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Book online «The Psychology of Management by L. M. Gilbreth (latest books to read txt) 📖». Author L. M. Gilbreth

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management, 9.
Mind, relation of body to, 48, 160.
Mnemonic symbols, advantages of, 151.
 use of, 247.
Motion cycles, use in teaching, 244.
Motions, habits of right, 238.
 teaching of right, 237.
Motion study, aims of, 110.
 definition of, 106.
 measurement by, 105.
 scope of, 108.
Münsterburg, Hugo — "American Problems," 22, 30, 53, 90, 112.

Native reactions, use of, 252, 309.

Object lessons, value of, 226.
Observation, dangers of surreptitious, 102.
 necessity for unbiased, 101.
Observed worker, qualifications of, 103.
Observer, qualifications of, 99.
 relation of Vocational Guidance Bureau, 101.
One-talent men, utilized by scientific management, 86.
Oral teaching, advantages of, 241.
Order of work clerk, duties of, 66.
Outputs, advantages of recording, 37.
 advantages of separating, 36.
 handling under traditional management, 25.
 relation to individuality, 33.
Ownership, use of feeling of, 259.

Parkhurst, F.A. — "Applied Methods of Scientific Management," 181.
Pay, subdivisions of, 288.
 use of, 286.
Performing, separated from planning, 61.
Personality, value of, 255.
Piece work, description of, 290.
Planning, a life study, 76.
 an epoch-making example of, 78.
 detailed done by all under scientific management, 80.
 hardship to worker of individual, 79.
 open to all who like it, 80.
 separated from performing, 61.
 taken from all who dislike it, 80.
 wastefulness of individual, 79.
Planning department, work of, 62.
Pin plan, description of, 194.
Premium plan, description of, 295.
Pride, stimulation of, 259.
Professional standing as an incentive, 305.
Profit-sharing, description of, 296.
 objections to, 296.
 relation to scientific management, 297.
Programme, as routing, 193.
 definition of, 192.
 derived from record under scientific management, 203.
 relation to records, 196.
 result to work and worker of, 195.
 types of, 197.
 under traditional management, 192.
 under transitory management, 193.
Promotion, provision for under scientific management, 87, 88.
 use of, 286.
Psychology, aid to industries by, 233.
 appreciation of scientific management by, 93.
Psychology, definition of, 1, 22.
 experimental field of, 30.
 relation to progress, 260.
 value of study of, 1, 4.
Psychology of management, conclusions of, 18.
 definition of, 1.
 description and outline of, 1.
 importance of, 1, 4, 15.
 outline of method of, 18.
 plan of study in, 15.
Pugnacity, usefulness of, 259.
Punishment, avoidance of, 308.
 classes of, 305.
 definition of, 273.
 nature of, 274.
 under traditional management, 277.

Quality, maintenance of, 238.
 standardization of, 171.

Rate, necessity of maintaining, 291.
Reason, education of, 239.
Recognition, individual, 324.
Records, advantages of, 39.
 definition of, 183.
 educative value of, 190, 223.
 individual, 40.
 making by workers of, 40, 187.
 necessity for detailed, 109.
 of achievement, 187.
 of good behavior, 186.
 of initiative, 185.
 posting of, 188.
 relation to incentives,

 relation to programmes, 196.
 result to work of, 188.
 result on worker of, 189.
 test of worth of, 184.
 types of, 185, 197.
 under scientific management, 184.
 under traditional management, 183.
 under transitory management, 184.
Records and programmes, result on work of, 206.
Records and programmes, result on worker of, 206.
Repair boss, duties of, 74.
Responsibility, under scientific management, 325.
Rest, provision for, 169.
Reward, assured, 282.
 attainability of, 284.
 benefits of positive, 281.
 definition of, 273.
 fixed, 282.
 nature of, 274.
 personal, 282.
 predetermined, 282.
 results of, 285.
 under scientific management, 280.
 under traditional management, 26, 275.
 under transitory management, 279.
Rhythm, securing of, 240.
Route chart, description of, 194.
Route clerk, duties of, 66.

