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in ever more color, up until total awareness of the All. "And you claim to be the total Sphere?", you ask? Well, no: the actual outer limit of the SevenSphere aligns with the outer limit of the All, and as such it is infinite. And even though we are all the All, we are only partly aware of it mostly. Same goes for me: I may write a lot about it, but surely miss a few areas here and there to be able to claim full 'Allness'.... Let's face it, we don't all 'Love it All', thus reaching that state of mind where preferences become irrelevant, and any situation is greeted with equally positive or at least neutral behavior.

And that is OK, since it is our free will which determines just how much of the All we are able and willing to participate in, like the library analogy. Still though, all the books are right here, for us to browse once we do feel like it. And part of the knowledge in those books may still reach us in other ways. You may not have read Moby Dick in highschool, but if you saw Age of the Dragons recently, then you know the outlines of the story at least, for that movie basically mimicked the book, with the whale being portrayed as a dragon, and all the main figures having identical names as the ones in Herman Melville's book.

And that didn't mean anything to me until the final proofread just now: in order to remain in the now we share with others, we must keep entertaining certain ideas within their realm of reality. Just like this Sunday I must do my laundry, the dishes, and the vacuuming. If I don't, then my environment will probably decide I've gone off the deep end, and will try to protect me from myself by suggesting I go and have a vacation elsewhere. In the mean time, DJ Jean plays me "Get ready for the launch", suggesting I leave Ahab's ship, and row to shore.....

See you guys and gals, after a bit of Rock-driven domestic wax-on, wax-off stuff!! (just singing: Ronny James Dio: "Imagination is a terrible thing!", from End of the World...

Back in Imagination though, after part of the domestic chores. The floor will again give people the idea that this is a well-kept house, and the laundry is taken care of by my trusted pal in the attic. I'm also thinking of moving my bedroom up there, so I can fall asleep to its singing...

Inflating the Balloon

Let's face it, not all of us are quite happy with the Common Consensus Reality. It feels like a harness, for some it is the heavy armor that shields them from blows dealt to them by the unknown, while others see it as the inflexible and restricting straight jacket that limits their freedom of movement. The first category is OK there, but the second group aren't. They either make up new realities, or follow visionary writers like Jules Verne, and soon distinguish themselves from the CCR by their belief in more futuristic sets of concepts. Once such a group gains enough momentum, they either put a label on themselves to distinguish them from the 'normal' people, or are literally called names by those who cannot (or will not) comprehend them. Thus, the followers of Jules Verne soon became known as Vernians: humans in every aspect, except for the total reality they hold for possible.

Another distinct group of believers in the 'non-real' are the Trekkies: they enjoy watching the various episodes of the scifi series which Gene Roddenberry brought to life. He has already left this plane of existence, but his followers kept the various series running for quite some time. Even now, a new movie is scheduled for release in 2013. And do you know what the really funny part is? The first Star Trek crew members were seen walking around with small boards to read from, and write their notes on, but that was in a time when mobile phones had yet to be invented (1966). Now, around forty years later, we see the same image on streets everywhere, where mobile phones and tablets are taking their place among the people lugging laptops around to be able to work on public transport. Too bad Roddenberry's vision of a moneyless society has not yet been achieved, but then again we have yet to cross the deadline he gave us for that phenomenon. As an added sync, the Italian Job right now shows how the bad guy is literally imprisoned by the 35 million in gold he stole from his mates before he killed them (or so he thought). Are we perhaps imprisoned by our money view as well?

If you think you are, try the positivist view: try to convince yourself there will aways be enough money. Pretty soon, you will observe how the money pretty much always pops up right when you need it most, and usually from another source than where you expected it from! Now once that works, and you also consider that they are all just labels, feel free to experiment.... ;-)

Hmm, 'Deadline', funny word isn't it? If you make it, then you can relax, because the work that was to be completed has been completed. If you haven't made it yet, then you have to work hard to make it. Neither implies though, that after the line, nothing remains... In fact, it is you and your achievements up until then (realizations) that remain!

What does show clearly though, is that our reality is growing, by leaps and bounds. Jules Verne sent us to the moon in his fictional writings, but I'm quite sure that in his mind the trip was as real as the people around him. Calling it fiction is just a writer's way to avoid being called crazy, or blasphemous, and the story is that which absolutely feels right to pen down...

