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other wishes from my waking mind, except for acnowledging them whenever the pop up:

Like this for instance: last Monday I cycled to the station, when a familiar license plate caught my eye:. It was already associated with the lady in my heart and mind, but as I dismissed the image with the thought: "Yes dear, love you too", the following sync hit me totally unprepared: a sail boat was parked on a trailer not 17 meters further than the car seen before, and I almost burst out in a loud laugh: it was named 'Justus', a first name in Holland at least, but when slightly modified, it read: "Just Us" ;-)

But let's address another idea: we've already played with the idea that we don't know it All, but we do know how sure we know. That concept, in my experience, also extends itself to our preferences: we absolutely know what we do and don't like, or any of the other concepts in the diagram above. I'll go as far as to say that most of us are aware of the love we feel for those around us, and how it differs from the absolute Love we feel for the One who reigns our heart and mind. Not that He or She would be out of our league in any way, because labels are labels, even the ones uttered right here right now by a randomly selected Bob Marley: Positive Vibrations! I must say that even though it positively surprised me, I half and half suspected the player to come up with 'Queen of the Reich' ;-)

But knowing your preferences is a nasty trick, because you cannot easily say which preference counts for how many percent in your total assessment of any situation: if she's blond instead of the preferred black, her eyes can still knock you off your feet. And for the ladies it might be that razorsharp mind that counts more than a their dislike of bit of a Buddha belly. And of course we are not talking two preferences, but easily several dozens, half of which are not even things we are consciously aware of. What we can be sure of, is that the preferences grew from earlier experiences, which we ourselves designated as either positive or negative (the tree in the Garden of Eden...).

And don't think that's just me shooting off at the mouth. The da Vinci Code, a movie I started about half an hour ago, had Robert Langdon starting the intro to his lecture by showing people how their beliefs about symbols shape their lives. And whether you talk about beliefs, symbols, labels or words, basically they are all the same: more input for the consciousness that we believe to be us. And word games are also not strange to Dan Brown, as he has Lee explain the word for the Holy Grail to Sophie Neveu: Sangreal may wel be read as Sang Real, or 'real blood'.

Playing with stuff like this isn't being undignified or unholy in any way. Some may think it that, and in their reality it probably is, but the complete Consciousness that is the All does not judge that way because it knows all possible viewpoints for any given situation, and sustains all. Still though, a very emotional battle of words is now being fought by Sophie and the Opus Dei albino, each trying to convince the other of the strength of their reality....

Are we so fond of these battles because they remind us of the fight within ourselves? Can we gauge the progress of our lives by knowing how we felt about things in the past as opposed to how we feel about them now? If we find a way to filter out the ups and downs, do we not see a stready climb where each change brings us something better? I must confess the dislike of battles aimed at me had me avoid them, simply because fighting violence with violence felt wrong, and I was no match for the others anyway. By now I see how I brought this onto myself by actually fearing it so much I manifested those nasty kids. Nowadays, I clearly see how believing in the positive path helped me escape the last few negatives in my life. And don't believe I did it all My Way, as Frankie used to sing: many encounters with unknown beings who somehow felt true even though I never met them, nudged me gently into certain directions, not because they wanted me to go there, but rather because their input made me want to go there voluntarily. Some I met on the train for only half an hour, like the lady all dressed in white, who landed on the free seat beside me. Other caught me on the train, and stretched the contact for a few weeks or months. What I found afterwards, was that certain words, labels if you will, would often be used in such situations, as if to cue my consciousness for the next discovery. But somehow it does not feel like fate or destiny, for those two imply either something to fear, or something positive beyond our control. And this is somehow different..... It feels more like going in the direction I've always wanted to go. Heck, isn't that always what we are doing: either chosing the best of the best, or the best of the worst, it is all an upward path if that is how you label it....

But inside or outside the Matrix, it is a choice depending on the pill we take. Both are placebos, but despite their neutral nature, we send ourselves into a certain direction. Like me for instance, hellbent on avoiding as many pieces of advertizing as I can. I figure a thing is worth paying for it, or it isn't. If it is, then no amount of haggling or discounting is needed, and if it is not, then it should be free anyway. On the other hand, if I have it and someone needs it, it is usually theirs no questions asked. Not that I'm such a nice guy, but I'm utterly convinced that the Incredible Machine will fill the void which is left with one of the many interesting alternatives it is capable of generating. As an added edge of the triangle, I am usually first to arrive when something is given away for free, even though I know abundance will never let me down.

