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Book online «All Just Is by E.C.Nemeth (books to read for 13 year olds txt) 📖». Author E.C.Nemeth

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offers these opportunities to change.
Do you see how your suffering is your blessing and it is the ultimate measure of my love for each of you? It states my bond with you, my promise. I will never abandon you, not ever. Even if it takes forever, there I will be, ready to welcome you home.
We are one and one we will once again become.
So I entreaty you to get out of your own way. Set reason aside and listen with your heart.
I am so close. My journey, my work, is nearly complete. Soon we shall meet as equals.
Through mine eyes to yours and back again.
What lies beyond even I do not know. Since it is yet to happen, even for me, it remains only a possibility, a place where I cannot see.
Oh, the wonder of it!

I offer you my love; to you, through you and by you, forever more.

Take notice and heed
Ye people of earth
While I tell ye what to God you’re worth.
This message is not
What might have been
Had you not gone down the path to sin.
Remember the plan
Sons, daughters of man
The time to wake up is now at hand!
So listen and hear
The message is clear
I am not a God of wrath to fear.
My essence is love
Love without judgement
Joy in the ever-present moment.
I invite you all
To try and recall
How you were like this before the fall.
Use kindness to heal
The torment you feel
Know in your heart that God’s love is real.
Know that I LOVE YOU
I did, will and do
And know that my love is always true.
That’s all ways always,
Why shouldn’t it be?
I don’t judge what you know I can see!
When love transcends the head
The Heart rules instead
Then you can see others as kindred.
The cosmos is One
You are not alone
Make this your truth and you’re halfway home.
Be gentle and kind
Be honest of mind
There’s no need to seek what you can find.
But above all things
Please open your wings
You’re not a puppet with holy strings.
Let me be your friend
So your heart can mend
Thus ends the message I wish to send.
The Specifications List at the beginning of each chapter outlines the basic properties of the proto-elements made manifest during the creation sequence. The following is a short explanation of each.

Instant # :
The premise of this work is that creation occurred in a sequence during which specific manifestations appeared. The sequence is considered to be instantaneous so that each instant gave rise to a unique element one after the other in an unbroken chain. An instant is defined as the smallest possible increment of time (an impossibility by any logical standard, since there is always something smaller, but the concept is easy enough to grasp).
NOTE: Instant 0 denotes a time just before the creation of the universe.
Koanic Knot :
The term coined to refer to the dual manifestation of each instant during the creation sequence. Each pole manifest implies the existence of its opposite by virtue of its own obvious existence, while simultaneously directly refuting the possibility of its opposite for the self-same reason. The fact that these dual manifestations reduce to a paradox results in the ‘knot’ of reality which each pair undergird. (In many ways it resembles the thesis and anti-thesis of Kant’s hypothesis regarding the nature of deductive reasoning.)
Koan :
The term used to denote the underlying context of each Koanic Knot. It refers to the logical kernel that can be deduced from each pair of opposites made manifest during the creation sequence. The koans become manifest only later, in the mature universe. (The Koan resembles the synthesis of Kant’s hypothesis regarding the nature of deductive reasoning.)
Line of :
Aid to the emotional component of understanding. Every instant can be viewed as a different level of reality, as another component of reality’s underlying nature. Each level is the foundation for a whole series of related concepts that will manifest only in the mature universe.
Moment of :
Aid to the logical component of understanding relating to each pair of manifestations during the creation sequence. It offers a short statement summing up the basic action taking place at each given instant.
Visualization Key :
Aid to the visualization of the phenomena made manifest during the creation sequence. The suggested parallel may only exhibit portions of the intended visual outline or merely vaguely resemble it and so this aid is meant as a tentative guideline at best. This key acknowledges the general way that symbols are integrated into our awareness, namely by delineating what the symbol refers to and what the symbol does not refer to – where it begins and where it ends.
Postulates :
The term employed to describe the basic outline of the main points of each chapter. The deduced or inferred laws or understandings upon which further comprehension hinges.

Divine Synopsis :
Intended as a further guide to comprehension by offering an explanation of each instant of the creation sequence from the viewpoint of the Divine. This portion is italicized to highlight its unique logical stance (and perhaps because others have done the same).
Mundane Analysis :
The main body of the work. The logical progression that leads to the understandings summarized in the related postulates.
Summary :
A shorter, sometimes-simpler, description of the logical progression than was offered in the mundane analysis section.

