depth of the earth, not only bear
record of the evolution of past ages, but thereby explains to us the origin of the hills and
valleys which we inhabit today.
3. In this way a generalization of facts which are rare, strange, or form the exception, has
been the magnetic needle guiding to all the discoveries of inductive science.
4. This method is founded upon reason and experience and thereby destroyed superstition,
precedent and conventionality.
5. It is almost three-hundred years since Lord Bacon recommended this method of study, to
which the civilized nations owe the greater part of their prosperity and the more valuable part of their knowledge; purging the mind from narrow prejudices, denominated theories, more
effectually than by the keenest irony; calling the attention of men from heaven to earth more
successfully by surprising experiments than by the most forcible demonstration of their
ignorance; educating the inventive faculties more powerfully by the near prospect of useful
discoveries thrown open to all, than by talk of bringing to light the innate laws of our mind.
6. The method of Bacon has seized the spirit and aim of the great philosophers of Greece
and carried them into effect by the new means of observation which another age offered;
thus gradually revealing a wondrous field of knowledge in the infinite space of astronomy, in
the microscopic egg of embryology, and the dim age of geology; disclosing an order of the
pulse which the logic of Aristotle could never have unveiled, and analyzing into formerly
unknown elements the material combinations which no dialectic of the scholastics could force
7. It has lengthened life; it has mitigated pain; it has extinguished diseases; it has increased
the fertility of the soil; it has given new securities to the mariner; it has spanned great rivers
with bridges of form unknown to our fathers; it has guided the thunderbolt from heaven to
earth; it has lighted up night with the splendor of day; it has extended the range of human
vision; it has multiplied the power of the human muscles; it has accelerated motion; it has
annihilated distance; it has facilitated intercourse, correspondence, all friendly offices, all
dispatch of business; it has enabled men to descend into the depths of the sea, to soar into
the air, to penetrate securely into the noxious recesses of the earth.
8. This then is the true nature and scope of induction. But the greater the success which men
have achieved in the inductive science, the more does the whole tenor of their teachings and
example impress us with the necessity of observing carefully, patiently, accurately, with all
the instruments and resources at our command the individual facts before venturing upon a
statement of general laws.
9. To ascertain the bearing of the spark drawn from the electric machine under every variety
of circumstances, that we thus may be emboldened with Franklin to address, in the form of a
kite, the question to the cloud about the nature of the lightning. To assure ourselves of the
manner in which bodies fall with the exactness of a Galileo, that with Newton we may dare to
ask the moon about the force that fastens it to the earth.
10. In short, by the value we set upon truth, by our hope in a steady and universal progress,
not to permit a tyrannical prejudice to neglect or mutilate unwelcome facts, but to rear the
superstructure of science upon the broad and unchangeable basis, of full attention paid to
the most isolated as well as the most frequent phenomena.
11. An ever-increasing material may be collected by observation, but the accumulated facts
are of very different value for the explanation of nature, and as we esteem most highly those
useful qualities of men which are of the rarest occurrence, so does natural philosophy sift the
facts and attach a pre-eminent importance to that striking class which cannot be accounted
for by the usual and daily observation of life.
12. If then, we find that certain persons seem to possess unusual power, what are we to
conclude? First, we may say, it is not so, which is simply an acknowledgment of our lack of
information because every honest investigator admits that there are many strange and
previously unaccountable phenomena constantly taking place. Those, however, who become
acquainted with the creative power of thought, will no longer consider them unaccountable.
13. Second, we may say that they are the result of supernatural interference, but a scientific
understanding of Natural Laws will convince us that there is nothing supernatural. Every
phenomenon is the result of an accurate definite cause, and the cause is an immutable law
or principle, which operates with invariable precision, whether the law is put into operation
consciously or unconsciously.
14. Third, we may say that we are on "forbidden ground," that there are some things which
we should not know. This objection was used against every advance in human knowledge.
Every individual who ever advanced a new idea, whether a Columbus, a Darwin, a Galileo, a
Fulton or an Emerson, was subjected to ridicule or persecution; so that this objection should
receive no serious consideration; but, on the contrary, we should carefully consider every fact
which is brought to our attention; by doing this we will more readily ascertain the law upon
which it is based.
15. It will be found that the creative power of thought will explain every possible condition or
experience, whether physical, mental or spiritual.
16. Thought will bring about conditions in correspondence with the predominant mental
attitude. Therefore, if we fear disaster, as fear is a powerful form of thought, disaster will be
the certain result of our thinking. It is this form of thought which frequently sweeps away the
result of many years of toil and effort.
17. If we think of some form of material wealth we may secure it. By concentrated thought the
required conditions will be brought about, and the proper effort put forth, which will result in
bringing about the circumstances necessary to realize our desires; but we often find that
when we secure the things we thought we wanted, they do not have the effect we expected.
That is, the satisfaction is only temporary, or possibly is the reverse of what we expected.
18. What, then, is the proper method of procedure? What are we to think in order to secure
what we really desire? What you and I desire, what we all desire, what every one is seeking,
is Happiness and Harmony. If we can be truly happy we shall have everything the world can
give. If we are happy ourselves we can make others happy.
19. But we cannot be happy unless we have, health, strength, congenial friends, pleasant
environment, sufficient supply, not only to take care of our necessities but to provide for
those comforts and luxuries to which we are entitled.
20. The old orthodox way of thinking was to be "a worm," to be satisfied with our portion
whatever it is; but the modern idea is to know that we are entitled to the best of everything,
that the "Father and I are one" and that the "Father" is the Universal Mind, the Creator, the
Original Substance from which all things proceed.
21. Now admitting that his is all true in theory, and it has been taught for two thousand years,
and is the essence of every system of Philosophy or Religion, how are we to make it practical
in our lives? How are we to get the actual, tangible results here and now?
22. In the first place, we must put our knowledge into practice. Nothing can be accomplished

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