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an open mind; be interested in the race
rather than the goal, in the pursuit rather than possession.
223. What is the result of a selfish thought? It contains the germs of dissolution.
224. How will our greatest success be achieved? By a recognition of the fact that it is just as
essential to give as to receive.
225. Why do financiers frequently meet with great success? Because they do their own
226. Why do the great majority in every country remain the docile and apparently willing tools
of the few? Because they let the few do all their thinking for them.
227. What is the effect of concentrating upon sorrow and loss? More sorrow and more loss.
228. What is the effect of concentrating upon gain? More gain.
229. Is this principle used in the business world? It is the only principle which is ever used, or
ever can be used; there is no other principle. The fact that it may be used unconsciously
does not alter the situation.
230. What is the practical application of this principle? The fact that success is an effect, not
a cause, and if we wish to secure the effect we must ascertain the cause, or idea or thought
by which the effect is created.
"Nurture your mind with great thoughts; to believe in the heroic makes heroes." - Disraeli
Enclosed you will find Part Twenty-four, your final lesson of this course.
If you have practiced each of the exercises a few minutes every day, as suggested, you will
have found that you can get out of life exactly what you wish by first putting into life that
which you wish, and you will probably agree with the student who said: "The thought is
almost overwhelming, so vast, so available, so definite, so reasonable and so usable."
The fruit of this knowledge is, as it were, a gift of the Gods; it is the "truth" that makes men
free, not only free from every lack and limitation, but free from sorrow, worry and care, and, is
it not wonderful to realize that this law is no respecter of persons, that it makes no difference
what your habit of thought may be, the way has been prepared.
If you are inclined to be religious, the greatest religious teacher the world has ever known
made the way so plain that all may follow. If your mental bias is toward physical science, the
law will operate with mathematical certainty. If you are inclined to be philosophical, Plato or
Emerson may be your teacher, but in either case, you may reach degrees of power to which
it is impossible to assign any limit.
An understanding of this principle, I believe, is the secret for which the ancient Alchemists
vainly sought, because it explains how gold in the mind may be transmuted into gold in the
heart and in the hand.
1. When the scientists first put the Sun in the center of the Solar System and sent the earth
spinning around it, there was immense surprise and consternation. The whole idea was selfevidently
false; nothing was more certain than the movement of the Sun across the sky, and
anyone could see it descend behind the western hills and sink into the sea; scholars raged
and scientists rejected the idea as absurd, yet the evidence has finally carried conviction in
the minds of all.
2. We speak of a bell as a "sounding body," yet we know that all the bell can do is to produce
vibrations in the air. When these vibrations come at the rate of sixteen per second, they
cause a sound to be heard in the mind. It is also possible for the mind to hear vibrations up to
the rate of 38,000 vibrations per second. When the number increases beyond this, all is
silence again; so that we know that the sound is not in the bell, it is in our own mind.
3. We speak and even think of the Sun as "giving light." Yet we know it is simply giving forth
energy which produces vibrations in the ether at the rate of four hundred trillion a second,
causing what are termed light waves, so that we know that we call light is simply a form of
energy and that the only light there is, is the sensation caused in the mind by the motion of
the waves. When the number increases, the light changes in color, each change in color
being caused by shorter and more rapid vibrations; so that although we speak of the rose as
being red, the grass as being green, or the sky as being blue, we know that the colors exist
only in our minds, and are the sensations experienced by us as the result of the vibrations of
light waves. When the vibrations are reduced below four hundred trillion a second, they no
longer affect us as light, but we experience the sensation of heat. It is evident, therefore, that
we cannot depend upon the evidence of the senses for our information concerning the realities of things; if we did we should believe that the sun moved, that the world was flat
instead of round, that the stars were bits of light instead of vast suns.
4. The whole range then of the theory and practice of any system of metaphysics consists in
knowing the Truth concerning yourself and the world in which you live; in knowing that in
order to express harmony, you must think harmony; in order to express health you must think
health; and in order to express abundance you must think abundance; to do this you must
reverse the evidence of the senses.
5. When you come to know that every form of disease, sickness, lack and limitation are
simply the result of wrong thinking, you will have come to know "the Truth which shall make
you free." You will see how mountains may be removed. If these mountains consist only of
doubt, fear, distrust or other forms of discouragement, they are none the less real, and they
need not only to be removed but to be "cast into the sea."
