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My Personal

These Prayers are dedicated to all.
They may be used in part or in full by all.
What God has given freely is given in turn.
Brother Jerry

Prayer; 001

Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, Hold each of us, in the hollow of Thy hand, Give unto us that discernment and that serenity of mind which will enable us to see Thy perfect will in all things, and lead us from this moment henceforth in paths of faith and practice. We thank Thee for these who have stood strong and tall in our midst. We are grateful for the influences they have exerted; I pray that their influences will survive in us and that all we do in the upcoming years may benefit others. I pray that you will grant wisdom to each of us that we will serve in honesty and love. As we now close, go with each one gathered here today, guide and protect us, in they name I pray. Amen

Prayer; 002

Almighty and our ever-blessed God, whose presence is the happiness of every condition, and whose favor hallows every care: We beseech you to be present and favorable unto your servants, that we may be truly joined in our efforts, and the covenant of our God. As you have brought us together by your providence, sanctify us by your Spirit, giving us a new frame of heart fit for our new estate; enrich us with all grace, whereby we may enjoy the comforts, undergo the cares, endure the trials, and perform the duties of life, under your guidance and protection. Amen.

Prayer; 003

Most merciful and gracious God, in whom we live and move and have our being, bestow upon us your servants the seal of your approval, granting unto us grace to be fateful, with a pure steadfast affection. Guide us together, we ask, in the way of justice and peace, that, we your loving servants, in one heart and mind, all the days of our lives, may be enriched with the tokens of your everlasting favor. Amen.

Payer; 004

Lord, we acknowledge Thee as the Creator and Sustainer of all life. Prosper us in our labor, and grant that we may become true and faithful. Let light stream forth into our minds from the Thy Holy Word, may we practice brotherly love and charity in all that we do and say. And that peace and harmony will prevail throughout our lives. We ask in Thy Name. Amen.

Prayer; 005

God of all, you have brought us here today. Surround us in your all-embracing love, and grant that this day all we do and say be in love, that we may not turn aside, nor be overcome by adversity, but let our thoughts, words, and deeds, in some small way, make for the good of all. Amen.

Prayer; 006

Eternal source of life and light, we ask Thy blessing upon Thy servants now before Thee. As we assume our duties give us wisdom and strength. Fill our hearts with Thy love. And rest our feet upon the rock of justice. May what we do rebound to Thy glory, to the good and welfare of mankind. Amen.

Prayer; 007

Let us go in peace and proclaim to the world God's justice; and may God's blessing be upon us now and forever. Amen

Payer; 008

Father and Lord, We come to you at this time. We humbly ask your gentle love, and grant us the grace and strength to accept this burden. Dear God, we place him in your hands. We place our sick under your care and humbly ask that you restore your servants to health again. Above all, grant us the grace to acknowledge your holy will and know that whatsoever you do, you do for the love of your children. Amen.

Prayer; 009

May the grace of God attend us and the love of God surround us that we may live in faith, abound in hope, and grow in knowledge, both now and forevermore. Amen.

Prayer; 010

As I pray let us pray for our friends that a greater justness in our everyday life: God of justness and mercy, I pray for wisdom that will bring greater peace in our friends. I pray for understanding and compassion that will safeguard us and may we find hope for all who suffer. I pray for companionship and strength for all. I pray in your name. Amen.

Prayer; 011

O God, who has made both heaven and earth in a single day. Let the design of your great love lighten our hearts and give peace in all we do, and peace in our hearts: through your name I pray. Amen.

Prayer; 012

Great Eternal Father and Lord, whose goodness knows only the sword of righteousness and justice, and where your only power is love, send forth thy spirit so that all on earth will join together as one, for yours alone is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

Prayer: 013

Give us, Lord God, a vision of your world as your love would have it:
1. Where the widows and orphans are protected, and none go hungry or poor;
2. Where your riches of creation are shared;
3. Where all different races and cultures live in harmony and respect;
4. Where peace is built with justice and justice is given in love.
Give us, Lord God, the courage to build it, through you our Lord. Amen.

Prayer; 014

Almighty God our heavenly Father, guide us into the way of justice and truth,
and establish among us that peace which is the fruit of righteousness, that we may become the pleasing in thy sight. In your name I do pray. Amen.

