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from presence does not convey information from the Source to the Destination. For that, we need to utilize the fourth law of Creation: Change!

We vary the output of Energy, in a way that is meaningful to us. That will enable us to communicate with entities like ourselves, and be heard by those entities that are so far ahead of us in development, that their Intelligence is able to decipher the language used without any problems. Remember that Gene Roddenberry once said, that "Any race that is advanced enough will appear as magic to lower cultures"? We'll get there yet, mark my words! (I guess it was actually Carl Sagan who said it, but Roddenberry used it in one of the Star Trek episodes...)

OK, so now we have an information stream, and once we know the language involved, we can go on. Note that this point is where the normal intelligence deviates from the three letter agency alternative:

Where it comes to the general public they use the languages they and the opposite party know, but their secretive counterparts will be using encodings or cypher languages that they in turn hope their opponents do not know. So in secret service land this step is way more involved than in normal use. And then again, we all used this 'secret' language decoding at least once. Any ideas? How about learning to talk as an infant? Or learning a new language?

OK, so now we know what the data conveys in as far as the knowledge we have about the language pertains to the incoming sentences. But this is the next layer of the onion: I guess most of us saw Terminator 2, where John cleverly sidestepped the T1000's trap by asking it through the phone why Wolfie was barking. His stepparents would have known the dog had a different name, but the highly intelligent Terminator walked into the trap eyes wide open! And this is a very useful tool, because there are almost always differences in context and thus differences in the used set of words for a given communication connection. On 2nd thought, it can work against you: on the reread while watching the Italian Job, Charlize Theron just gave away her 'real' identity by using a saying her daddy used to say.....

Still though, if we communicate enough, which is basically just cycling the above SevenSphere again and again, then soon the accumulated information begins to turn into Knowledge. This is much like the phase leading into cell division, where both cells acquire virtually the same set of DNA before the actual division is initiated.

Note though, that the secretive concept of Intelligence is also a process of equally distributing the information, although the parties involved try desperately to counter that leakage. But since they are also both trying to gather the information of the opponent, their energies are divided between spying and defending their own info. Friendly (non-secretive) parties can use their energies for clear information exchange all the time, and are thus by definition more efficient!

Now the reread/write bruoght me a nearly empty page here, which my intuition tells me needs to be filled. And as Charlie is renewing his view of his opponents evasive move, they are deciding on a rerun of the original Italian Job with a few extra's. As he and his explosives expert hang from harnesses in the underground tunnels, and the guy has to insert the detonator, their possibly last words are "I love you", as straight as they are.....

A little earlier on, Charly told his foe that he was always coming from the defensive angle, and thus would eventually be defeated. Basically, that's similar to thinking from inside the box, and dealing with what's coming at you. And it shows in the 'getaway': where Charlie plays the elements of the city, his opponent restricts himself to keeping a hawk's eye on his tools and what is wrong with them. Great sync to make me smile was when the truck went though the road, and a big metal plate fell on top to cover it up: as the camera panned out, there was a big poster of a panda, which said "Bye Bye Love"....

Yes, what I write about explicitly, is what is out there in the untold colors of Reality: every movie ever made, every song ever sung, and every book ever written are about this. And the next sync from the movie shows it well: the safe (which it isn't) is not a Worthington 1000, but a later model. Charlize Theron (Stella) thus had to rely on her feelings (intuition) and her own senses rather than her tools and knowledge. And if you are doubtful of your feelings, then there is always someone to re-establish your faith in them, just like Charlie did to Stella when he gently took her hand and rested it on the safe's dial again.....

But let's try to get back to the main line now that the Italian Job has been satisfactorily completed. Onwards to 'Me and Dad', which has another motivation 'problem': Dad's little girl doesn't want to play ball (in more ways than one), but would rather play ballet. And since Dad is a somewhat celebrated ball player, he has a problem in doing what he thinks his girl wants....

Basically, this is a clash of realities, between base ball and ballet. But I didn't quite catch it until Mills did: he told four discussing mums that the best way to raise children is to enable them to be themselves, rather than force them into all kinds of schedules. Because they are human beings, they know when to eat and when to sleep, better than those around them, who only can go on external signals. And as the movie reached its end, another sync showed me that all is in fact connected:

Even though I will for the record state that I have no ties with that company in any legal or financial way, there is a shot in there, of Dad and the coach walking past an advertizing board for Worthington Industries. I'm quite sure both the company and the movie company will forgive me that small transgression of copyright....

