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Reading books Psychology A very interesting statement of one of our contemporaries is that any person, to one degree or another, is both a psychologist and a philosopher - they say, life forces him to. On the one hand, the main driving force of every person is the craving for knowledge, the desire to reach certain social heights, the desire to be wise in any everyday situations - and this is the philosophy of life.
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Psychology is an effective and efficient tool in mastering the laws of the inner world, human activity and behavior.
In the case of a real individual understanding of the thoughts of the authors, the horizons of being are truly boundless for the reader. Such a person will receive not only the most powerful theoretical basis in understanding the world, but also practical guidance for action and behavior in almost every sphere of life. Psychology as one of the basic sciences has absorbed many segments and currents, the representatives of each of which were and are the best minds of mankind. It will be quite difficult for an inexperienced reader not only to understand, but even to master the world philosophical thought. The number of people interested in psychology grows hundreds of times every day. And this is accessibly : everyone wants to understand the laws according to which events develop in his family, at school, in the yard, at work, on the street. Mankind has accumulated a huge knowledge base in the field of psychology over the years of its existence, and this base is replenished almost daily by many authors.

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Read books online » Psychology » The planet of biorobots? by Alexander Borodin (best ereader for pc TXT) 📖

Book online «The planet of biorobots? by Alexander Borodin (best ereader for pc TXT) 📖». Author Alexander Borodin

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Planet biorobots?



Planet biorobots?

Someone's happiness can hurt someone - why do some painfully perceive someone's success and why do some provoke others of what is called envy, exposing their happiness? Why is this happening, who has programmed some of these?

“It’s scary to think that the same thing will happen for the next millions of years, it would be impossible to imagine more boredom, we are not created for the eternal,” are the words attributed to science fiction writer Stanislav Lem .

The proof that all the problems due to the lack of the necessary information (in the material under consideration adaptive information that contributes to adaptation to the outside world) is that if everyone lived forever, they would not have the problems that mortals currently have , because the living forever would have known everything in advance, but would have had their own costs in connection with this - it would have been boring if such a feeling and generally any feelings had been preserved until the moment of attaining immortality.

From general to particular, probably soon what is called psychology will be divided into psychology for individual social groups. I dedicated my materials to those from an incomplete family or from the so-called dysfunctional family, like myself (I emphasize - dedicated, but wrote for everyone, without exception, who would be interested, the result is still the same - information, regardless of who it is dedicated to )

Sometimes some are limited in some methods and means of achieving psychological comfort.

“Our behavior is just brain activity and nothing more,” the words attributed to biologist Francis Crick.

You can agree with Francis Crick, the liver performs its many well-known function, its kidneys, its heart, and its brain? Some, shaping the soul, destroy the body - all problems due to the lack of the necessary information? What needs to be done from that position of life in order to survive physically and to feel comfortable? Why does someone “catch” in life in the sense of some kind of activity, and someone cannot “hook” someone, and because of this he uses psychostimulants , or someone “hooked” someone, but it is considered illegal or inadequate , is it all about information? Is a prison a place in which they want to "cut off" everything that is commonly called weaknesses, and in which some new activity should "hook"? The richer the state, the more it is economically adapted and tolerant of people who have what is called weaknesses, and the point here is not in the form of government, but purely in the economy, it will be pulled by what is called the state of “relaxed” citizens living in it, or no? Is the behavior of some majority people based on such instincts as sexual attraction, fear, love (emotional attachment), aggression, competition (competitive instinct), does the minority have all this or is it poorly expressed? What is called the neuroticism of society is due to the fact that some are not satisfied with what are called instincts or "factory" settings of higher powers?

According to the personal opinion of the author, some of those who grew up in an incomplete or in the so-called dysfunctional family, in some cases, face more problems than those who had everything with the family in the generally accepted sense. We are not talking about the oppression of someone else's rights, we are talking about the lack of necessary (adaptive) information about a certain category of people due to the fact that they did not receive this information, there was no one to give it to them.

In this work, as in the work “Secret resources of a good mood of some”, the goal was to convey to those from the so-called incomplete or from the so-called dysfunctional family information (from the incomplete or dysfunctional both in the physical and psychological sense, because the necessary knowledge may not be given in those places where it seemed they should have been given ). We are talking about information, mainly, so to speak, of a household nature, which those who, again from the so-called complete or from the so-called prosperous family, know or should know. Perhaps even the information of the above nature turned out to be presented in a slightly larger amount than the amount that the category of people mentioned in the previous sentence has. In the following material there is no call for any action or in general for anything, only information, once more in detail about this below in the text in the paragraph: " Attention: the author does not state anything in this material ... ". 

Some of those who are from an incomplete or from the so-called dysfunctional family tend to think about what others never think, never thought and never will think about, and this is because they were told what is good and what is it bad, are relatives not good in the generally accepted sense, but TV, radio, the Internet, newspapers and other objects and subjects of transmission and reproduction of information?