Schloss, David F. — "Methods of Industrial Remuneration," 75, 289.
Scientific management, appreciation by psychologists of, 93.
 athletic contests under, 34.
 brotherhood under, 328.
 change in mental attitude under, 89.
 contentment under, 327.
 definition of, 6, 12.
 derivation of, 17.
 development of men under, 87.
 disciplining under, 70.
 divisions of, 16.
 duties of foremen under, 64.
 emulation under, 258.
 final results of, 331.
 functionalization under, 6, 81.
 importance of teaching under, 215.
 incentives under, 279.
 individual task under, 43.
 measurement under, 97.
 methods of measurement under, 105.
 opportunities in, 4.
 place of workers under, 62.
 provision for specialists under, 86.
 provides for same detailed planning by all, 80.
 place of analysis and synthesis in, 125.
 possibility of prophecy under, 195.
 promotion of men under, 87.
 relation of all parts of, 242.
 relation to imagination, 248.
 relation to individuality, 27.
 relation to individual records, 42.
 relation to industrial peace, 331.
 relation to invention, 136.
 relation to memory, 245.
 relation to profit snaring, 297.
 relation to traditional management, 218.
 relation to welfare, 320.
 rewards under, 184, 280.
 results in loyalty, 253.
 selection of workers under, 32.
 standardization under, 147.
 stimulation of pride by, 259.
 supplements demanded by, 29.
 teaching of apprentices under, 262.
 teaching of journeymen under, 262.
 training of will under, 261.
 transference of knowledge under, 117.
 underlying ideas of, 16.
 use of ambition by, 258.
 use of curiosity, 255.
 use of imitation, 256.
 utilization of "all round" men under, 87.
 utilization of one-talent men by, 86.
 vocabulary, interest of, 8.
 vocabulary, poverty, 7.
 "will to do" under, 328.
Self control, development of, 326.
Sense training, importance of, 228.
 methods of, 230.
 scope of, 231.
Short time job, provision for, 82.
Smith, Adam — "Wealth of Nations," 84, 179.
Soldiering, disadvantages of, 274.
Specialists, provision under scientific management for, 86.
Specializing, encouraged under scientific management, 86.
Speed boss, duties of, 74.
Square deal, need for, 315.
Squareness, under scientific management, 327.
Standards, derivation of, 139.
 effect of, 168.
 relation to automatic response, 239.
 relation to habit, 235.
 relation to incentive, 140, 257.
 relation to "judgment," 141.
 relation to phrasing, 158.
 relation to psychology, 142.
 relations to systems, 145.
 relation to task, 140.
 result of measurement, 147.
"Standard amount," definition of, 98.
Standard clothing, 167.
Standard man, definition of, 152.
Standardization, definition of, 139.
 develops individuality, 149.
 invention under, 180.
 of clothing, 166.
 of devices, 164.
 of equipment, 163.
 of method of attack, 172.
 of nomenclature, 151.
 of quality, 171.
 of tools, 164.
 prevention of accidents by, 180.
 progress of, 181.
 purpose of, 143.
Standardization, relation to initiative, 148.
 result to work of, 173.
 result to worker of, 174.
 under scientific management, 147.
 under traditional management, 143.
 under transitory management, 144.
 universality of application, 149.
 waste eliminated by, 150.
Stratton — "Experimental Psychology and Culture,"
92, 93, 113, 160, 169.
Suggestion, use of, 252.
Suggestion card, description of, 185.
Sully, James — "The Teacher's Handbook of Psychology,"
22, 23, 53, 141.
Synthesis, definition of, 123.
 importance of selection in, 129.
 relation to task, 130.
Synthesist, duties of, 129.
 qualifications of, 135.
Systems, definition of, 221.
 importance of, 144.
 incentives to follow, 214.
 inelasticity of, 214.
 relations to standards of, 145.
 teaching power of, 213.
 value in transitory management, 146.

Task, advantage to name for, 133.
 applied to work of all, 134.
 definition under scientific management, 133.
 individual under scientific management, 43.
 measured by motion study and time study, 108.
 organization, 134.
 relation to measurement of, 98.
 relation to standard, 140.
 result of synthesis, 130.
 under traditional management, 25.
 unfortunate name of, 131.
Task wage, definition of, 292.
Task work with a bonus, 299.
Taylor, F.W. — "A.S.M.E. Transactions, Vol. 28," 108.
 "A.S.M.E. Paper 1119," 112, 180.
 "On the Art of Cutting Metals," 78, 166.
 "Piece Rate System, A," 117.
 "Principles of Scientific Management," 4, 10, 15, 18, 62.
 "Shop Management," 7, 9, 26, 54, 55, 63, 94, 95, 108, 117, 164, 165.
Taylor and Thompson — "Concrete Plain and Reinforced," 123.
Teaching, availability of, 227.
 equipment of, 225.
 functional foreman as, 224.
 training of, 224.
Teaching, availability of, 227.
 by motion cycles, 244.
 definition of, 208.
 devices of, 222.
 future of, 268.
 involved in functional foremanship, 64.
 measurement of, 263.
 methods of, 220.
 need of, 219.
 of right motions, 23.
 of untrained worked, 232.
 oral, 223, 241.
 psychological basis of, 228.
 relation to habit, 235.
 relation to individuality, 46.
 results in judgment, 251.
 results to work of, 266.
 results to worker of, 266.
 scope of, 219.
 sources of,

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