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One of the ancients,once said that poetry is "the mirror of the perfect soul." Instead of simply writing down travel notes or, not really thinking about the consequences, expressing your thoughts, memories or on paper, the poetic soul needs to seriously work hard to clothe the perfect content in an even more perfect poetic form.
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What is poetry?

Reading books RomanceThe unity of form and content is what distinguishes poetry from other areas of creativity. However, this is precisely what titanic work implies.
Not every citizen can become a poet. If almost every one of us, at different times, under the influence of certain reasons or trends, was engaged in writing his thoughts, then it is unlikely that the vast majority will be able to admit to themselves that they are a poet.
Genre of poetry touches such strings in the human soul, the existence of which a person either didnā€™t suspect, or lowered them to the very bottom, intending to give them delight.

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Read books online Ā» Poetry Ā» MY POETIC PROPENSITY (Part-I) by ASHWINI KUMAR GOSWAMI (literature books to read .txt) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«MY POETIC PROPENSITY (Part-I) by ASHWINI KUMAR GOSWAMI (literature books to read .txt) šŸ“–Ā». Author ASHWINI KUMAR GOSWAMI

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ā€œFour Funs Of The Sunā€
(Winter Dominating)

Swarthy, whitish, pinkish are three sisters,
With a bald brother usually facing sinister jitters !
Summer, Winter, Spring, their names to call,
Their brother being yet nick-named as Fall !
# Pleasant looking are both Winter and Spring,
Summer and Fall can never look charming !
Winter mostly prefers protein-rich dishes,
Containing omolettes and well-fried fishes !
# Spring is flexible and a unanimous choice,
Of all humans and animals well to rejoice !
Summer is both teetotaller and vegetarian,
Having also married to an identical civilian !
# Winter artistically makes earth picturesque,
With her creations from dawn to dusk !
Wrapping Mother Earth with dense greenery,
Which exhibits thus very beauteous scenery !
# People then choose colour-rich winter-wears,
They warm themselves with alcoholic beers !
In addition they also collect wooden splinters,
To burn them to overcome shivering in Winters.
# Preferred are also mid-day walk and sun-bath,
To energize physique to traverse long path !
Frolicsome we all seem in Winter and Spring,
Unlike in other seasons that create itching !
# Teetotallers, vegetarians also enjoy tasty eatables,
With delicious hot-sweets served on tables
Winter and Spring are the Queens of seasons,
Though all four seasons are Funs Of the Sun !
Exquisite warmth is also embracing and kissing,
Winter gone-by, invariably remains missing !
These are natural phenomena, we have to abide by,
All over the planets orbiting in the sky !
Sky is limitless, itā€™s sibylline against why ?
Itā€™s too high to reach despite maximum try !

ā€œWoes & Wonts Of Winterā€
Mankind manages most measures of maintenance,
For their surviving well with safe-sure surveillance !
To withstand winter, wrapping with winter-wears,
Warming well with alcoholic whiskeys and beers !
# Veggies savour the flavour of tastiest hot sweets,
Non-veg enjoy well with eggs, fishes and meats !
Human-race is alone blessed with choosy feasts,
Scornfully as they are aptly the civilized beasts !
# Now look at the lingering life of loitering animals,
In the streets as well as in the forests and jungles !
Shelterless, shivering, suffering, dwindling by dying,
So also are other creatures atop the trees or flying !
# Temperature is when diminishing dangerously,
Below zero degree Celsius, rapidly, rigorously !
Windy waves, snowy storms augment the agony,
Disastrous happens atmosphere in every colony !
# Birds, too, then face fatal with similar tragedy,
Flocks of them are killed, there being no remedy !
Though all of us well know this seasonal calamity,
But egoistic only we be to be a notable celebrity !
# Unmindful all are we of the dogmas of re-birth,
Which may make man any other creature on the Earth !
As humans only are able to pray God for any boon,
He may be pleased on His Own Accord late or soon !
# What form re-birth gives us is based on our daily deeds,
So always adhere to sowing philanthropic fertile seeds !
Let us all give up addictions, if any, to our misdeeds,
Thatā€™s a dogmatic device or advice, as each religion pleads !
# Pray God, hence to benignly change His Rigorous Law,
Using His Big Quill with His Ever Invincible Paw !
To make Earth also a High-flying Heavenly Abode,
And free us all from His Heterogeneous Code !
# Why not all populous planets can be quite similar,
Without variations as are in Winter and Summer !
Heaven and Hell ought to be made unitedly unique,
At the Hands of Omniscient God and His Technique !
*Alliteration all along enjoyable above and here !

ā€œWondrous Wintry White-Outā€
The while that enormously amazed me,
Then I stood flabbergasted and stand-still !
The moment that densely damaged me,
The balance of my heart had a thrill !
#Coming across a charming chick during perambulation,
Spell-bound, I kept watching her with spying speculations !
#A lasciviously lovely and lusty loitering lassie,
Lingering all through wearing only a lingerie,
Quite lonely living lazily in fatuous fantasy,
Bewildered by windy and wintry white-out misery !
#My age eaqually was befitting in such fascination,
I felt blissful then beyond my imagination !
I galloped at once to reach her with full swing,
Imagining, as if, I would offer her betrothal ring !
God knows where she disappeared into foggy spheres,
Thus I whiled away the time in toto till exuding tears !
When I was awake and went on thinking over the theme,
I was sure then, it was merely a dream !
#Whacked while walking, I went asleep at a lee,
Dreamt as to who was she, who now I canā€™t see ?
Hahahaha, Heeheehee ! Thatā€™s all, please, for a while,
Donā€™t see me,
Haahaa, heehee, pee, pee, pee, wee, wee, wee!

