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helping her realise it. But then of course, my environment will send me a loved one who is also seeing things that way. Great way to make a home in Unity, don't you think?

But back to labelling, and our doing it all day long: interrupted by a nudge from my phone, I checked E-mail and found some spam to indicate that an automated system had pulled in close to 145,000 dollars in just 45 days. Would be great to have a system like that, but I have long since known that will not be the case for me. I do get the signals, but not to tempt me into them: much more, I am to realise that the mail I just got had been carefully crafted from what is known about me on the Web, for better or for worse. Yes, even I cannot see which of those motives is the intended one, but what I can see is that the motive is that which I give it from here on in: I can spin you a tale intent on making you feel afraid of the Web and its cruel inhabitants (Smiles without a face, someone once sang about it), or I can attempt to make you love it. For me personally, I'd rather do the latter!

And that having been said, I went on to 'attack' another part of the chaos around my home, if only to satisfy a somewhat disgruntled request from my neighbor in the past, and the everlasting snide remarks of my dad about the backyard and its threatening wild growth: local wild flowers, and the other neighbors bamboo, which has dug itself under the fence, and has taken hold of the back of the yard. Way too hot to do much, but one point was absolutely clear: where I had put in tiles to avoid the growth, it just took a foothold in the cracks, and built an entire ecosystem on top of them! When I got to remove the roots, many crawlers came out from under there, some even centimeters long. Funny things to see was their attempt at misleading fellow beings: the seeds of the tall grass looked very much like the eggs of ants, no doubt trying to lure an unknowing ant into taking them into the lair, thus giving the grass way deeper roots.

But back to labels: in Infinity plus One I told you how the label first created for my eight core computer eventually became a label for me as well, but what it didn't tell perhaps is that, being quite pleased with that label, I had a local shop print me a white shirt with that label on the chest. Now today I opted for that shirt, but quickly found out that the printing of the shirt had left a plastic-like layer on my chest area, which felt wrong. It was like the label somehow restricted me to be just me, instead of more.... So I just discarded it on the couch, and am now doing homework barechested: no sixpack, despite my otherwise reasonably athletic build, but it is comfortable enough for today.

Still though, on the other hand I kept wondering about the OCTOPUSSY label: It had never felt quite right, not for my computer which was way overrated for the use I need, or for me because it isn't about me. But the revision made just now is for all of us!

Because this it the essence really: there is More Life, because the Meaning of Life is essentially a growing, living being, intent on making More Life! And each of us may differ in the way we think more life should be accomplished, but we can rest assured in one thing: the System that is Life will know how to help us reach it!

And with that, my reread has proceeded to the end of Cowboys and Aliens, where friendly cooperation has reached an all time high! And having seen that, I suddenly realize that this book, if not my last, will certainly be the central core of my writing career. The next step? Well, I've always wanted a home like this, which I first drew as a fourteen year old boy, and redesigned in 2008 with a freeware tool called "Persistence of Vision" (thanks guys!):

And I guess, that is basically what it takes: if you have the persistence of vision to trust your creational powers (or prowess), then stuff like this should soon materialize! It is just a matter of realizing its Reality:

It was real to me when I drew it at age 14.

It was real to me when I lost the original drawings....

It was real to me when I redesigned it with Persistence of Vision in 2008.

It was real to me when I used its ruins in the novel Make IT Real in 4444AD.

It was real to me when I noticed a lot for sale that would be perfect to build it!

It is real to me every moment I feel the idea come up again!

It has always been real for me since I realized time just a human definition....

More Life? You God IT!

Famous first words, you could call these. Watching Iron man at this moment, I'm wondering why I like the concept of Tony Stark so much. Is it the self-incriminating humor, the way he handles being brilliant, rich and famous in a way most of us couldn't even conceive? Or is it the root of the concept "Iron Man' that was literally burnt into my almost teenage mind by Black Sabbath? I knew the moment the movie Iron Man came out, that I'd absolutely have to go see it.

Life sidetracked me there, by realizing a standing wish for me: I hadn't counted on it happening exactly today, but my buddy Paul from the corner came by with a few cans of energy and a bag of chips. Since Iron Man had just started, I restarted the Bluray player, and we watched it together, with me out of writing mode, but still in Moore Input condition....

