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important to relate properly to any subject or topic. When we were discussing God directly it was not proper to delineate as that reduces the idea of God. When we try to fathom lower archetypes like infinity as a concept then the only limitation in how to proceed is to take on its properties, to be relative. (It’s a thin thread we follow sometimes but the fruits of our labor will be the bounty of clarity. What a feast that will be!)
Man’s own brain, science has learned, is divided roughly in two and called the left and right hemispheres. The tasks they perform are sometimes supplementary while at other times complementary. This implies that they can work on the same information either together in the same way or by means that are unique to each. It seems a good parallel to the reason for the universe. Together our hemispheres can process data in massive chunks but separately they can perform complementary, hemisphere specific tasks that can be more efficient at times. Neither process is superior. Instead, they act in a synergistic fashion, the two acting in unison are better than the sum of the individual traits of each.
In the same way God and the universe share a synergistic relationship, regardless of the fact that the universe is an illusion. The dichotomy of the universe is God’s virtual playground.
That brings us to the final consideration. So far we have explored the aspects of God, infinity and a time before the universe began as if it were possible to give flesh to these ideas and then scrutinize them from all angles. In a relative way, that is impossible. You cannot place terms like that in relative space because they are larger than or simply do not fit into the universe. There is no forum where the entirety of God can be positioned so that it can be poked and prodded and measured. It is hard to picture this idea in any case because of its existential quality. The totality of All and the polarization of All before the creation of the universe is just past our ability to grasp intellectually. It is as though there is a veil between these concepts and us.
That veil is the illusion of this universe.
Divine sentience
To push past this perceived obstacle requires just a turning of the head, a shift in focus, a slow blink of the eyes. If the Divine has a desire, doesn’t that make the Divine sentient? Yes! God is the ultimate intelligence! After All, God is without limitation of any kind. That is the nature of God.
That realization changes the perspective somewhat. It is easier to relate to the massive undertaking of creating a universe if the Creator is intelligent. Without that mighty awareness orchestrating the minutia the universe looked grim and cold. With it, the universe seems to be singing a song of wonder instead of portraying an exercise in futility.
If the universe is truly a place of duality where experience is possible, there has to be that doing the experiencing. And that which does the experiencing must be sentient because otherwise the experience is wasted (in the broadest terms only, of course, since experience in the moment is its own reward). To be aware is one thing but to be aware of your awareness is yet another. A tree is aware on some level, as is a cat, but a human is in a very different category.
Sentience is the domain of humanity. So far as we know we are the only ones capable of reflecting on our own and, by extension, on the universe’s existence. This fact, coupled with our new understanding, illustrates the very real possibility that the universe was created for us. It may ultimately be that the universe was created for the Creator but from our perspective it seems as though we are the final link in the chain.
It is this knowledge that finally places us at the apex of the topic under investigation. God created the universe for God’s own purpose. Since we perceive the universe as being designed for us then we must be God! To the extent that we are unaware of the fact that we are God illustrates the degree to which we have immersed ourselves in the world of illusion. It is the contemporary belief in the reality of the world, as espoused by science, which keeps us blinded to our true nature. An anonymous quote goes ‘blink once and the world is real, blink twice and the world dissolves and only God remains’. It only requires a slight reorientation of our understanding to turn the universe on its ear.
Once we acknowledge that God is sentient, with absolutely no limitation of any sort either in ability or personality, this world of duality is given new meaning. God cannot fail because of God’s intrinsic nature. God cannot make a mistake because God is omniscient. God’s world is perfection because God is perfect. This alone gives purpose to the universe, and confers guidance in all our judgements concerning the relative inequities found within it.
It is not the universe that is imperfect, nor is it God. It is not even that we are imperfect. It is simply our way of thinking that causes confusion because rational thought requires us to employ judgements. To judge is a construct of our time bound, mortal limits, which is an illusion. To cultivate acceptance and to find worth in all aspects of our lives and of the universe is a goal we could benefit from striving for.
A new law would state ‘accept what is so, grow what you know’. It is easy to take this new understanding and place it somewhere in the back of our minds, then go on with our lives. It is when we keep these ideas fresh in the forefront of our minds, using it as a gauge against which to measure new facts that our understanding of the true nature of the universe begins to grow. That is the state this book intends to imprint within its readers.
