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any way you want, so you just have to deal with the present wisely and earnestly. And if past experience has given you the courage to leap, leap!!!

The weird observation I'd like to add to this is that once you don't mind anymore, you'll observe how your environment is also going to mind less. That is the result of the third law, which has the world mirroring you. And thus, the spiral of relaxation begins, where differences are laid aside, and we all figure out how to live together. Timmy Thomas is gonna be soo happy!

Talking of living together, let's go on with Salt and Peppa and Talk about Sex! When you do, most people think of four letter words that are only four letters when you're English speaking, and which are used for everything in today's society, from decorating bus stops to so-called stop-phrases which can be inserted in a sentence just about every sixth word if you really want to.... ;-)

I'll admit that it is the attractive opposite of Lust, as the SevenSphere shows, but it is soo much more: the scene from Independence Day where Will Smith kicks the alien craft on its tail (as we say here in Holland), and it shoots out of the underground bunker: "WHOOAH, I've gotta get me one of these!" he literally shouted. Well, if that ain't an expression of absolute lust, as a result of the Special EXperience he had just undergone, I don't know what is! And you may think I placed the words wrong, because Love is of the Heart, and is thus related to Red, right? Depends, if you look at the chakras that line up along our spine, the red one is.... your genitals! And the heart chakra, you guessed it, is green. OK, conflicting data, just toss out what you don't need, and proceed with what looks promissing. Spelling error? Yeah right, most of the time we make these because our subconscious wants to draw attention to yet another idea we haven't realized yet. Of course Lust, Love and Logic are a Trinity that can't be missed, as are the other three: We let those we would rather not encounter pass by, and chase the ones we want to get close to. We have interfaces all over the place, that are attached at first, last a certain time, and are then detached. Some, like me and my 'twin' sister Sangeeta may not speak for months on end, but when we do, it's great! But we were on the subject of sex, so I guess I should leave her out of it.... Back to global writing now: yes, our interfaces may be sexual sometimes, but more often they are Special Experiences, like guys doing base jumping off of way too low buildings, or a girl being so good at fighting, she'll trash her male opponents! Most of that is talent taken to it logical extreme, just like I frantically maintain my buffalo stance in the middle of the Cosmos, in order to get her: Yes, I guess She is the One I would most want to discover entirely! So if you don't mind coming up 2nd next to Her, you're my kinda being! (Also if you realise there is no "coming up 2nd" ;-)

That one elusive, total meltdown of all your preferences on that subject, bundled into a persona so awesome, you will almost always feel you are but a distant star in her Cosmos. Kinda like the witch in "In the name of the King: Two Worlds", which I'm now watching, had I not experienced another mythical being first...

As external preferences go, she's great. But my assesment of her behavior is only based on a one-way impression, and an act at that. The only one who made it into my single's heart made it there long before I could ever appreciate the more special parts. Speaking of special parts, the main character is just opening up a special experience I have on my dresser as well. His may be American, whereas mine is Scottish, a fine 12 year old Glenfiddich! Normally, I'm a Famous Grouse man myself, but tonight that particular label seems to have too many alternate associations (a grey bird like me coming to fame and / or fortune? Preposterous!).

Still though, we've reached the end of tonight's writing, save for a little touchup here or there...

I should have known it... I commented on what I figure my Destiny is, and the movie I choose has exactly that concept as a subject! Now the main character sees his destiny as a fate, and prefers his free will instead, but since mine was about destiny, I have no such inhibitions. Besides, I believe that Free Will leads you to your Fate or your Destiny, no matter what you call it!

She's out of my League...

I walked from the office to the station this afternoon, and remembered that I'd loaded my phone with Ben Liebrandt's Grandmixes. I plugged in the earpieces, one of those evolved improvements over my previous phone, and got into the beat. Do you have that too? Pace picks up, joints start to display more flexibility, and you literally zoom across the pavement, driven by the Master's talent. You just love that beat, and every piece of lyrics drops right into the conversation that the performer is having with you! If they criticize you, your mood drops, but mostly, the Grandmixes are heaven on Earth, a real delight to listen to. Weird: delight should actually darken your mood, like the deluminator darkened a whole street in the Harry Potter movie. Still, it actually almost had me dancing on the platform, but I guess then I'd first need a skeletal upgrade like the cheerful robot from Bicentennial man. But still, at 49, I had a hard time NOT to move!!

And maybe, at 94, I will.... I hold it very possible, that half of today's SciFi action movies have become true by then, especially if I hear the Grandmix repeating over and over again right this very moment: "Grandpa's Party, Grandpa's Party!"

