Read books online ยป Philosophy ยป The Master Key by Georg Erich Winter (english readers TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซThe Master Key by Georg Erich Winter (english readers TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Georg Erich Winter

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are created, and as it takes root, the law of growth begins to
take effect and we find that conditions and environment are but the objective form of our
11. The law is that Thought is an active vital form of dynamic energy which has the power to
correlate with its object and bring it out of the invisible substance from which all things are
created into the visible or objective world. This is the law by which, and through which all
things come into manifestation; it is the Master Key by which you are admitted into the Secret
Place of the Most High and are "given dominion over all things." With an understanding of
this law you may "decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee."
12. It could not be otherwise; if the soul of the Universe as we know it is the Universal Spirit,
then the Universe is simply the condition which the Universal Spirit has made for itself. We
are simply individualized spirit and are creating the conditions for our growth in exactly the
same way.
13. This creative power depends upon our recognition of the potential power of spirit or mind
and must not be confused with Evolution. Creation is the calling into existence of that which
does not exist in the objective world. Evolution is simply the unfolding of potentialities
involved in things which already exist.
14. In taking advantage of the wonderful possibilities opened up to us through the operation
of this law, we must remember that we ourselves contribute nothing to its efficacy as the
Great Teacher said: "It is not I that doeth the works, but the Father that dwelleth in me, He
doeth the work". We must take exactly the same position; we can do nothing to assist in the
manifestation, we simply comply with the law, and the All-originating Mind will bring about the
15. The great error of the present day is the idea that Man has to originate the intelligence
whereby the Infinite can proceed to bring about a specific purpose or result. Nothing of this
kind is necessary; the Universal Mind can be depended upon to find the ways and means for
bringing about any necessary manifestation. We must, however, create the ideal, and this
ideal should be perfect.
16. We know that the laws governing Electricity have been formulated in such a way that this
invisible power can be controlled and used for our benefit and comfort in thousands of ways.
We know that messages are carried around the world, that ponderous machinery does its
bidding, that it now illuminates practically the whole world, but we know too that if we
consciously or ignorantly violate its law by touching a live wire, when it is not properly
insulated, the result will be unpleasant and possibly disastrous. A lack of understanding of
the laws governing in the invisible world has the same result, and many are suffering the
consequences all the time.
17. It has been explained that the law of causation depends upon polarity, a circuit must be
formed; this circuit cannot be formed unless we operate in harmony with the law. How shall we operate in harmony with the law unless we know what the law is? How shall we know
what the Law is? By study, by observation.
18. We see the law in operation everywhere; all nature testifies to the operation of the law by
silently, constantly expressing itself in the law of growth. Where there is growth, there must
be life; where there is life there must be harmony, so that everything that has life is constantly
attracting to itself the conditions and the supply which is necessary for its most complete
19. If your thought is in harmony with the creative Principle of Nature, it is in tune with the
Infinite Mind, and it will form the circuit, it will not return to you void; but it is possible for you
to think thoughts that are not in tune with the Infinite, and when there is no polarity, the circuit
is not formed. What, then, is the result? What is the result when a dynamo is generating
electricity, the circuit is cut off and there is no outlet? The dynamo stops.
20. It will be exactly the same with you, if you entertain thoughts which are not in accordance
with the Infinite and cannot therefore be polarized; there is no circuit, you are isolated, the
thoughts cling to you, harass you, worry you, and finally bring about disease and possibly
death; the physician may not diagnose the case exactly in this way, he may give it some
fancy name which has been manufactured for the various ills which are the result of wrong
thinking, but the cause is the same nevertheless.
21. Constructive thought must necessarily be creative, but creative thought must be
harmonious, and this eliminates all destructive or competitive thought.
22. Wisdom, strength, courage and all harmonious conditions are the result of power and we
have seen that all power is from within; likewise, every lack, limitation or adverse
circumstance is the result of weakness, and weakness is simply absence of power; it comes
from nowhere, it is nothing -- the remedy then is simply to develop power, and this is
accomplished in exactly the same manner that all power is developed, by exercise.
23. This exercise consists in making an application of your knowledge. Knowledge will not
apply itself. You must make the application. Abundance will not come to you out of the sky,
neither will it drop into your lap, but a conscious realization of the law of attraction and the
intention to bring it into operation for a certain, definite and specific purpose, and the will to
carry out this purpose will bring about the materialization of your desire by a natural law of
transference. If you are in business, it will increase and develop along regular channels,
possibly new or unusual channels of distribution will be opened and when the law becomes
fully operative, you will find that the things you seek are seeking you.
24. This week select a blank space on the wall, or any other convenient spot, from where you
usually sit, mentally draw a black horizontal line about six inches long, try to see the line as
plainly as though it were painted on the wall; now mentally draw two vertical lines connecting
with this horizontal line at either end; now draw another horizontal line connecting with the
two vertical lines; now you have a square. Try to see the square perfectly; when you can do
so draw a circle within the square; now place a point in the center of the circle; now draw the
point toward you about 10 inches; now you have a cone on a square base; you will
remember that your work was all in black; change it to white, to red, to yellow.
25. If you can do this, you are making excellent progress and will soon be enabled to
concentrate on any problem you may have in mind. "When any object or purpose is clearly
held in thought, its precipitation, in tangible and visible form, is merely a question of time.
The vision always precedes and itself determines the realization.โ€ - Lillian Whiting

