"One Woman's Poems" by Marie Aube (ebooks children's books free .TXT) đź“–

- Author: Marie Aube
Book online «"One Woman's Poems" by Marie Aube (ebooks children's books free .TXT) 📖». Author Marie Aube
"Butts" 1
If I were a bar stool and
I could pinch
Think of the butts I could do and
The squeals I would hear
If I had arms
I could caress the backs
Of those who sat
Even those who were fat
Because that’s what I’m for and
That’s what I love
Lots of people
All sizes and shapes
Sitting on me
All night long
On and Off
Until the close of night
After which I sit
All forlorn
Until the next morn
Wehn they come for
"Chase & Sanborn
“Circles” 2
You’re supposed to eat cake
Not save it
You’re supposed to save money
Not spend it
Because one you got rid of
The other you kept
They are opposites
And opposites attract
So that means
That cake and money
Are drawn towards
Each other
If that’s the case
Then money is spent
To buy cake
Which you ate
So you got rid of one
The other you also
Got rid of
Therefore there’s none to save
“Magic” 3
Because of my
Never ending fears
Of which I can’t
Let go
I am constantly
Over awed with
Emotion and filled
With never ending pain
“I do believe in magic”
“I do believe in magic”
I repeat over and over
So far, no magic
Where can I go
To find what I need
Is there such a place
Or is it a lost cause
I have been to
Numb numb land
I don’t want to go there again
So I will stay in Feardom
For now.
“Faces” 4
Having all
Of your
Putting your
About yourself
Thinking about
All of the
False ideas
That come
Faces hidden
Behind masks
Faces beneath
The many
Facets of
“Escaping” 5
Because my emotions
Are running overtime
I won’t trust
I can only hide
Anywhere or anyhow
That I can
The best means of escape
Is inside my mind
It is from there
That I can weigh and wait
Make my decisions and
Then act upon them
But still stay in
My ever changing
Multi-facet mind
Doing what I do best
Hide, only letting out
Who I want
When and if I want
Maybe for a minute
Maybe for years
“Escaping” 6
Because my emotions
Are running overtime
I won’t trust
I can only hide
Anywhere or anyhow
That I can
The best means of escape
Is inside my mind
It is from there
That I can weigh and wait
Make my decisions and
Then act upon them
But still stay in
My ever changing
Multi facet mind
Doing what I do best
Hide, only letting out
Who I want
When and if I want
Maybe for a minute
Maybe for years
“Unique” 7
Ranting at the dying of the light
Crying over the enveloping of the dark
Sensing the coming of all decay
Feeling the morose of most people
Becoming what you didn’t want
Being an entity of psychic forces
Getting swept away in a mind torrent
Of wondrous gigantic waves of oceanic waterfalls
When you become completely manic
And have no control over any part of yourself
The only thing you want are all the intense
Feelings that you can crowd into yourself
Put everything you have into everything you do
You’re not afraid of anything you or anyone
You can and will do anything bad or good
Nothing is too extraordinary
Being someone who you’re not
So high that if you fall it could
Be from the C.N. Tower
Then you need time to get well once more
What a roller coaster my life is
There are so many ups and downs
Twist and turns that you’re not completely
Aware of being you all the time
It seems like you are a great many people
“Journey” 8
Silly rambling’s
Is what this
Is all about
An idle whim
Rushing through
Your head
Like a tornado
Picking up debris
Willy nilly
Beaming in on
Whatever you find
Becoming for an altered moment
Never choosing
Only letting
Your thoughts
Go helter skelter
Reaching back
To long ago times
Telling their own
Tales of woe
Jumping ahead
Hoping for relief
From this agony
Of mind scatter
Wondering if
Time will help
And you can be
Let our of your prison
Beaming in on
Whatever you find
Becoming for an altered moment
“Mystery” 9
I was fished out
Of the river this morning
All broken and water logged
How I got there is beyond me
I’m lying here in my hospital bed
Trying desperately to figure it out
Was I a victim of some misguided soul
Or do I have enemies that hate me so
How do I begin to unravel the mystery
Do I wait for someone to find me
But do I chance it, it could be an enemy
But then again it might be a friend
Do I have any?
Am I married with children
Maybe I’m single or divorced
What kind of work am I in?
