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Reading books Psychology A very interesting statement of one of our contemporaries is that any person, to one degree or another, is both a psychologist and a philosopher - they say, life forces him to. On the one hand, the main driving force of every person is the craving for knowledge, the desire to reach certain social heights, the desire to be wise in any everyday situations - and this is the philosophy of life.
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Psychology is an effective and efficient tool in mastering the laws of the inner world, human activity and behavior.
In the case of a real individual understanding of the thoughts of the authors, the horizons of being are truly boundless for the reader. Such a person will receive not only the most powerful theoretical basis in understanding the world, but also practical guidance for action and behavior in almost every sphere of life. Psychology as one of the basic sciences has absorbed many segments and currents, the representatives of each of which were and are the best minds of mankind. It will be quite difficult for an inexperienced reader not only to understand, but even to master the world philosophical thought. The number of people interested in psychology grows hundreds of times every day. And this is accessibly : everyone wants to understand the laws according to which events develop in his family, at school, in the yard, at work, on the street. Mankind has accumulated a huge knowledge base in the field of psychology over the years of its existence, and this base is replenished almost daily by many authors.

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Read books online » Psychology » The planet of biorobots? by Alexander Borodin (best ereader for pc TXT) 📖

Book online «The planet of biorobots? by Alexander Borodin (best ereader for pc TXT) 📖». Author Alexander Borodin

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ran into the Internet on a video where some kind of aggressive aunt, similar to what is usually said, to a neurotic aunt in the doctor’s office and in the doctor’s dressing gown rudely speaks about what sexual issues come to her. From the video you can understand that young people who come and say that they often want it are annoying and disgusting. She says, “Why are you shoving your hand in there?” And she says many more phrases that show signs of aggression. What can I say? We can say that everything is corny, that the one who came to her has a lot of testosterone in the blood, and this probably scares him, since he, besides testosterone, still has hormones that cause excitement. And since he has no life experience and, perhaps, no parents who would suggest the line of behavior he needs, he does not have information on how to stabilize the psyche in this case in terms of its sexual.

If the situation is shifted to the principles of programming, then he came to an aunt who supposedly is a doctor and, possibly, a psychiatrist, for “drivers” that will give an answer to the question of what to do, and for now, speaking, again, in computer language , "Freeze". He came for a program of behavior that he does not yet have for the above reasons (due to lack of life experience and, possibly, due to informational “starvation” in this and not only in this area in the family).

Perhaps cognitive dissonance prevents him from getting to know the opposite sex, fear and the desire to get to know each other are struggling, and fear conquers. And even if he meets someone, then he (if we are talking about a guy meeting a girl) can run into a person with low sexual temperament, and he needs a partner with the same amount of testosterone as his. And in general, most likely, he will not know that all people are different not only in character, but also in sexual temperament, for someone he is tall, for someone low, for someone average. He generalizes everyone and, having run into a girl with a low sexual temperament, he may begin to think that something unacceptable for others is happening to him.

“Each Abram has his own program, â€ť

all that remains is to add that another program is needed - a “driver”, an algorithm of actions for implementing the main program, and then higher forces will remove from the body what causes psychological dissatisfaction and discomfort, and highlight what causes euphoria - endorphins .


In the old days, politicians fought a lot, they did not go to the psychiatrist with the question of what to do, how to stay in power or how to suppress this need with or without the help of psychotropic drugs, they had a “driver”, a line of behavior for fulfilling their need for power . Everyone has a choice - to suppress their need for something and get a dose of chemical elements that cause unpleasant sensations, or to realize it and get a dose of what causes pleasure. It's simple: the human control system works in the “pleasant” and “unpleasant” mode.

I watched a movie for a long time, the name of which I don’t remember, in which after the battle the warrior, seemingly from those people who are called Mongol-Tatars in history books, shouted out an approximate phrase: “Oh gods, why are you having fun arranging wars?” From this we can conclude that people have long guessed that they are all characters of someone’s game, and we can assume that it is with the help of chemical elements in the body of living things that cause aggression, fear, love, passion, pleasure, discomfort, etc. e. do higher forces control them, including man himself? Higher forces control all living things with the help of what was discussed above, with the help of chemical elements that cause aggression, fear, sexual attraction, emotional attachment, etc.? But for everyone, everything is dosed differently, for someone something more, for someone less, which allows everyone to go on different life paths, the one who is usually called overly emotional will not be an astronaut or a scientist, this will emotions distract him? 

At each technological stage in the development of science, there is a comparison of something with this stage. They invented the phone, and some life processes began to be associated with the phone, some compared the brain to the telephone switch, invented the computer, the associations of life with the computer, that everyone lives in a large computer, is it just an association or is it all there? 

Recently, a theory has been popular with some that we live in a computer program, in a game, and even if it is not, few will deny that all people have a basic needs program, like factory settings for robots made by programmers, working in the field of industrial programming.

As has been mentioned many times, in advance there are some basic programs embedded in a person with higher powers (for example, the need for sex), but not always, speaking, again, in computer language, everyone has “drivers” in which their paths are indicated satisfaction, and here some are obsessed with this problem, which makes it difficult to serve the President and the Government, as well as all members of the society of the state in which the one who has such a problem is in.

