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One of the ancients,once said that poetry is "the mirror of the perfect soul." Instead of simply writing down travel notes or, not really thinking about the consequences, expressing your thoughts, memories or on paper, the poetic soul needs to seriously work hard to clothe the perfect content in an even more perfect poetic form.
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What is poetry?

Reading books RomanceThe unity of form and content is what distinguishes poetry from other areas of creativity. However, this is precisely what titanic work implies.
Not every citizen can become a poet. If almost every one of us, at different times, under the influence of certain reasons or trends, was engaged in writing his thoughts, then it is unlikely that the vast majority will be able to admit to themselves that they are a poet.
Genre of poetry touches such strings in the human soul, the existence of which a person either didn’t suspect, or lowered them to the very bottom, intending to give them delight.

There are poets whose work, without exaggeration, belongs to the treasures of human thought and rightly is a world heritage. In our electronic library you will find a wide variety of poetry.
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Read books online » Poetry » "My Poetic Propensity (Part-II) by Ashwini Kumar Goswami (the gingerbread man read aloud .TXT) 📖

Book online «"My Poetic Propensity (Part-II) by Ashwini Kumar Goswami (the gingerbread man read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Ashwini Kumar Goswami

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Mankind manages most measures of maintenance,

For their surviving well with safe-sure surveillance !

To withstand winter, wrapping with winter-wears,

Warming well with alcoholic whiskeys and beers !

# Veggies savour the flavour of tastiest hot sweets,

Non-veg enjoy well with eggs, fishes and meats !

Human-race is alone blessed with choosy feasts,

Scornfully as they are aptly the civilized beasts !

# Now look at the lingering life of loitering animals,

In the streets as well as in the forests and jungles !

Shelter-less, shivering, suffering, dwindling by dying,

So also are other creatures atop the trees or flying !

# Temperature is when diminishing dangerously,

Below zero degree Celsius, rapidly, rigorously !

Windy waves, snowy storms augment the agony,

Disastrous happens atmosphere in every colony !

# Birds, too, then face fatal with similar tragedy,

Flocks of them are killed, there being no remedy !

Though all of us well know this seasonal calamity,

But egoistic only we be to be a notable celebrity !

# Unmindful all are we of the dogmas of re-birth,

Which may make man any other creature on the Earth !

As humans only are able to pray God for any boon,

He may be pleased on His Own Accord late or soon !

# What form re-birth gives us is based on our daily deeds,

So always adhere to sowing philanthropic fertile seeds !

Let us all give up addictions, if any, to our misdeeds,

That’s a dogmatic device or advice, as each religion pleads !

# Pray God, hence to benignly change His Rigorous Law,

Using His Big Quill with His Ever Invincible Paw !

To make Earth also a High-flying Heavenly Abode,

And free us all from His Heterogeneous Code !

# Why not all populous planets can be quite similar,

Without variations as are in Winter and Summer !

Heaven and Hell ought to be made unitedly unique,

At the Hands of Omniscient God and His Technique !






*Alliteration all along enjoyable above and here!




I recall, I cherished poetic passion since I was just seven,
Ab initio, I often pondered over then, hell and heaven !
My Papa used to take me to his office along with him,
Officials loved me too much, as I was frolicsome and slim !

English type-writers whenever free, I was allowed to avail,
I used to type poetry thereon, to preserve poetry to prevail !
Irksome is felt now, when I knew that stuff is misplaced,
Despite all efforts, those my works couldn't yet be traced !

Long gap occurred thereafter, for my cardiaic block,
I had to undergo bypass surgery, causing a writer’s block !
During its long aftercare, I kept from poetry quite aloof,
However, p4poetry forum, attracted me to show my proof !

My contribution to this forum, emerged ambitiously thence,
It was June of preceding year, I attempted my poetry exactly whence !
To my best of worth, I continue yet my contribution,
Cocksure, I am, always, my each poem is well-praised intuition !

Similarly, I expect all poets to adopt an attribution,
Not to reserve their work and worth, without distribution !
As all are not provided with credible crowdy audience,
Poetry is a distinct device to prove your skill and sense !

Eternal is poetry, may be poets naturally mortal,
Their name and fame preserves poetry, making it immortal !
Kalidas, Surdas, Tulsidas &c., apparently appear alive,
Whenever read their poesy, they seem to yet survive !




(1) Alliteration (2) Allusion (3) Assonance (4) Bravery;

(5) Comedy (6) Diction (7) Elegy/Threnody (8) Epics;

(9) Free Verse/vers libre (10) Legend (11) Lyric (12) Metaphor;

(13) Metres (14) Monologue/dialogue (15) Myth (16) Oxymoron;

Parody (18) Prosody (19) Renaissance (20) Reverie/Day-Dream;

(21) Rhyme (22) Rhythm (23) Tragedy (24) Travesty and

(25) Stanzas – Couplet; tercet; quatrain; rhyme royal; ottava rima; spensarian stanza; and sonnet.