PART TEN Study Questions with Answers

91. What is Wealth? Wealth is the offspring of power.
92. Of what value are possessions? Possessions are of value only as they confer power.
93. Of what value is a knowledge of cause and effect? It enables men to plan courageously
and execute fearlessly.
94. How does life originate in the inorganic world? Only by the introduction of some living
form. There is no other way.
95. What is the connecting link between the finite and the Infinite? Thought is the connecting
96. Why is that so? Because the Universal can manifest only through the individual.
97. Upon what does causation depend? Upon polarity; a circuit must be formed; the
Universal is the positive side of the battery of life, the individual is the negative, and thought
forms the circuit.
98. Why do many fail to secure harmonious conditions? They do not understand the law;
there is no polarity; they have not formed the circuit.
99. What is the remedy? A conscious recognition of the law of attraction with the intention of
bring it into existence for a definite purpose.
100. What will be the result? Thought will correlate with its object and bring it into
manifestation, because thought is a product of the spiritual man, and spirit is the creative
Principle of the Universe.
โ€œA vivid thought brings the power to paint it; and in proportion to the depth of its source is the
force of its projection.โ€ - Emerson


Your life is governed by law - by actual, immutable principles that never vary. Law is in
operation at all times; in all places. Fixed laws underlie all human actions. For this reason,
men who control giant industries are enabled to determine with absolute precision just what
percentage of every hundred thousand people will respond to any given set of conditions.
It is well, however, to remember that while every effect is the result of a cause, the effect in
turn becomes a cause, which creates other effects, which in turn create still other causes; so
that when you put the law of attraction into operation you must remember that you are
starting a train of causation for good or otherwise which may have endless possibilities.
We frequently hear it said, "A very distressing situation came into my life, which could not
have been the result of my thought, as I certainly never entertained any thought which could
have such a result." We fail to remember that like attracts like in the mental world, and that
the thought which we entertain brings to us certain friendships, companionships of a
particular kind, and these in turn bring about conditions and environment, which in turn are
responsible for the conditions of which we complain.
1. Inductive reasoning is the process of the objective mind by which we compare a number of
separate instances with one another until we see the common factor that gives rise to them
2. Induction proceeds by comparison of facts; it is this method of studying nature which has
resulted in the discovery of a reign of law which has marked an epoch in human progress.
3. It is the dividing line between superstition and intelligence; it has eliminated the elements
of uncertainty and caprice from men's lives and substituted law, reason, and certitude.
4. It is the "Watchman at the Gate" mentioned in a former lesson.
5. When, by virtue of this principle, the world to which the senses were accustomed had been
revolutionized; when the sun had been arrested in his course, the apparently flat earth had
been shaped into a ball and set whirling around him; when the inert matter had been
resolved into active elements, and the universe presented itself wherever we directed the
telescope and microscope, full of force, motion and life; we are constrained to ask by what
possible means the delicate forms of organization in the midst of it are kept in order and
6. Like poles and like forces repel themselves or remain impenetrable to each other, and this
cause seems in general sufficient to assign a proper place and distance to stars, men and
forces. As men of different virtues enter into partnership, so do opposite poles attract each
other, elements that have no property in common like acids and gases cling to each other in
preference and a general exchange is kept up between the surplus and the demand.
7. As the eye seeks and receives satisfaction from colors complementary to those which are
given, so does need, want and desire,

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