Still though, how could I have picked exactly those two movies to view after one another?

And there I go again: rereading and reformatting has left a hole of nearly a page before the next chapter. That is my clue to "Someone needs Moore Input here....

Some of you may have thought: "He says everything is a label, yet he writes about everything in very elaborate structures." Well, even though we can label everything, which by the way is our God-given right (see Genesis), we were also taught to build structures to survive: Noah did it, as did Steve Carell in Evan Almighty: using stuff labeled wood and creating an Ark. I'm not saying that is the only truth, but just an example of it: choose your own (religious) text at will, or at random...

Let me just add a bit of a buildup into the next chapter:

Anything is All, or unknown as it is....

If we label it, it does not become less, but it does become known....

Now since known to One is not known to the Other, we disagree (Babylon).

If we can agree on the labels we give everything, we are constructing common knowledge.

On common knowledge, we can build structures we again agree on.

Combinations of three common elements are inherently stable, but not fixed.

We need another Trinity to help balance the first one.....

And since this goes on Ad Infinitum, I guess steps 8 sideways isn't such a bad way to cycle on....

So now I guess we just need to settle on a common label with which to play during the rest of this book. And I guess System is as good a label as any, since Unidentified System neatly refers to US!

Let's Smurf the lot!

So hints to our knowledge can be found anywhere, like for instance in the cartoons about the Smurfs: they talk Smurfish, which means every other word is replaced with the term 'Smurf' in its proper form. You may think Peyo did this just for fun, but he actually was dining with his colleague Franquin, and in his inebriated state could not recall the word for salt shaker. So he just asked him: "Pass me the Schrumpf", a game that then went on all night, and became the basis for the Smurf language. To me though, it clearly shows that all are just labels, to be toyed with as one sees fit.

So, in order to reduce the complexity of it, let's call everything a System, whether it is a mouse (hardware or otherwise), a window (software or physical), a story (book or movie), or an animal (human or otherwise). Even a heart will qualify as a System, as we will see.

The image on the left here is easily seen as the component view of a System. Just like the Enterprise crew is always most concerned about hull breaches, this diagram assigns the red sphere to the boundary of the System, the layer that separates the inside from the outside (or Environment) of the System. Our skin would be the Boundary for us humans, which helps us to stay whole (without holes).

The next component are the sensors, or senses as we call them in humans. These are designed to scan the Environment for possible energy signatures, instead of specific targets. Mind you, they do double duty: if a human detects another human, and communication is established, then our ears listen to that other human rather than focusing on all environmental audio like they normally do. Still though, because these are functionally different uses, they are described separately in this diagram.

As an added anecdote, allow me to tell you about my enlistment in our highschool radio club when I was a kid: being allowed to enter the sanctum where voices from all over the world were heard was an honor to me. Weird thing though, was that my senses could make head nor tail of them, since they seemed to be drowned in inordinate amounts of static. I really couldn't hear jack shit, and was quite disappointed. One of my older club mates laughed, and told me: "Never mind, just come in to listen as much as you can, and by ends week you'll be fine." And he was right: my senses had adapted, or rather my neural net had. Back then though, I didn't know that word like I do now..... And after having adjusted to normal levels of static, I also heard from my club mates that some ham operators can even go to sleep, and wake up the moment their call sign comes in on the set.... And since that kinda reminded me of my experiences in live concerts, I just started Queen Live in Tokio, 1985! Yes, still with Freddy 'Quicksilver' Mercury!

Basically, the Subsystems are what the System is made up of. This also includes the way these various parts are connected together. It is in the green sphere because normally, we can depend on the parts being there, right where they are supposed to be. On the other hand, it doesn't hurt to make sure of that fact, so we add the light blue sphere, named Integrity. This is in fact the System inspecting itself to make sure it is still in one piece, kinda like you look into the mirror before driving to a date with your friend....

Next up are the Interfaces: they allow for exchanges between the inside of the System, and (other Systems in) its Environment. This may concern data, or physical objects, or even waste. Sometimes the sensors may do double duty for this task where communication is concerned, And believe it or not, even weapons are Interfaces: they are designed to deliver damage to an enemy.

One of the last aspects of the System is its Metasystem. Any idea what would play this role in a series like Star Trek? How about Starfleet Command? The Enterprise is not in it, and then again it is: even in deep space they are part of the fleet, and Starfleet command controls them in as far as this is needed.... (so I guess no input from your boss means he agrees with you?)

Now let's apply

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