Psychology books read online

Reading books Psychology A very interesting statement of one of our contemporaries is that any person, to one degree or another, is both a psychologist and a philosopher - they say, life forces him to. On the one hand, the main driving force of every person is the craving for knowledge, the desire to reach certain social heights, the desire to be wise in any everyday situations - and this is the philosophy of life.
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Psychology is an effective and efficient tool in mastering the laws of the inner world, human activity and behavior.
In the case of a real individual understanding of the thoughts of the authors, the horizons of being are truly boundless for the reader. Such a person will receive not only the most powerful theoretical basis in understanding the world, but also practical guidance for action and behavior in almost every sphere of life. Psychology as one of the basic sciences has absorbed many segments and currents, the representatives of each of which were and are the best minds of mankind. It will be quite difficult for an inexperienced reader not only to understand, but even to master the world philosophical thought. The number of people interested in psychology grows hundreds of times every day. And this is accessibly : everyone wants to understand the laws according to which events develop in his family, at school, in the yard, at work, on the street. Mankind has accumulated a huge knowledge base in the field of psychology over the years of its existence, and this base is replenished almost daily by many authors.

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Read books online » Psychology » The planet of biorobots? by Alexander Borodin (best ereader for pc TXT) 📖

Book online «The planet of biorobots? by Alexander Borodin (best ereader for pc TXT) 📖». Author Alexander Borodin

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them into this world on their own, and everything happens spontaneously, but on the basis and taking into account the same hormones of pleasure? Anyway, the chemical stick and carrot control all living things, all look like biorobots? Without pleasure - does it mean without endorphins ? Sigmund Freud wrote that restraining sexual attraction in some people leads to mental discomfort or mental disorder, of course, it will be so, and probably you don’t have to be a huge observer to see this, and a huge thinker to understand this, everything It is prescribed to the living to breed in order to survive as a species? Unrealized revenge is the same problem as unrealized sexual attraction, and also leads to at least psychological discomfort? The key to a good mood - do everything as the program tells? If you don’t accept the conditions that your higher powers dictated to you or which your psyche dictates to you, you will feel uncomfortable, and why do this, why deprive yourself of pleasure, unless for the sake of even more pleasure? When you deprive yourself of any pleasure for the sake of another, what may be called cognitive dissonance may come, is this a flaw in higher powers, or is it necessary?

1.2. Embrace the immensity.

“Who is a decent person? This is the one who does nasty things without pleasure, ” are exemplary words attributed to Sergey Dovlatov.

They say that the whole economy can be fit into one concept, and to raise it, you do not have to be a great economist, you just need to take something cheaper somewhere from someone or take it in the past, present or in the future (material benefits, free labor, minerals), and then the economy will become prosperous, you only need to know where and how to get the resources for this prosperity. 

Psychology can also be accommodated in one formula, everything is implicated in pleasure ( endorphins ), regardless of how it is obtained by someone and from what actions are considered adequate or inadequate, and you also need to know where and how to take resources for pleasure. With the help of pleasures and their antipodes, called “unpleasant sensations”, higher forces control people (millions, like robots (in the non-derogatory sense of the word “robots”), seek sex, relationships, etc.), and many do not know how come to all this, where and how to get a resource for all this, or everyone knows, but they don’t succeed due to what is called cognitive dissonance, for example, pride and the ensuing belief that “everyone owes me "Roll up" with a proposal to start a relationship, and not me to someone. "

By the way, the economic policy of a state (let's call it state A) in the form of “taking something from material wealth from another state (state B) for a more financially comfortable living for the population of state A” can cause cognitive dissonance among some citizens of state A. . These citizens will worry about the fact that wealth has been taken away from the state B by its state A, and now people in state B are in poverty because of the higher financial situation of citizens of state A at the expense of state B. This cognitive dissonance, as a rule, can result in street demonstrations.

Here is what modern science of hormones says, source: Hormones - are chemical compounds which are produced by living organisms and can be prepared synthetically. In the human body, they are created by the endocrine glands, are transferred with the bloodstream and act on target organs, which are different for each hormone.  

What conclusion can be drawn from this? Alcohol, drugs, and in some cases pharmacology is the temptation to take control of the hormones of pleasure, but from pharmacology, as a rule, the consequences are less damaging or even harmless to the body than from alcohol and drugs.

The pharmacological industry produces some hormones in the form of drugs, as well as drugs containing substances necessary for the body to create one or another hormone on its own.

What conclusion can be drawn from this? Presumably, when you use alcohol or drugs, the body creates hormones of pleasure on its own.

And so here they are, “carrots”, with the help of which all living things are controlled by higher forces. To know how everything works at the level of chemistry, let us return again to scientific articles about modern science, which says that the hormones of pleasure are:

- dopamine is a hormone of joy and satisfaction. It is developed when a person receives any positive experience in his mind. If you like to look at a clean room after cleaning, the touch of a loved one is pleasant or you feel satisfaction, having finally finished the report, then dopamine is produced; 


- serotonin is a hormone of self-confidence and satisfaction. If dopamine is a storm of positive emotions, then serotonin is a quiet joy. By the way, these two hormones suppress each other. And this means that people who like to rejoice violently are usually not very confident in themselves, and those who have high self-esteem less often allow themselves to have fun from the heart; 


- adrenaline - helps to mobilize in a stressful situation and open hidden reserves. With an adrenaline rush, the heart beats more often, eyesight and hearing become aggravated, the reaction becomes faster, even thoughts fly at the speed of light. Thanks to all this, there is a feeling of a surge of strength and inspiration ; 


- endorphins - hormones that are produced in response to stress and, like adrenaline, help to mobilize, endorphins help keep calm and hope for the best in any situation. It is believed that these hormones are actively produced at the time of tactile contact with a person who is pleasant. For example, during a friendly hug, handshake, or kiss; 


- oxytocin - a hormone of affection and trust. However, recent studies have shown that tenderness caused by oxytocin does not apply to everyone. Under the influence of this hormone, a person is more sensitive to those whom he considers “his”, and as a result he is inclined to zealously protect them from “strangers”. Oxytocin plays an important role at the time of delivery and in the initial formation of the relationship between mother and child. 