“... they spend their time worrying about unrequited love, and often during working hours, thus switching off from the sphere of social production, from this point of view the problem ceases to be purely personal in nature, it becomes a state problem ...” - the author’s exemplary words in the beginning of the film “Vacation at one’s own expense” (USSR, 1981, director Viktor Titov).

              Do some who are at the helm need to reveal the "cards" in some areas to those who have problems, and everything will be fine? Do not forget that the upbringing of some is not only their government, but also the governments of other countries? The governments of some states, in order to “spoil” the governments of states that are competitors to them in every sense, can, through their agents of influence (in the form of musicians, writers, politicians, directors, etc.), educate the population of a competing state or needs that can become problematic? What to do when some, so to speak, have very complex sexual fantasies and, perhaps, even considered illegal in some parts of the world? Why are some actions of some, and not just sexual ones, considered illegal, as this prevents other people from working normally and calmly for the benefit of other people and for the global good called civilization? Some will call you preoccupied or preoccupied, some impotent or frigid, depending on who you are among? What actions are the laws of most countries aimed at suppressing? In the modern world, it’s unlucky for those in whom aggression, fear, sexual desire are too pronounced, in a word, those in whom there are more qualities inherent in animals, as is commonly believed, and he can’t realize all this in a legal way? Why in some countries they take children from families in which they beat and even shout, because it is believed that a child from such a family will be similar in quality to those called animals, will he live with excessive fear and aggression? Comparison with animals of all of the above in this paragraph is wrong, since not all animals have excessive aggression and excessive fear, but only those that have been treated through aggression and in other ways that form what is called a disturbed psyche? The treatment of someone, considered to be bad, in childhood forms unfavorable qualities for him, among these qualities there will be needs that interfere with living comfortably in some cases? Does anyone's need attract anyone called manipulators or scammers? Anyone with what is called a problem can help information?

Everyone should be in a comfort zone, with satisfied needs, but no one should stick out what is called weaknesses, as this can provoke a situation where, due to his behavior, he becomes uncomfortable with another. Faced mature people with the so-called high sexual temperament, with a tendency to change partners. They fulfilled their needs, meeting in pairs or m + m + f and vice versa, the third could be bi or lesbian , and lesbians met solely to meet a woman, the man simply used the second partner's lesbian orientation, giving her his girlfriend. That is, a man got acquainted on lesbian dating sites , took his girlfriend bi and went to this lesbian and thus met his needs without material costs or with their minimum, because, as a rule, beautiful women want to be spent on them, and here access to the female body is free. This is from some of the unspoken resources of a good mood.

c) Statistics show that people with inclinations that are considered inadequate try to get to where they have access to fulfilling their needs: those who are called pedophiles, pediatric doctors, necrophilia - the morgue, sadists - the police or the police. Do not commit crimes, otherwise you may be "lucky" to meet those whose hobbies are considered inadequate, that is, sadistic (although they can then answer for this by going to jail). There is no work in the city - move to another city, there is no work everywhere in your region - move to another country, get out, like everyone else does. When you commit a crime, you immediately legally become almost powerless, your rights are substantially cut, and the arbiters of your fate appear in the form of representatives of punitive power.

d) If you are ambitious, do not satisfy your ambition in a way considered inadequate, write books, make money and publish them, there is no money - publish them on the Internet in samizdat for free.

e) Hooking - envy do not envy, get annoyed, don't get annoyed, anyway the relatives of your colleagues will help them to advance in the service, this is also a household collective unconscious, help their relatives survive.

f) Envy and irritation - also the everyday collective unconscious. Who is the body, and who is the parasite in it or on it? In some cases, it is precisely people resembling each other who cause each other irritation and hostility, the one who is called a parasite will dislike the same as himself, since he has nothing to profit from, is he a consumer, not a manufacturer?

“To get better, to eat well, and shift all the dirty work to others ...” - the words of the captain of the schooner “Phantom” about the collective household unconscious from the film “Sea Wolf” (1990, USSR, Odessa Film Studio, according to Jack London), Jack London invested the quality of a “cold” philosopher in the captain of this story.

"Even" Hello "can be said to insult a person, even" bastard "can be said, so that he will melt with pleasure."

Words attributed to singer and artist Vladimir Vysotsky.

g) The desire to dominate, the desire to exploit someone, to be in someone else's thoughts, to fall in love with them and they want.

g) To love or, in another way, to have emotional affection. Some women, demonstrating independence, do not provoke a desire in men to care for them, and this leads to the fact that they can be left alone. Why in some, as a rule, economically developed countries, social services take children away from excessively so-called emotional parents so that the child does not become over- emotional , and over- emotional - this is more like an animal than a person in its desires and behavior? Some men and women fall in love with some psychologists due to the lack of attention to them in childhood by their father or mother.

“I too lacked love”

“It was enough for me to find myself in the company of an attentive man - and without looking back I fell in love with him, imagining that he was the very person with whom I wanted to live my whole life. But disappointment came just as quickly. I could not break this vicious circle, and I decided to turn to a psychoanalyst. Telling him about my relationship with my father, I remembered my childhood experiences:

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