The point I'm trying to make here, is that each and every one of us is always busy trying to inflate the balloon of reality in the direction of those aspects of it that we truly love. Basically, this is like a wad of chewing gum under our shoe, which we are trying to stretch in a certain direction. And we all know what happens if two opposing forces do the stretching while the rest remains at peace with the Status Quo: the same thing that happens when growth makes a cell too large: they split, and become separate entities, although they are still part of the whole stick of gum!

Yes, opposing forces can best be shown in cellular division. There, the opposing forces also create more cells rather than one big cell, thus creating the illusions of division and separation. On the other hand though, we do not treat our fellow human beings as a collection of cells, but much more like one being, which we deal with according to our previous experiences with them and similar beings. And that is all based on the reality we deduced for ourselves, based on our memories of what we call the past.

And of course, the reference to cell division brought the subject to sex, unless you are a movie freak like me: right now, Rammstein is playing 'Feuer Frei' in the first scenes of Triple X, with Vin Diesel. Seen about three to four times already, but still good enough to enjoy while writing, or even to gleam a few very useful writing tips from.

Yep, didn't have to wait too long to find a useful point of entry: A senator mistaking Xander (Vin Diesel) for a valet, and making very clear that he absolutely thought him to be the lowest of the lowest when it comes to fellow human beings. Now a guy like Xander absolutely does not put up with such out of his realm behavior: the senator's car ends up being launched from a very high bridge, filmed in real live video from multiple camera angles. And that is Xander showing the senator his reality, because the senator wanted to restrict everybody to a reality where things like computer games would be forbidden, because it was said to corrupt our kids. And apparently, Xander thinks that's the only education they have left....

While Xander gets some adult education, I'm just gonna go generalize some more: education is often thought to be the activity where one party teaches and the other party learns, but nothing could be further from the truth. School is OK, but parents are educators just as well. And any parent will probably agree with me that they learn just as much from their children as the children learn from them.

An anecdote from my past as a parent shows this clearly: we taught our kids the difference between right and wrong, but during our vacation the four of us (two parents, two kids) went to a restaurant. The food was great, as was the company, but when time came to pay, I noticed that one ice tea was missing on the bill, so I mentioned it to my wife. We walked to the cashier, and paid the bill, and then my eldest suddenly showed us she had understood the concept of honesty: in a clear voice she told him about the discrepancy! And she was only about seven years old...

In effect, education is nothing other than that same infinity sign, looping between two beings, across the boundaries that separate them. Now it can be a single loop, or many more, but some loops further on it might be realigned to target another being. And before you know it, it will look like the scene that Vin Diesel is in now: snowboarding ahead of an avalanche that was just caused by his opponents!

A funny sync is, that in two days time, I got two distinct references to Melville's Moby Dick: the movie Age of the Dragons, and the name of the bad guy's winged powerboat on Triple X bound for the heart of Prague with a deadly load of viral gas: it was called Ahab. A nerd like me won't pass up a sync, and of course it wasn't too difficult to relate this to the thread of this story: Instead of following the singleminded pursuit of Hapiness, Ahab went for the narrowminded pursuit of his Nemesis, the White Whale. So in fact, you could say that Ahab was the original specialist, rather than a generalist: he tried to learn everything there was to know about the whale, instead of enjoying other pursuits... And since he said he would chase it till his death, he ended up doing so...

And like the guy in Triple X the Next Level just said: "this is an information operation." And so it is: It is time to analyze that oil spill of growth, because I'm sensing structure here. But getting to the next level on this may take me the rest of this movie, and dinner for one....

Well, dinner for one went great, but resulted in many other activities before I felt I could finally sit down and put together the SevenSphere on the left here. The reason it took me so long, was because Intelligence has a double meaning which most of us are intimately familiar with, even if we don't work for the NSA, CIA, FBI, MI6, KGB, or any of the other dirty three letter agencies....

Still though, what we call intelligence in the normal context is actually boiling down to the exact same cycle that these agencies employ to get the better of their opponents. Even SETI works that way, although their success in completing such a cycle is far less likely, or very cleverly hidden from the public eye....

First step like always is the sphere on the bottom: it represents the concept Energy, which is all we get from the realm of deep space, and even from our direct environment: since our atoms repel one another, we never actually touch, but do become aware of a sense of touch, which is just an energy exchange. Now the presence or absence of Energy can only indicate the presence of a Source, but apart

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