But that's an aside. I'm not going to speculate on how it will transpire, but I sense my path spiralling upwards, towards that Special Experience that has formed in my mind and heart fed by Special Experiences from the past, even if they were not all positive at the time. But learning from both negative and positive is the prerogative of those beings endowed with Free Will. Like John said to the Terminator: "Are we learning yet?"

Just now I came down from the movie Uncertainty, which features a couple of boy and girl tossing a gold dollar off the most filmed bridge in New York, and then rushing off in alternate directions to take up life as they encounter it. I'll not divulge the rest of the story, other than saying it is well worth warching, even for an action movie addict like me. What the movie does show clearly however, is that there's no denying preferences, or even lust: at least not without lying to yourself about it. And believe me, you don't want to do that, even if lust has gotten a bad rep over the years. "And why not?", you ask. Simple, LUST stands for Loving Ur Special Talents, something that is not only wise to do, but also easy because you simply love doing it!

And since LIFE is just Loving Input From Everywhere, you can use one to get the other, and slingshot yourself like hockey players on the ice to become GODS: Genetic Oscillations Defining Self! Because in the end, that's all there is, oscillations making waves whether they are caught in the vacuum of empty space, the oxygen rich atmosphere of some planet, or the atoms defining a simple brick of a building that's been there for ages! Even we are nothing more special than that...

Yet no matter how special you make your Environment by leveraging your talents into more of the stuff you love, you'll never deplete the resources of Source! It will always aim to please: If you band together to define a multi-billion Euro project like the Hadron collider, you can bet your sweet ass you're going to find that particle sought after, but it may well not behave like you expected it too.... I mean, why would you want to put all the power of the Cosmos in just one type of particle? Why can't they all have that same quality? Especially, since the work of Einstein and Rosen showed that any two particles are linked if they were at the same place at the same time anywhere before. But since the Big Bang claims they were all in the same place at the same time, guess what? And I'm not even talking about both being man-defined units....

Now in our beings, or at least in mine, we entertain both our image of the immediate Environment and that of the Entire Environment, the All. Now if we encounter something of interest (because it matches some of our preferences), there is somewhat of a conflict between what both images say of the matter at hand, be it material or otherwise. That conflict can lead to stuff like the song I'm listening to now: "Take or leave it, please believe it, we are never gonna be respectable!" by Mel and Kim. "Hell honey, no need to!", I'd say, because respectable is not what you enforce by a certain set of behavior, but what is the definition of it which is applied to you by the observer... And believe me, these two know that! And no, it ain't no coincidence that Labi Chifre follows them with "So Strong". But then he's a personal sync to me: "Laboring les Chiffres" is my Talent, and it points out I've been in the language realm long enough.... By the ways, doesn't the word 'realm' have a distinct multiplicity? "real m"

So it's back to numbers, and even relative ones at that: when I met my second girlfriend live for the first time, I had to be honest too, even though back then I actually didn't say it out loud, and also blamed myself for being such an asshole as to even entertain the thought. Love at first sight may be real for some, but in my case it was the absolute realization that is now being reinforced by JetAudio presenting me with Bowie's Absolute Beginners, which is what we were back then...

"It ain't Her, but she'll do for now...." was the observation I made for myself. Now turned out to be around 17 years, and it was great since it also resulted in two darling daughters, but the observation stands: she wasn't it, so the divorce was irrevocable even though we're still the best of friends.

Point was, that was a clash of Preference and Present, All and Immediate Environment. And after the divorce, I vowed not to be dishonest to myself again. The absolutes aren't to be toyed with, so I went into hiding from anyone who would be "Good enough for Now". But the Cosmos is like water, traveling the path of least resistance. And JetAudio switching to one of my most loved tracks ain't no coincidence: Marillion and Incommunicado plainly described my state back then. Just work, no play, and doing what I loved best: helping anyone who needed help in the form of my few talents: computers, life wisdom, movie paraphernelia and the like. Not because I love to be seen as the good guy, but for one single purpose, the fullfilment of my prime directive: I Love to help....., and as a friend once said it aptly, also a 'Lust for Clarity'.

Actually, since I help myself that way, I figured everyone does. And as I tried to convince a good friend of that theory, it turned out he and his wife frantically disagreed, and sent me and my wife packing. I hope they're allright, even know they are, for theirs is the reality they crafted for themselves by their talents and the way they used them. And mine is an entirely different being!

So when the Cosmos couldn't get at me in the defines of my private life, which

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