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then again, how do you burn a stream of bytes? ;-)

And then, out of the blue, Reality gave me a heads up: a phone call from my Dad, wanting to know which station he had to get off when traveling by train to Amsterdam next week. Yes, my Dad who does not know his way around computers knows how to use them anyway: ask for help from the computer nerd closest to him: me. And that clearly shows how we Fools can be Tools as well, if we don't at least set a limit against such abuse. In this case, the request only took me about five minutes, partly to find out what he really wanted, and the last minute to find the exact information using Google.

Still though, we haven't yet looked at the other triangle of the above SevenSphere: interwoven in a similar fashion, Society, Business and Warfare (either news, movies or real live) are essential parts in our Common Consensus Reality. Not that we all love Warfare, or are delighted about doing Business or being part of Society as it is now, we may even feel like we get it thrown in our faces, day in and day out. Still everyone has his or her own preferences, and where I tend to avoid doing business, and detest advertising, others may like to buy new cars only, and then bargain with the salesperson to get it as cheap as is humanly possible. That doesn't say I don't take pride in my work: even though I mostly give it away, I absolutely must look at the statistics of my domain every now and then, to have at least some indication of how many people downloaded (and maybe read) my work....

Back to the Society, Business and Warfare triangle again. Now this is a solid one, because any threat to Society will need to be countered by a defensive operation at least, for which the armies need State-of-the-Art weaponry. Now Hi-tech stuff tends to be custom-designed and thus expensive, and since politics will only finance part of that, the generals had to find another source of financing. Thus, they went into a venture with another branch of business that requires Hi-tech: the movie industry! Have you never wondered where the companies advertized at the start of the movies get the many millions required to do just one movie nowadays? Since a great deal of todays movies and computer games is about wars and spy operations, they can share the financial burden of design and construction, after which both parties have real live machinery to do their thing with, or they'd all do it in VR, but I think not: How else could designs seen in modern movies also be sighted in the wild by your average John or Jane Doe? An evening of browsing the Web will get you numerous trails of discovery, which will have your discernment (short for knowing what is real to you by listening to your Inner Self) reacting in various ways. Manned bases on Mars, almost perfect androids in real live video, and more of those outrageous concepts will stretch your circle as far as it will go, or as you will allow it to go. Even the stunt at the start of the Italian Job will do that: blowing the floors underneath a huge safe (with explosive paint) to rob it from a Venetian house? But I guess it is a safe statement that we as the general public are about forty years behind the State of the Art in technology. Now I'm not going into which is real and which isn't. Believe it or not, all are but labels assigned to experiences. Where some love to believe in aliens, and others are frantic about government and business coverups, I figure all will eventually get their wishes fulfilled. Remember about the All being infinite and thus able to contain all variations of all possible scenarios? Well, the same is going on here: if you fear the world around you to collapse as a result of the downward spiral that you believe was initiated by the 9/11 bombing (regardless of who you think did it) then that is what you eventually get. "Why?", you ask? Well, because that is what you emit to the world around you.

If on the other hand you lay to rest the negative aspects of today's culture by refusing to check them out of the library of Life (a.k.a. The Akashic Library), then those negative aspects cannot harm you. That does not imply refusing to acknowledge their reality, but merely realising that your reality is not about that particular part of the Cosmos. Even so, you may still be nudged by some 'negatives' as a result of the upward path of the hysteresis curve, but that should soon pass. Notice the double meaning in "Check it out!" here, both as borrow it from the library, or just have a look at it.... That does not mean you will never encounter any aspect of the negative situation again, but then it is your reaction at that moment which eventually determines what the Cosmos does with it next: you are continuously playing ping pong with it, and the ways you return that tiny white ball in part determines what the nature of its reaction is going to be.

(notice the traffic sign in the image? Unintentional, but it came to my aide just now)

Personally, when reminded of 9/11 two years later, I wrote a poem about it that showed readers a positive view on that event:


Caught by Rubble, flying high,

Planes Explode and Thousands Die.

Does Bin Laden Rape the Sky?

Why did My Loved Ones have to Die?

It's been a While, and Time Heals All,

And 9/11 says it All.

I See it now, as Clear as Day:

This Sorrow Once Will Go Away.

Remember All we Will One Day,

To find No Fault in Mayhem.

The Negatives come as they May,

We cannot Once Delay Them.

But Learn we Will, to conquer All,

Improve the Black to Colour.

My Soul now soars just like those Planes,

Awaiting Our Tomorrow.......