Monopole and Nopole

Instant #: 0
Koanic Knot: monopole/nopole
Koan: unity
Line of: BEING
Moment of: The dissolution of All
Illustrative Key: unknown – amorphous cloud
a) All just is.
b) God is All there is and all there is not.
c) State extrapolated from the observed dualistic tendency of the universe.

Divine Synopsis
The author of this book wishes me to add my own description of each of these dual concepts. Sometimes he can be quite obstinate, not seeing that which he has to look right through and beyond in order to see anything at all.
I have inspired these words to be written in the first place. His is just one of many such projects I currently have underway. These times require new interpretations of ancient truisms to prepare the people for my coming. Since this era is the age of reason and tangibilities, your minds must be taught of my world in more concrete terms.
Your contemporary understanding is that all manifestations must be anchored in logic, that there must be a reason (a history) behind anything tangible. From your perspective that is an inescapable conclusion. Its underlying premise is the immutability of the cause and effect relationship.
With that single observation you have relegated me to the sidelines if not banished me from reality altogether.
Cause and effect cannot explain creation. This is because the universe represents the very first effect and its cause must then lie outside of itself. In any other context there would be an outside but not in the case of the universe which is taken to be everything perceivable, given the proper instruments and sufficient time. So, belief in the cause and effect relationship is the equivalent of declaring the universe as your god because only God could create something from nothing.
Do you see how you have deprived yourself of your birthright? You know in your heart that God exists but your deepest logical understandings currently refute the idea of me. It is tearing you and your world to pieces. This must change.
Know that I am God!
I created your universe, as I have done countless times before and since. It is my will that is at cause because I am first cause.
Yet you are right to believe that there must be a logical explanation to it all. The logic, however, is my logic, not yours. My observation of the author’s weakness can be applied to all beings: You do not see that which is right in front of your eyes. I have made it so for a reason. To overcome your myopic viewpoint and see the truth is your eventual goal. It is not only your goal but also the goal of all creation.
The logical explanation that you seek requires a solid foundation upon which understanding can arise. You have chosen cause and effect as the most basic underlying truth of the universe. Yet it is limited by the limitations of the vessel that contains it, the self-same vessel you wish to understand. It offers a great deal of leverage to further your understandings of the physical universe, the study of limited systems, but it cannot lever the entire universe since it stands within it. Does this make sense?
It should be obvious by now that the cause and effect relationship is not the basis of reality, that there must be something even more fundamental.
So let’s do some basic math and see what it adds up to.
One: All just is.
Two: The universe was created.
Three: God created the universe.
(If) one and two (are true statements, and I attest that they are) (then they) add up to three. This is the very rock upon which understanding relies. The author calls this thesis, anti-thesis and synthesis to coin the terms of another philosopher (Kant). To simplify the concept somewhat we could call it: this, that and the new.
This is the crux of the scientific misconception. It has failed to see the significance of the new. The new is a new effect, yes, but it is also something created, something that did not exist a moment before. Since the creation of the new was overlooked something had to explain the obvious without the subject of creation being broached. The pattern was understood, however, and it eventually gave rise to the idea of evolution and all its permutations. Since the new arose out of the old it was natural to assume a connection.
That is why evolution is such a hard pill to swallow for most of the populace. To believe in evolution requires an equal disbelief in creation. Scientists and creationists argue this point incessantly, without consciously being aware of the root problem. The creationists’ error is that they believe in a literal translation of the bible – that creation happened once, at the beginning of the universe. We understand science’s misconception now, they completely refute the creation of any instant. Science does not consider the beginning of the universe as creation because that would infer a creator. And since their rules break down at that precise moment they cannot prove or verify what came before it.
Know now that creation is an ongoing process. Every moment is another moment of creation.
Yes, creation happened once at the beginning. But that only set the pattern for the rest of time. Each moment is recreated anew and seamlessly fitted to the moment before it. That’s what bestows the universe with the look of permanency.
What you perceive as motion and duration is really the ongoing process of creation.
More will be said of this later. I have now touched upon the general, but fundamental, logical pieces to the puzzle. Now I will be specific.
Recall the meaning of the prime statement of belief: All just is. It declares that God, ignoring your personal concepts about how such a being would morally or ethically behave, is the one and only concept to deserve such a statement of constancy. All was, All is and All will be. Beyond the mere implications of constancy that allows for further understandings
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