Some words to the image above: please note how Giving and Accepting are more or less coupled to Abundance: where a believer in abundance will accept something offered to him or her without question, someone believing in surplus and shortage will usually either become a taker, or will wonder if something offered does not burden the giver too much. And Taking is in the red sphere, because it is the only one of these seven concepts that does not honor Free Will...

the Sales Avalanche

Being a Creator is one thing, and usually a thing of Passion. I know because I write, and design stuff sometimes. Now I've had a dislike of Business for the longest of times, but I only just now found out why: they are four added layers of complexity between me and my customers, as human contact goes. On the other hand, their presence allows me to get work done, without being visited every five minutes by yet another loving fan. ;-)

So yes, my website gives the customers a direct link to my books, but to lure some traffic to it, I have to advertize it on a few free E-book sites. And that basically starts the avalanche that is the Web: a few months after placing the first two books, I ran my alias through Google, enclosed in quotes so as to not get false hits on partial matches: apparently there were 15.200 pages out there with my name on them! Now I had only added my books to two or three of those Free E-book sites, so how did they get there?

And with that much public exposure, and thousands of downloads at my site itself, how come no one had taken the bait of the voluntary PayPal button, and shelled out that one single Euro? Probably because the environment was treating me the same way I was treating it: I bought something from an Internet Ad only three times, twice because of a personal interest, and once because someone gave me a story about being successful at making money on the Internet, without my intuition flagging it as bullshit right away. Of course, as the package arrived, the mechanism proved to be none other than the one thing I wouldn't want to inflict upon my fellow WebMinds. OK, I'm no saint, but if I hate seeing those ads, and the guy then also appeared to have gone back on his words, so I guess I'll just wait for the honest opportunity to come by, because I know it is there, hiding nearby....

In the mean time, as I'm writing this, someone offered to pay 100 Euros for my Dad's old LCD TV. Of course I reacted, and then there is always that awkward period of waiting in which a third party phones, and offers to take it off your hands for the same or a somewhat larger amount, even before the second party had time to answer. Now luckily I am in the situation where a previous arrangement has me being absent for the next few hours, so I could give the first caller some time to react without being dishonest to the second one. Of course 'dishonest' is just a label like everything else, but it is the meaning to my being that counts for me, not what you all think.... ;-)

And maybe I'm not just one of those 'guys against business', because our goverment has seen fit to issue stickers for our mailboxes, that are aimed at making it impossible for distributors to throw advertizing and door-to-door newspapers in our mailboxes. I think transgressions are even punishable by law. On top of that, I added a label that declared clearly that salespeople of either gender are not welcome. Imagine my surprise, when yesterday my door bell was abused by what turned out to be two Jehovah's witnesses, one male, one female. I tried hard to gently bring the pair's attention to the label, but then the guy claimed he wasn't selling me anything. "Damn right you aren't!", I thought, since I took the decision long ago to never be part of a religious group, a decision which was reinforced by the lyrics of one of Queensrijche's songs, from the album "Operation Mindcrime" which went like this: "Religion and Sex are powerplays, manipulating people for the money they pay!" And the music player did it again: just now it started "Jesus He Knows Me", by Genesis, a very witty parody on the whole Religion thingy. But right now I'm a bit stuck in the SevenSphere (my own damn 'religion' ;-) for this whole belief system concept. So I'll just toss out the next song, which is a Dutch song, a start a movie which I 'm sure will bring me the needed inspiration.....

And there it was, hiding right in my blind spot, because I love movies: just like religion and sex manipulate people, so do movies and other fictional works. I put on the movie "Columbus Circle", simply because my belief about circles and stuff had me mesmerized because of the circular view of the street, with multiple entries/exits on it. By then, finishing the Sphere was a matter of just adding the last few: Religion and Sex are countered by Love, and the matter of acceptance of those is either Fear, Faith or Fiction: the last one being anything which we don't have enough faith in, and don't fear enough, to consider it to be part of our reality.

The fictional stuff, or even the ones claiming to be real life scenarios, are using the other aspects to keep their audience captive. And it is all what the viewer, listener or reader believes. And that is actually

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