Woollen-wears, say, coats, jerkins, jerseys & sweaters,
Burners, say, fires, coals, woods and electric heaters;
Hot drinks like coffee, tea, beer or alcoholic beverage,
To win winter by its warmth to be thus above average !
Disinfectants also used to spray and spread all around,
Whenever, wherever needed up and down the ground !
As a measure of Preventive and Social Medicine,
Just to preclude against being put into Quarantine;
As certain wintry diseases like flu and malaria,
Often attack people in this season covering large area !
Lascivious ladies and jet-setting gender bender gents,
Wearing lingeries only without trousers or pants !
Warming each others lovingly by embracing and hugging,
As tightl y as needed even unto depth of sexual plugging !
All these activities are prone preferably in winters,
Unmindful of good or evil, whatever may be sinister juitters !
These are the joys enjoyed with winter-winners ut supra,
Over and above theories of arithmetic, geometry, algebra !

ā€œThe Rainā€
Brain exceeds rain by ā€œBā€
And what begets it is sea.
Drain exceeds it by ā€œDā€
And there is more yet to see.

Grain with excess by ā€œGā€
The nature provides rain free.
Train trails it with ā€œTā€,
Thatā€™s a literal fuss to be
And vain is all ut supra, to prove any plea.
ā€œNo grain without rainā€
Is a phenomenon obsolete,
Thatā€™s now almost apt to delete.
The need of rain is not yet vain !!
The ocean when in motion,
The Sun when in emotion,
The former swallows the heat,
The latter creates the sleet.
Itā€™s seemingly an eternal pact,
Subservient to Natureā€™s Act.
Depending wholly on rains is now extinct,
On the face of canals, dams and tube-wells
Which have subdued the rainy stint.
Crops can now be watered through drains,
Unmindful of the capricious rains
We canā€™t still be too much sure
To ever defer the rainy allure.
Rains, when set in, cool the brains,
stint thereof subtracts the strains.
Thatā€™s a game betwixt natural and artificial,
But human is able to choose,
whenever, whichever is beneficial.
Yet, forget not, human being, too, is a credulous creature,
And no creature can subvert the Laws of Nature.
With a tankful of thanks to anyone decent and beneficentā€¦ā€¦

The Chair
Many an idea, many a thought, many a lesson and many a suggestion;
All left behind when the chair in possession !
Anything good, anything bad, anything foul or anything fair,
All negligible, while the chair is there !
Weakened parties or such groups, seeking chairs in government pools,
They have gone to such a length, to regain the lost chair and strength !
They wonā€™t mind even sitting on stools, the emotional voters being left as fools !
The rich have no any major affect, the poor will ever remain imperfect !
This has become unchangeable result, thatā€™s so, democracy difficult !
Sons, daughters, even wives of some clans, attract people through hired fans !
This is the political abracadabra, no any arithmetic, no algebra !
This is the prevailing poisonous essence, our nation needs early renaissance !


I have been pondering since childhood,
As long as my personhood could !
How, why and whence onward,
India was named in effeminate card ?
Though our land sustained slavery,
Our people always maintained bravery !
India pronounced by ā€˜Sheā€™ or ā€˜Herā€™,
Anglice, everyone happens to refer !
I, rather, feel always offended,
Everybody, every book literally depended,
None came forward to get it amended,
What I felt and always intended !
I canā€™t see India called effeminate,
This being merely a lingual etiquette !
Hence, I beseech intelligentsia,
To enlighten upon this deep mania !

Income Tax, House Tax, Entertainment Tax,
Land Tax, Property Tax, Road Tax, Sales Tax,
Besides these Seven Taxes may be yet New Tax !
All these elements are to irk people and vex !

These are the imposed burden for all of us,
Salary and allowances earned thus face minus !
People flounder to create extra income,
Commission and corruption are its outcome !

Taxes, however, maintain the Exchequer,
Graceful Governance lavishly incur expenditure !
Parliamentary perks are exuberantly high,
Nobody comes forward to interrogate why ?

Exorbitant expenditure occurs in security,
Only on so-called dignitary and celebrity !
People in general remain always unsafe,
Facing robbery, theft and unscrupulous rape !

Heads of the Nation who are called Patriotic,
Enjoy royalty life-long even when walking with stick !
One way, the clamour is to uproot poverty,
All high quarters, enjoy wine-and-tea-party !

Nation seems helpless to maintain status quo,
Resultantly occurs always the fiscal fiasco !
Poor public cannot snub, whatever may go,
All of us sustain, shall remain sustaining so !

Eclipsed is thus remaining the name of shame,
Fame of Dignitaries fractures its frame !
Actors, leaders, traders are very few patriotic,
Graceless greed

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