Until I can answer some of these questions
I guess I have no choice but stay here
And hope it’s a friend and not a foe
That shows up and embraces me
“Invitation” 10
I found the giant door
In the wall of night
I opened it and stepped through
I found a lot of mysteries solved
I now know where all
The socks go that are
Lost from the clothes
Dryer and aren’t found
I know how the caramel
Is put in between the
Layers of chocolate
In a Cadbury bar
I know why some people
Hate other people just
Because of their different
Skin colour or race
And I know why
Chickens cross the road
It’s not just to
Get to the other side
Won’t you step through and find out?
“Mate” 11
I was lost
You found
I knocked
You opened
I speak
You listen
I write
You read
I need
You give
I want
You still give
I ask
You fulfill
I cry
You hold
I look
You find
I wonder
You answer
I frown
You stop me
I smile
You do too
“Places” 12
Trash pile for broken dreams
Kingdoms that time forgot
Air-castles for forgotten images
Domains for misplaced youths
In airspace you castle-speak
And spend castle seconds
Building castles in the sand
So you can change the time
If you go back
You will go and visit misplaced feelings
Maybe see some forgotten images and
Begin by piling broken dreams again
If you go forward
You will visit airspace and castle speak and
Play in the sand castles
That took only castle seconds to build
In realms of misplaced youth
Where things move that shouldn’t
You can visit your tower and
Maybe find your forgotten skill of
Castle building all by yourself
Where you can change your words
Change mood, change your mind, and
Come back from where you are
“Places” 13
Trash pile for broken dreams
Kingdoms that time forgot
Air-castles for forgotten images
Domains for misplaced youths
In airspace you castle-speak
And spend castle seconds
Building castles in the sand
So you can change the time
If you go back
You will go and visit misplaced feelings
Maybe see some forgotten images and
Begin by piling broken dreams again
If you go forward
You will visit airspace and castle speak and
Play in the sand castles
That took only castle seconds to build
In realms of misplaced youth
Where things move that shouldn’t
You can visit your tower and
Maybe find your forgotten skill of
Castle building all by yourself
Where you can change your words
Change mood, change your mind, and
Come back from where you are
“Forever” 14
I have opened
The door to forever
And it’s called
Imprisonment of the mind
When you have
Been brainwashed
That’s exactly
What it is
You’re locked in
Whatever was there
Is all you know
Until you either escape
Or you stay there
In a pit of
No return
Lost forever
In someone’s
Made up world
Of their imagings
Their thoughts of
How it should be
“Mind Scatter” 15
My mind is a wandering gypsy
It’s very colorful
And full of ideas
But it mostly is a thief
It steals my time
It takes my memories
And brings them back
When I don’t want them
It spoils my living now
It won’t concentrate
And can’t focus
It refused to be fair
It does what it wants
It goes in every direction
It brings me up
And pulls me way down
When it’s full of scatter
Then I’m far too preoccupied
To know what I should do
So then really what does it matter
“Here” 16
When I was there
You were here
When I was here
You were there
Now that I am here
And you are there
Stay there
And let me be here
Locked inside yourself there
Freedom for me here
Pushing it away there
Taking it for me here
Losing yourself there
Finding myself here
Hating yourself there
Loving myself here
Alone with yourself there
Alone with myself here
Where you hate it there
I love it here
“Ids” 17
The many ids of me
Fear is my name Scared stiff is my game
Laughter is my name
Wrinkles is my game
Tears is my name
Flooding is my game
Wonder is my name
Awe struck is my game
Manic is my name
Tiredness my game
Depression is my name
Sleeping is my game
The many ids of me
“Fear” 18
The fear is overpowering
What to do with it
Put it in your back pocket
And sit on it
For how long
Do you think
I can hold it
Until it escapes
The fear is overpowering
What to do with it
Put it in your shoe
And walk on it
For how long
Do you think
It will stay there
Until it escapes
The fear is overpowering
What to do with it
Put it in your heart
And let it beat
“Huh”! 19
Falling from space
From I know not where
Just landing with a bump
Looking around
Not knowing where I am
Only knowing here I am
Can’t say anything
Not aware of who or what I am
Where did I come from?
How did I get here?
Who am I?
Can we shoot me?
It feels like I’ve
Been here before
In this position
In this time slot
It doesn’t feel right
My body
It feels strange
Like a surrealistic one
Do I carry on
From here
Or do I go back
But where?
“Memories” 20
In the land of
Forgotten memories
Where things are
Not what they were
New things are
Old things seen
Things are brought
To light
Never to be in
The dark again
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