The Italian committed suicide due to the porno sharing on the network with her participation, someone acquaintance committed a crime ... Many can read on the Internet, hear from someone about how some people with whom they were not early die knew or were personally acquainted. All of them die before they reach 30, up to 40 years of age, get disability, commit suicide, go to jail, the reason for all this is alcohol, drugs and not only that, as a rule, they all have one thing in common - they are from incomplete or from the so-called dysfunctional families or even from the category of those who grew up with one child in the so-called single-parent family, without a mother (father), brothers and sisters. And there are many other, less radical situations that arise in those who grew up in an incomplete or in the so-called dysfunctional family, not always typical of those who had the opposite.     

One of the signs that a person grew up in an incomplete or in the so-called dysfunctional family is his excessive emotionality and incorrect reaction to any situation with the ensuing consequences, which are considered to be negative, or if a girl brings up a child alone, without a husband or its analogue, it is most likely from an incomplete or from the so-called dysfunctional family. To be more precise, it is not the fact that someone grew up in an incomplete or in the so-called dysfunctional family that influences the adoption of correct decisions in the generally accepted sense, and no one gave them this information about the necessary information about these correct actions.


From the news and from other sources you can sometimes find out that they convicted someone who committed a crime on someone on an emotional basis by reading his biography, you can find out that he is from the so-called incomplete or from a dysfunctional family. And this is due to the fact that those in question do not have certain knowledge about how to avoid the problem, in addition, they do not withstand competition with those who have such information and end up where others do not. 

What is called problems occurs, as a rule, due to the lack of necessary or objective information, which, as a rule, is not available for those who did not have who could give this necessary, and most importantly, objective information.  

How to calculate a person who does not have the necessary information about how to fulfill his needs or who does not have the ability to fulfill his needs? This person will be one of those who are called nervous or, moreover, aggressive, without mood, depressed, he will use alcohol or drugs.

It turns out that in some cases, life in an incomplete and dysfunctional family affects the quality and life expectancy. And judging by official statistics, the standard of living does not completely affect what is being discussed, all this happens both in considered wealthy and in considered poor countries.

In some cases, one who is from an incomplete family will in some ways not differ from that of a full family, this can be explained by the fact that a non-living parent talked to him and voiced the necessary information or other relatives did it.

Chapter 1. A little about everything.

“Everyone cares about the heart, about other organs, but no one cares about the brain,” are exemplary words from a US psychiatrist.

Becoming Vasya (in the sense of moving your consciousness into his body) is impossible today, but only today, and tomorrow can science move forward, not paying attention to someone's negative emotional states and other problems inherent in some? Carlos Castaneda wrote about his emotional experiences after taking hallucinogens, would he rather devote this time to describing his emotional experiences while being sober in various places and situations? Is comfort emotional and physical? As has already been repeated, outside the game of life, only scientists and a few other categories of people of certain specialties, the rest one way or another wage a psychological war between themselves? Your ship is sailing, and it is constantly being fired from the sea and from land in the psychological sense in the form of various forms of aggression, what kind of discussion area is discussed in this material and beyond? â€śHappy love or unhappy love”, probably, all written literary works are devoted either to chanting the presence of endorphins and other internal opiates in the body , or vice versa to the moans from their lack, and all this in the form of songs, poems, etc.? As already mentioned and will be said, people strive for stable and just getting hormones of pleasure from their bodies, it is because of this that revolutions appeared and appear, philosophical and other works were born and are being born, the central issue being discussed is how to stabilize the production of these hormones pleasures of the majority, how to make pleasure flow in a continuous stream, without what is called alcohol, drugs and tranquilizers? While it is not possible to stabilize the production of pleasure hormones without exception, without chemical preparations , their number constantly jumps, and is it so conceived that a person performs some action and only then enjoys it? There are not only so-called psychoactive substances, but also psychoactive words that excite or relax the psyche of some much stronger than any psychostimulants in the form of tablets or liquids? Everything from the placebo group - is everyone inspired by the line of behavior and the information with which he lives? Depression, neurosis, etc., all living things know what to do, and only a person happens that he does not know which way he should go? Namely those who are from the category of "clean slate" and those who are not "loaded" with any information or who are carriers of information called harmful, will be those who are called alcoholics, drug addicts or psychopaths? What are they and where are they from, the so-called destructive drives? Information is a medicine or poison, depending on what it is? Nobody has ever given and will not give money, but how to live, have they been taught since ancient times? As the police or detectives say, look for who benefits, why are you “loaded” with precisely these thoughts and not others? What are stabilization and destabilization   "downloads"? Those who promote what is called morality themselves do not comply with it, since they consider it a simple “load” to stabilize the society on which they depend, since it contains them? In states that are considered civilized, there are many speakers and other producers of intangible goods, if this continues, then soon there will be no one to work from the local ones, only visitors will work? Anything that some of those whose work partially or wholly consists in oratory, “ waddling â€ť and “water-pushing” are talking about? Does the orator or leader end among those like himself, speakers and leaders? In some books it is written that during communication you need to touch the interlocutor, supposedly it’s easier to “ weigh â€ť him and influence him? When communicating, some specially touch someone with a hand, and the one who touches someone thinks: “Another ambitious moron or fool has read commercial books about psychology”? Some rich countries decided

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