Prayer; 015

O God, Open our eyes that we may see the needs of all; Open our ears that we may hear their cries; Open our hearts that we may feel their anguish. Let us defend our widows and orphans of all that have gone before. Show us where faith and hope and charity are needed. Open our ears, eyes and our hearts, in the coming days to be able to do the work of justice and peace. Lord, hear our prayer. Amen.

Prayer; 016

Almighty and merciful God, our refugee; look with mercy on us today. Bless the work we are endeavoring to do; inspire us as we begin our duties; and guide us in our duties that when all is done that justice may prevail; through your name I pray Amen.

Prayer; 017

O most merciful and mighty God, who alone brings salvation to your people on earth, Grant that all your children may defend against all evil, and that we may at last come before you in heaven where your saints forever sing your praise. Amen.

Prayer; 018

All praise is yours, Lord God our Creator, as we wait in hope for the fullness of peace.
All praise is to you this day. By our prayers and our spirit, and as we grow in human kindness
with all the people of your dear earth. May all our prayer and our deeds be done in the name. Amen.

Prayer; 019

Almighty Lord God, teach us from your holy book, that all the riches of your word are inspired by you for our common use, and that by nature not one of them belongs to one human being more than to another; direct us, we pray, in obedience to your will, that all things may serve all, through you our Lord. Amen.

Prayer; 020

Lord God, you have given us purpose, and your will is to gather them. Fill our hearts with the light from your word of love and ensure justice for all. By sharing the knowledge you have given us, may we secure justice and equality for every human being, through love and peace. Amen.

Prayer; 021

O God! I trust in your omnipotence and your might, your loving-kindness, your grace and your power, may your blessing bring unity in us.
O God! Thou seest all that we do and say, Thy favor, we ask of thee and thy grace we seek.
O God! I bear witness that your servants now ask mercifully for your divine guidance as we perform our duties.
O God! There is none other God but Thee, Glory is yours forever. Amen

Prayer; 022

Father! Thy blessings we now ask. Consider our shortcomings. Give us thy protection. Remember not our sins. Give us thy mercy. Endow us with your providence. What we now begin, may it be done in order and pleasing in thy sight, endow us with your spirit, make our hearts merciful. Thou art mighty. Thou art powerful. Thou art the Giver, and Thou art our sustainer. Amen

Prayer; 023

Great Designer of heaven and earth, we seek your help with all the affairs we are about to undertake today. Bless us with your divine action, and help us to make the best of our doings. We are of diverse opinion. Yet we wish to mend our differences and reach in agreement satisfactory to all. Please grant us wisdom, help us do right by all concerned. Thank you for your Heavenly blessing today. Amen.

Prayer; 024

Lord, we are meeting to conduct matters of business today. Direct our hearts and our minds in a spirit of fairness, right thought and speech. Impart your wisdom upon our activities so that our affairs may be successful in all that we do. Thank you for being our source of guidance today. Amen.

Prayer; 025

Lord our prayers helps us focus our thoughts on you oh God, we seek to find your will in a spiritual way that our work may be pleasing in your sight. Give us knowledge and strength to do your will. May we accept our responsibilities and act with courage that your people may prosper and grow. Amen.

Prayer; 026

Father and Living God, with faith and hope we desire your guidance and we trust in your presence grant us a vision that as we plan for today, bless our leaders with wisdom and discretion grant them patience to listen to reports, to consider decisions which keep us moving forward. Help us to support one another for the common good of man. We ask this in your name. Amen

Prayer; 027

Almighty God, Ruler of the Universe, by your power we move and have our being. We are gathered here tonight to conduct the our affairs. Give us knowledge and strength to do your will in our affairs, with a proper balance of values and our present needs. May we accept our responsibilities and act with courage. Grant us a sense of justice and stewardship both now and forever. Amen

Prayer; 028

Father, I am grateful for your Spirit that makes us strong in our faith, wise in understanding and obedient in our service to you. May we grow strong in your Spirit as we fulfill our duties as your children and complete the work before us this day. Amen.

Prayer; 029

Father, there are many who stand ready always to attack. They are relentless and never ending, they come from every direction,

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