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of will. Great sync by the way: Judas Priest and "Freewheel Burning". With the volume turned way up, I'll just gey onto the other two:

Hot vs. Not was burned into my child's mind by a teenage girl in the local swimming pool: where I paid her the compliment of absolutely adoring her looks, she found it easy to stab me in the heart from way across the square: "Am I wearing something of yours?" Nowadays I'd have a readymade answer, but back then, that was still to be realized.....

The last concept was introduced to me by a corny line from a movie. I guess it was Total Recall, but I don't totally recall without the Internet Movie Database. Weird though, the whole of the Total Recall (1990 version) quotes list for the movie does not show the quote, yet my certainty that it was Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sharon Stone is increasing with every wrong quote I read:

Quaid: "Are you hot?"

Lori: "I'm hot alright, but I could be hotter!"

To me, the third concept of Hot is the "Hot pursuit of our personal preferences". We go for the prize, no matter which way we prefer it. If we do not, then we either lie to ourselves, or do not yet dare to get into the kitchen and do some cooking of our own. Funny thing though, because it may become hot as in "dangerous", or hot as in "awesome", which are basically two ends of an inifinite scale, whereas physical temperature tends to bottom out (another Total Recall quote) at minus -273,15 degrees Celsius, or -459,67 degrees Faherenheit. So in physical temperature there is a limit, where in pursuits of the mind there is no such thing! At the same time however, absolute zero has quantum mechanical effects happening at macroscopic scales. As this is already too much detail for me, I'll leave you to Wikipedia, which has quite a page on absolute zero:

The point is, if you're not aligned with your absolute preference, then there will be a feeling of "missing something", which is usually translated into missing (pun intended in my case) something you think you do not stand a chance of acquiring. On the other hand though, your true singleminded pursuit may be something entirely different. Like for example: my true pursuit is my writing in the Now and its eventual consequences, instead of the loving perfect mate who seems to still be missing. However, the moment I put them in their proper order one follows from the other, thus leaving you with your hands full! Leaving you now with the Scorpions, and Still Loving You, and the realization that yes, she may be missing, but that does not mean She's not there! So now, since Saturday is a day for grocery shopping, and 1 PM seems like a decent time to do it, I leave you Here and Now....

P.S: I guess Shakespeare's famous quote simply needs a minor addition in my book:

"To be what you want to be, or not to be, that is the question!"

And that's what I am too, a Playwriter: not because there are many plays being staged in this particular timeframe, but because I enjoy writing, playing with language. And that goes way deeper than just letters, words, or even images! For me, the playing is the really fun part, anything happening as a result of that is collateral fun. A colleague of mine photographs scenes with toys and stuff, he creates scenes to photograph. That is his passion in playing with photography, creating the image. When I saw how he did it, I realised my take on images is an entirely different animal: I see an image, and will instantly feel a quote or title popping up, to meaningfully describe said image! Other than that, I need not comment on that obvious part of creation that my camera made a mere 2D reproduction of....

You get the idea, I think: an everyday image from my neighborhood, with a catchy comment. I've not done much work on that so far, because writing takes up most of my spare time, but it will figure prominently in my future, since it is one of the aspects of language and how those thousand words pertain to an image. Why use a thousand words, when one or two suffice?

Basically, I guess that is my realization: as our minds experience situation after situation, the webs we weave there become ever and ever more compact: more nodes, more connections, and thus more knowledge being stored and shared by conscious and subconscious mind respectively. I guess nobody can view a movie like Bicentennial Man, without consciously remembering a phrase like the one the female robot gave Andrew upon his remark that he didn't have a personality chip: "Sucks to be You!!!" Weeks after viewing that movie, I heard it being used for just about every situation where "You poor fool" would have been the lesser of two expressions. Likewise though, more subtle phrases will probably find their way into the subconscious, only to surface at the right moment....

Other plays on language are the ones like the OctoPussy example given earlier: I find myself being able to effortlessly construct whole lines out of single words, with every letter of the original word being the first letter of a word in the eventual sentence, describing the word, just like the title of this book.

Let's list a few, jotted down in a few minutes during work, yesterday:

SYSTEM: Solution You See Totally Embedding Matter

INTERFACE: Intelligent Network To Evolve Realistic Frameworks And Complex Environments

BOUNDARIES: Being Open Uses Networks Distributing All Realistic Ideas Essentially Safely

COSMOS: Common Objective System Maintaining Open Subsystems

UNIVERSE: Using Networks Intelligently Vastly Enhances Realistic Solutions Emerging

STAR: Sphere Transmitting All-round Radiation

PLANET: Physical Level Area Not Easily Traversed?