That remained a relaxed and quite enjoyable movie adventure, where several great moments of realization were the gems of the story's flow. After the movie ended, I wished Paul a good evening, and scanned my mind for the next best thing to do: watching Iron Man 2 won hands on! I tried to find it on my hard disk among the few movies I'd downloaded, but it wasn't there. Next the video store: not reachable by cell phone, and I'd dumped the hardline months ago, so a bicycle trip would be next. Hadn't counted on it, but the nice evening weather made it a distraction that might well be mistaken for a treat. And my awesome luck held out: not only did the video store have the movie on Bluray, but it only cost me two Euros to watch it all week long. And the salesman also didn't mind that I'd forgotten my wallet: it'll be on my tab next time....

So I'm back, writing and watching Iron Man 2. And where number one actually made me realise that a System's boundary actually has an inside and an outside, which are symbiotic and working together to interface the System with its Environment. And right this moment, Fury is telling Stark that he's confined to his Home, with a crate marked as his property, which obviously he has never laid eyes on. In it, Tony finds a blast from the past: his dad shows him a few things, even a fix for his current problem, the search for a new element to keep his suit from making him sick.

And basically, isn't that what we all are doing? When kids say they are bored, they are basically expressing the fact that nothing seems to be interesting enough at that moment. And grownups have that too, although they will usually hide it by doing stuff that 'needs' doing, Well, even though I do that too, I still cannot say I absolutely enjoy doing it. Just like right now, that the movie has ended, I don't like going to bed just yet. But fortunately for you, my choice not to continue writing will only look like just a fragment of a nanosecond to you, but might well be an entire night in my dream world for me....

Back at it, with Bruce Springsteens's Hungry Heart coming from the speakers. I realise that basically, just about every songwriter and moviemaker is telling you the same as I am, in their own language. Like Iron Maiden just sang to me a while ago: "Life is like a Circle" from the song called Sun and Steel, Duran Duran now makes it "Breath after Breath": they sing mostly of Life and Love, and I ain't anything else, if we take the title of this work into account. So, as I finished the diagram on the next page here, Billy Ocean sings "Love really hurts without you!" Honestly, I can't really agree with him, because the All has no Without.....

And yes, you can call it Desire, a Craving, or just plain Lust, but I guess there is that particular feeling to it we all know very well: you haven't defined it yet, but you know you want it, him, her or whatever it is! Now pregnant women are allowed this in our society, at least when it is about outlandish foodstuffs. And believe it or not, the entire advertising world caters to that one decisionmaker in humans: if you can grab them by that part of their being, the deal is already halfway done!

But of course nature adapts, as do humans when flooded with advertizing. Their Experience leads to Knowing that certain collections of bits and bytes only lead to yet another mindless purchase, so they skip them. Unless of course it happens to be about the exact thing that is in their sphere of desires.

And if Desire and Knowing can tell you when to dodge certain things, they will also be able to tell you about Destiny and Fate, which are to me defined as eventual outcomes, the first one as desired, the second one as undesirable. Please note how completing the circle first has you using your experience as a step ladder towards your Destiny, which is immediately followed by Fear being your stepladder towards Fate, because All being One, you cannot accept one without the other. My deepest wish might be that I want to complete the puzzle Einstein left us, but then my deepest fear would also surface: speaking in public, and remaining a nice guy even though I would probably be famous. But right now, we can just shove this all aside as the ravings of a madman, because time can't tell, being a man-made distinction....

So yes, the moment you lay your fears to rest about a certain thing, it is possible to reach the realm of absolute Knowing, where no amount of hairy-scary stuff can possibly sway your resolve. That is the moment you can grow your faith as you complete yet another Circle of Life, whether it is the one Iron Maiden played just now, or the more childlike version of Disney's Simba.

So yes, life is a never-ending set of semi-circles as one might say, but I guess then we are forgetting that the circles aren't showing up in two or three spatial dimensions, but in many virtual ones at the same time: we don't just love that one special mate, but also carrots, a 1963 Chevy Corvette, or the speed boat redesign a fellow human did of it Even Roger Rabbit dearly loves Jessica! All in all, I'd say life isn't lived in circular motions, but rather in a sort of combi-nation of spiral segments and brownian motions: one moment we focus on a less 'important' aspect of life, and at other times we focus on the ultimate wish or desire. That is the spiral-like motion, where we circle the above SevenSphere to proceed towards better times. The Brownian part is where interactions with other realities have us view the current aspect of our trail of thought in a different light, or even makes us consider a vastly different

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