So, is Life getting you down? Then envision yourself in a little boat: if it springs a leak, do you focus on the hole, or on ways of making it whole again? Actually, those are just two of multiple choices, for you could also focus on getting the water out faster than it comes in, or getting to shore before the boat sinks. All are valid choices, and all will invoke reactions from the environment that are aligned with whatever you are trying to accomplish. That however does not mean they will all be succesful...

And that, my dear friends, is the catch: you are not playing ping pong against one opponent, or so it seems: instead, playing the ball to one opponent in your environment may very well have it returned to you from a vastly different direction. In fact, it is much like the game played by Bruce Lee in a Nokia commercial: at first you play like his opponent, playing with a bat and seeing the master as someone other than yourself. Once your skills in dealing with it improves, you'll be playing better, and in the end you will be realising you are him, and will be switching to nunchucks like the champ. Of course the reactions to this video on the web are as mixed as those in the real world. Some believe it, some don't, and others have wild theories about how it was actually done. At the same time though, all of these are Reality to the beings involved, and just another one of infinite realities to the Incredible Machine who manufactures and sustains them all...

And then, a clear reaction of the environment on what I radiate to it: my ex just rang the doorbell, with her bicycle in hand. She asked if she could borrow mine because hers had sprung a leak. Being the 'nice guy' I am, I told her I'd probably fix it tomorrow, but my addiction to exceed expectations will have me doing it right now, because 'Wax on, Wax off' stuff like that is great for the intuition engine!

And it showed: matching her expectation of the world around her, the puncture turned out to be multiple ones, caused by a staple in the outer tire. It needed a new tire, and was thus totally in sync with her expectations of Life: "If it gets bad, it can get worse!"

And this morning, it being a Sunday and the last day of my two week vacation, I rolled out of bed at around nine thirty, with not much gusto to do anything. So I had breakfast, and then basically collapsed on the couch to listen to my recently enlarged music collection. After a while, a mail signalled me to get up, so I did and read it. It seemed to be one of those mails trying to tempt you to add yourself to just another social site, but there was something weird about it: it mentioned the site of a lady I'd exchanged (non-romantic) mails with in the past, as if it was addressed to her, but then how would it end up with me? Also, it proposed to me: "Let us work together". For a normal person that would not mean anything, but my past had a moment where I found a message hidden in my cell phone, that had a number of those "Let us...." statements in it, with various alternatives. Now I figured I knew where that cell phone message came from, so if this mail was in any way connected to it...

On the other hand, I know the Incredible Machine knows about my love for real puzzles. And no amount of doubt could make me deviate from the action that came next. If She wanted to work together, then I needn't go far, because we'll always be One: so instead of answering the E-mail, I got up from my desk chair, and plunged headlong into doing the dishes, to make sure the place was clean before she actually physically arrives... (one of those absolute thoughts again)

Now this sort of thing might never happen to you, simply because you are on another path than I am. But I am sure that whatever does cross your path, will be the culmination of all your expectations (good and bad), because the Incredible Machine usually doesn't work any other way: like a spider, it connects any number of distinct points, to make them come together at the center, where it lives. The end result then is none of the above points, but still a stable base within the same environment....

Now I know one observation hardly makes for rigid scientific proof, but I've seen more people around me follow the same pattern. Generally, there are those who are deeply engaged in the Common Consensus Reality: they read newspapers, watch the news, see all the ads, and measure the reality around them by that very restrictive circle of experience. To them it is real if they can experience it firsthand, and only then. They need to go on vacations to far away places to prove to themselves that those are real too, thus enlarging their Personally Experienced Reality. And their attachment to the CCR is quite severe: they actually try to make their children behave like the neighbors and people in their surroundings, because to them that is the measure of their desired behavior: just like the band with the same name once sang they are "Living in a Box".

Others are of the category which refuse to be put in a box. They may comply for a while, but their heart is out there, where they figure the truth is to be found. In fact, there is no truth but that which we all feel is 'right' for us. They may follow certain trends of the Common Consensus Reality, but their personal sphere of experience holds for real much more than the members of the group mentioned before. They may have few friends in their immediate surroundings, but their social links are still very solid, even though they are spread out across the globe. This group is one which only came into full bloom with the advance of the Web, when digital connections made communications way faster and global. Before that they also existed, but usually had to engage in discovery, or writing of science fiction like Jules Verne. His readers were usually of that same category because you attract what you radiate.

Now of course there are not two categories, but rather a bunch of them, which I'd probably arrange as concentric spheres which are covering the SevenSphere: the dot in the middle would be a totally autistic child, the grey sphere in the middle would be the enthousiastic citizens of the Common Consensus Reality, and larger spheres would mix

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