6. Your real work consists in convincing yourself of the truth of these statements. When you
have succeeded in doing this you will have no difficulty in thinking the truth, and as has been
shown, the truth contains a vital principle and will manifest itself.
7. Those who heal diseases by mental methods have come to know this truth, they
demonstrate it in their lives and the lives of others daily. They know that life, health and
abundance are Omnipresent, filling all space, and they know that those who allow disease or
lack of any kind to manifest, have as yet not come into an understanding of this great law.
8. As all conditions are thought creations and therefore entirely mental, disease and lack are
simply mental conditions in which the person fails to perceive the truth; as soon as the error
is removed, the condition is removed.
9. The method for removing this error is to go into the Silence and know the Truth; as all
mind is one mind, you can do this for yourself or anyone else. If you have learned to form
mental images of the conditions desired, this will be the easiest and quickest way to secure
results; if not, results can be accomplished by argument, by the process of convincing
yourself absolutely of the truth of your statement.
10. Remember, and this is one of the most difficult as well as most wonderful statements to
grasp.... remember that no matter what the difficulty is, no matter where it is, no matter who
is affected, you have no patient but yourself; you have nothing to do but to convince yourself
of the truth which you desire to see manifested.
11. This is an exact scientific statement in accordance with every system of Metaphysics in
existence, and no permanent results are ever secured in any other way.
12. Every form of concentration, forming Mental Images, Argument, and Auto-Suggestion are
all simply methods by which you are enabled to realize the Truth.
13. If you desire to help someone, to destroy some form of lack, limitation or error, the correct
method is not to think of the person whom you wish to help; the intention to help them is
entirely sufficient, as this puts you in mental touch with the person. Then drive out of your
own mind any belief of lack, limitation, disease, danger, difficulty or whatever the trouble
might be. As soon as you have succeeded is doing this the result will have been
accomplished, and the person will be free.
14. But remember that thought is creative and consequently every time you allow your
thought to rest on any inharmonious condition, you must realize that such conditions are
apparent only, they have no reality, that spirit is the only reality and it can never be less than
15. All thought is a form of energy, a rate of vibration, but a thought of the Truth is the highest
rate of vibration known and consequently destroys every form of error in exactly the same
way that light destroys darkness; no form of error can exist when the "Truth" appears, so that
your entire mental work consists in coming into an understanding of the Truth. This will
enable you to overcome every form of lack, limitation or disease of any kind.
16. We can get no understanding of the truth from the world without; the world without is
relative only; Truth is absolute. We must therefore find it in the "world within."
17. To train the mind to see Truth only is to express true conditions only, our ability to do this
will be an indication as to the progress we are making.
18. The absolute truth is that the "I" is perfect and complete; the real "I" is spiritual and can
therefore never be less than perfect; it can never have any lack, limitation, or disease. The
flash of genius does not have origin in the molecular motion of the brain; it is inspired by the
ego, the spiritual "I" which is one with the Universal Mind, and it is our ability to recognize this
Unity which is the cause of all inspiration, all genius. These results are far reaching and have
effect upon generations yet to come; they are the pillars of fire which mark the path that
millions follow.
19. Truth is not the result of logical training or of experimentation, or even of observation; it is
the product of a developed consciousness. Truth within a Caesar, manifests in a Caesar's
deportment, in his life and his action; his influence upon social forms and progress. Your life
and your actions and your influence in the world will depend upon the degree of truth which
you are enabled to perceive, for truth will not manifest in creeds, but in conduct.
20. Truth manifests in character, and the character of a man, should be the interpretation of
his religion, or what to him is truth, and this will in turn be evidenced in the character of his
possession. If a man complains of the drift of his fortune he is just as unjust to himself as if
he should deny rational truth, though it stand patent and irrefutable.
21. Our environment and the innumerable circumstances and accidents of our lives already
exist in the subconscious personality which attracts to itself the mental and physical material
which is congenial to its nature. Thus our future being determined from our present, and if
there should be apparent injustice in any feature or phase of our personal life, we must look
within for the cause, try to discover the mental fact which is responsible for the outward
22. It is this truth which makes you "free" and it is
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