It is the underlying model of our understanding that colors our view of the world. The question is whether the view of science is accurate. Does it make living in this world more pleasurable? Does it give us a reason to plod on? Does it nourish our souls?
Many would have us believe that the above questions are not relevant. They would argue that science just reports the facts, the what is so. Yet we have now explored the truth and it points slightly askew from science’s heartless finger. The same facts can be interpreted in many ways, only science purports to know which way is the most accurate. Science, however, begins with a premise made in ignorance and then builds a case supported by that same ignorance. Why is it no wonder that science’s proofs prove science’s premise?
Still, science has uncovered many hidden aspects of the underlying nature of the universe and has made great strides forward in its technologies. That supports its assertion that it is on the right track, otherwise its track record would not be so impressive.
It is not so much a problem of believing its viewpoint that is science’s error. Instead, it is the insistance of science that it has the only possible explanation – the only truth.
We have just witnessed that it isn’t so.
All just is; God is all there is and all there is not; at the moment of the inception of the universe light was all there was (and perhaps still is) and dark was all there was not.
Coupled with the concept of archetypes, the above statements point to the prime archetype of All. The second archetype is the monopole and nopole. They represent the Divine will and the Divine impulse, respectively. The monopole is similar in properties to light while the nopole is more like the dark. The singular difference is that the monopole and nopole existed before the universe began while light and dark are part of our universe.
Understanding is virtually impossible without comprehension. Understanding requires a set of facts while comprehension requires the proper set of facts based on the universal archetypes along with the use of unbiased logical analysis.
If God is all there is then we are God. If we are God then this world is an illusion because we do not see ourselves as Divine. The universal illusion was ultimately created for sentient beings.
The last statement contains an impossibility for if God is all there is then there are no sentient beings.
Which brings up the final, glorious point: God is sentient.
The universe was created for God by God. It is the Divine’s playground. The universe is a contextual field where God can gain experience. In God’s normal state God is homogenous and homeostatic, for that is the definition of infinity, which is one of God’s attributes. In such a state it is not possible to experience because there is nothing that is not God. By creating a universe of duality God set up the conditions for experience. Yet since God is omniscient and omnipotent the contextual field required that God forget God’s true nature. That is who we are – God in a state of self-inflicted amnesia.
The above should not be construed as meaning that God is sick. God purposely made the change so as to be able to experience for God cannot experience what God already is since God is the all of it.
One final word. God is incredibly intelligent. There is no need to suspect the Divine’s motives. There is nothing to fear. Since God is ultimately the only one here it is safe to say that God will not cause harm to come to God. The universe is on target, on course and absolutely perfect, just as our Creator is. All will work out in the end, that much is assured. Oddly, the rest is up to us for we are tiny fragments of the Divine’s immense, all-encompassing Being. And we are expected in the fullness of time to come together again – to remember our divine heritage.
We have nothing to learn because, as the Divine in process, we already know it all – all that is required is that we remember.

The monopole as God is readily grasped
But what is the nature of the nopole?
Since God is that which is
The nopole is that which is not.
Logic screams in holy terror
That it’s God who created the nopole
So God is also the nopole.
It is this wonderful duality
That fueled the creation sequence
And is still experienced today
As the Creative Impulse.
Where is the nopole?
It is the all pervasive field
The universal presence
The space that delineates
The gaps of silence between thoughts.
The nopole contains all possible outcomes
And the sum total of all knowledge.
The nopole facilitates God’s desires.
As God accumulates experience
The nopole is transformed in the process
And becomes one with the Body again –
As it truly always is.
Why is there a nopole?
To support the universal illusion
To allow each conscious soul to evolve
At its own rate, in its own fashion
To ensure that its next greatest vision is fulfilled.
For the nopole is the wellspring of second chances
And the inexhaustible source of all dreams.

Present and Paradox

Instant #: 1
Koanic Knot: present/paradox
Koan: plurality
Line of: DOING
Moment of: The creation of the universe.
Illustrative Key: hologram, one-dimensional point.
a) Awareness is universal.
b) There is only one moment: the present.
c) The conservation of the relative flow of awareness requires that all things are possible.

Divine Synopsis
The secret of your universe is contained in its very first instant as
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