ADDENDA: PLEASE ALSO ADD:- “Humour”, “Pentameter” And

“Sestet ” suitably to the above list of “Poetic Parameters” and

also “Pronunciation”, “Musical Tone”.

A poet is he who knows and understands,

At least something about the above 30 poetic trends !

While reading or writing any poems,

The above trends add to poems, wordy poetic gems !

Those who write poetry unmindful of above trends,

Their effort always needs unwanted amends !

Critics, too, should be ever well conversant,

They are supposed more competent to make comment !

Their role more and more is very important,

They should never hesitate for even adverse comment !

No matter, whosoever, may be the poet’s name,

Not the name, but poem is his claim of fame !

Carelessly writing away from above trends,

Results in unusually piling numerous poems,

Meekly I come forward, every poet, to implore,

Not to write any poetry, which may badly bore !




Certainty and surety are defined dogmatically with death

Uncertain, unknown remains all the aftermath !

Innumerable families depend on a sole bread-winner,

Single-handed hardly he procures diet or dinner !

Hand-to-mouth such family growing undeveloped,

Basic needs of bread-clothes-house tightly enveloped !

Elementary education even is an ego in the dreams,

Ignorant are all others including social teams !

Divine Law yet remains rigid without benevolence,

Incapable is such situation to sustain intolerance !

The climax occurs even yet through cruel calamity,

Circumstantially when the bread-winner becomes a casualty !

Such family highly hard-hit, cannot fight fatality,

People only gather showing flimsy favourability !

Posthumous performances render the family overburdened,

In addition to that of debt already left by the abandoned !

People’s formal sympathy cannot heal any such wound,

Humanity seems vanished when humans are so ruined !

Numerous families are undergoing such Divine Tyranny,

Meager and negligible is succour, if any !

These are grave grievances of public concern,

Government and Social Groups must direly discern !

Orphanage and shelter-homes need be ubiquitous,

Provided with needy amenities and apparatus !!

Helpful is always in the nation, any benevolent donator,

If called upon earnestly, he may come eagerly to monitor !

Grace of God is solicitous, if sought unanimously,

As even iron is flattened, if hammered continuously !

Poets are implored earnestly to play also their part,

Interning this poem of mine in the core of their heart !

Philanthropy should be observed, ever remembering it apart,

This should be the admitted dogma making it a chart !



Crazy are the people, to ever gain a glance of a filmy fame,

Gracelessly greedy hero-heroines, who play only lucrative game !

Sky-high are their acting-advertising rates,

Even then they assign rigidly their signing dates !

Directors ‘n’ Producers are obliged to accomplish,

As they are helpless and satiate their wish !

Nobody cares to realize its consequences,

People as well the youth seem having lost their senses !

Besides acting rates, advertising rates are too high,

These guys momentarily appear even to tell a lie !

A Superhero pleads, he has been using “NAVARATAN OIL” brand,

For the last 35 years, imposing blindly its demand !

How much true, is his such utterance, we all know very well,

Indecipherable are charges for only to so tell !

Though there are other celebrities easily available,

Who may be invited reverently, very less payable !

Virtually, advertising even then can stand intact,

Flimsy favour may be undone, to break the filmy pact !

National service of filmy folk is seemingly zero,

Money-monger is every heroine or any hero !

Horn of plenty, they themselves only avail,

Unmindful of, if in the nation, heavy taxes prevail !

Any film after release, may inadvertently fail,

Actors’ rates paid even then nobody can curtail !

Sons and daughters of actors step in as successors,

For their fame, Producers face much pressures !

Totally, their family forwards earning with speed,

Unbreakable seems their very graceless greed !

They enjoy life in their splendid sky-scrapers,

Spectators keep watching films even in sultry vapours !

Ultimately, all this creates the national imbalance,

Contributory is our flimsy faith and impertinence !

Partly responsible is introverted intelligentsia,

Remaining aloof even for such cornucopia !

They must come forward to impart such lessons,

As may do away with all non-sense at once !




Income Tax, House Tax, Entertainment Tax,

Land Tax, Property Tax, Road Tax, Sales Tax,

Besides these Seven Taxes may be yet New Tax !

All these elements are to irk people and vex !

These are the imposed burden for all of us,

Salary and allowances earned thus face minus !

People ever flounder to create extra income,

Commission and corruption are its outcome !

Taxes, however,add

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