FEAR: Fast Emotional Action Restricts

LOGIC: Leading Objectivity Guides Intelligent Communication

HUMANS: Here U Manifest All Neural Signals

HUMANITY: Here U Manifest All Niceness Important To You

BRAIN: Brilliantly Redundant Alphanumerical Intelligent Network

MIND: Matter Indicating No Denial

GRAVITY: General Relativity Also Values Interfaces Triggering You

SOAP: Spatially Overt Adaptation Plane

BUBBLE: Better Usage Builds Better Living Environments

Now the typed texts were all in the same font, spread over two E-mails to my private mail address (my inbox is my default todo list). I cut and copied both to this document, only to find out that the one marked HUMANITY was displayed larger than its brothers and sisters. You may think that was a control code copied along with the text, but they were plain text messages! To me, such unexpected and positively surprising syncs are indications to Moore....

Now what would make me become proficient at that? Back a few years, I also suddenly knew how to rhyme, like the subconscious knowledge of its essentials had finally surfaced in my conscious mind. It was like the "learning to cycle" story mentioned here before, and just in time for me to write that first poem, about the 911 event. Or like the rat in the movie "the Abbyss", submerged in a liquid breathing solution: it spasmed at first, not knowing how, but then after a few dozen seconds, breathed regularly. Basically, that is Talent for you:

There is no real distinction between Talent and Skill, except maybe that you love use your Talents, but are not so sure when it comes to your Skills.

We'll start at "I Can't!", because that implies, in-correctly, that no bit of Talent is present. Currently, JetPlayer plays me Queen and "We Will Rock You!", obviously not because they are devoid of Talent... Now you can lock your Free Will at that, and just keep claiming "I Can't" like my Dad does with computers, or you can find yourself an opportunity to try anyway.

So you ask if you can take a turn, like I did with a scuba diver in the local swimming pool as a kid. Of course I couldn't breathe through the mouthpiece, obviously because the tank was still closed, but that's beside the point.

So you step up to the plate, determined to try. Same pool, high diving board, and I did try: landed flat on my back on the nearly waveless water! Never did it again. Not that I couldn't, but it is no longer on my list of things to do before I die, if ever...

But if it works, the joy of Victory has you stepping up to the plate time after time, until the thing you are learning becomes second Nature. Of course there is no such thing as Second Nature, but you get my drift. There may be a sudden setback if your performance is suddenly way below your realised potential. Same pool again, just having done my exercises in the shallow end of the pool. They went well, I figured: "Hey, No Sweat!", and jumped into the deep end of the pool. Went right under and forgot what I realised I had just learned. A fellow classmate, a big guy, grabbed my flailing arms, and pulled me onto dry land.

So you keep trying, until "No Sweat!" really becomes just that. That's when, without as much as proudly claiming it, you can say:

"I Can!". From then on, what seems like an effortless move on your part becomes something other people look up to quite unnecessary, like Einstein said it at the start of this book!

Another photo experiment, from a nearby school. Perhaps this will be a course given in a few years:

And now, it's time to dive into my Diary, for a few more intimate syncs, having to do with a neighboring store window. Just look for the date July 21st, 2012, if you ever get your hands on it! ;-)

No Holds Barred!

Listening to Judas Priest and "Locked in!", I figured Out of the Box could have been the title for this chapter, but somehow the string "No Holds Barred!" seemed more appropriate. Not that I had any idea of what was going to be in this chapter": that realization only came once I had pegged down the title.

Let's go back to when mankind was first emerging. Back then, no holds barred was the Status Quo. Humanoids (Hardened Uncivilised Mammals Always Needing Other Intelligent Data Sources) came to roam this planet, regardless of the way they arrived here. They needed a way to use all that data coming in, and thus had to resort to categorization and other discriminating methods. One of those was the procedure that coupled what they saw and felt to what they could communicate to one another: naming things, like for instance a duck. The other attributes of it, including its yummy taste then coupled to the word they invented for it. And thus, the word 'Duck' became an external label to something they may all have had different personal experiences with.

Although the humanoids didn't create the duck (at least not consciously), they did create the name, as they did with countless other words and their related concept. Now distinctions like these may be trivial, but I guess we also made a few whoppers on the road to Here and Now. We basically began to discriminate those elements of our Environment which were not really discrete but infinitely divisible values. We needed that to build our castles of knowledge, just like the builders of the Babylon tower. And with that, we became discrete in a manner as well:

We came to define time, in whatever units were useful at the time. Days and Seasons first probably, then consecutively smaller units, like months, weeks, days, and hours, seconds and minutes. With it, our experience of the Environment became one of Past, Present and Future, even if there is no real distinction. Funny sync: the computer just started playing the Beatles, with "When I'm sixty-four...." Now as our tools became ever and ever faster, the time discretion became almost untenable, since their performance in measured in GigaHertzes, or steps of one billionth of a second! That our minds follow that trend, just like in the old days, probably explains why in New Age circles the concept that "Time is speeding up" is heard more and more.

We came to define distance as a length, originally intended to be one ten-millionth of the distance from the Earth's equator to the North Pole (at sea level) which of course is a totally arbitrary value at worst, or an Earth-centered value at best, which keeps us

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