              Subsequently, if the material will be about hormones of pleasure, all of the above hormones for brevity will be, as in the previous work “Secret resources of a good mood of some,” are designated by one of them - endorphins .

Psychologists say that when someone does not respond to aggression against him with aggression, he programs himself for failures in the future with far-reaching consequences, at least self-doubt appears, like maximum depression, fears and other so-called borderline disorders. After that, what is called addictions, one of which is drugs and alcohol, addiction to other people (what is called friendship and falling in love), drugs and alcohol, uncomfortable psychological states are suppressed. What is called friendship ever ends, as people change with age? What is friendship, how long does it last and when does it develop its resource? Those who are called independent, never needed friends, alcohol, they almost turned off sexual desire, etc.? To ask a person of the opposite sex (friend) who has never had sex, borrow money from the state and take this money for himself, some need to manipulate (make friends) until the “fog” has passed? As a rule, a manipulator (friend) manipulates those who are his younger in age, until the one who is manipulated grows up and his fog "dissipates"? Further, alcohol provokes disability from stroke, death from cardiac arrest, suicide or disability and death from something else.

One of the reasons for what is called addiction, alcoholism and drug addiction was discovered - someone’s “swallowed” aggression left unanswered. Other reasons for this can be discussed after considering this reason. What is addiction - this is what the “roof” goes without (go crazy)? Some of those who have what is called addictions believe that everyone is like them, but they are mistaken, there are those who are not particularly interested in or are not interested in the opposite sex, alcohol, drugs, etc. ?

How to resist aggression, how to stabilize the psyche, if someone missed aggression through himself and did not answer it? Psychologists teach that one must respond with aggression to aggression, but none of them tells how to avoid getting into prison, in any case, such information has not been found anywhere.

If you respond aggressively to aggression in an illegal way, you can go to jail, and your psychological state will theoretically worsen even more than after you did not respond to aggression.

It is normal that psychologists stopped at giving advice on how to respond with aggression to aggression, and then stopped without answering what it should be, this aggression. Since they are not lawyers, they don’t know how to respond with aggression to aggression without major negative consequences for the psyche in the future after aggression responds to aggression than from someone else’s aggression that they didn’t respond to. Psychologists do not know how to respond with aggression to aggression and at the same time do not end up in prison, or rather, a legitimate way of responding with aggression to aggression. And what, it seems, can be a legitimate way of responding with aggression - aggression was initially almost everywhere outlawed.

Psychologists simply found out that one should not "swallow" anyone's aggressive behavior, one must respond with aggression to aggression, but how to do this, they cannot say for sure, again, judging by the information not found anywhere on this topic. It is as if they silently say that they have done their work, and then act, as you know, think for yourself how acceptable it is for you to respond with aggression to aggression.

The school taught that family and society take part in the formation of a person’s personality, but what part of the family and what part of society, who she is, this part of the family and society: mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, stepfather, stepmother, orphanage, school, street, local and foreign politicians, those who are in their service not only officially but also informally - television, radio, newspapers, the Internet and other mass media (media), musicians, directors, writers, fashion designers, special services ...

Determinism is, it seems, that when certain reasons (genetic, psychological, etc.) influence decision making.

Popular wisdom says that “being determines consciousness”, that is, the place where you lived, live and will live, still affects consciousness, except for family and society, the place of life in its economic sense. The personality formation is affected by the living standards of the country in which childhood, adolescence, and adult life began. If it is a rich country with great social benefits, you will be one person, if it is a poor country , you will be completely different. In any case, in terms of physiology, the lives of people from poor countries are exactly different from the lives of people from rich countries, or rather, their life expectancy. According to statistics published everywhere, in rich countries people live much longer than in poor countries, and accordingly, in poor countries they live much less.

Accordingly, the psychology should be different. Modern psychology is universal, not adapted neither to the social stratum of each member of society, nor to the country of residence, it is general, generalized, there is no narrow psychology, and if it exists, then it is probably of poor quality if people die from what they feel uncomfortable. Evidence of a lack of quality in modern psychology is the presence of an uncomfortable, negative psychological state of some people, expressed in their use of alcohol and drugs, etc., and as a consequence of all this - early deaths and disabilities.

What is the reason for all this? Probably the fact that a psychologist, as a rule, is one who has only visited his family (there are not only certified, but also non-certified psychologists), only a student at school, only a student at the institute. And it’s not that he doesn’t want to go somewhere else to improve his qualifications, so to speak, the psychologist cannot live several lives, cannot be born in an incomplete or dysfunctional family, cannot visit other places. But it is unlikely that all psychologists have such a diverse life experience. Then low-quality psychology may also be caused by the fear of some psychologists of a real or imaginary negative consequence regarding them on the part of their leadership or some government agencies of

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