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2003.03.02 - The Word of God on the Sunday of the fearful judgment

        The Word of God[1] on the Sunday of the fearful judgment[2]



I enshroud you within the mystery of the Holy Spirit and His work, My people, because I want to make you into My fulfilled word, and you should be My will, for so and this is the true people of the Lord: the Lord’s will as in heaven so on earth, the Lord’s will. Amen, amen, amen.


I wanted that the first man that I created in the beginning to be My will and that is why I built him when I created him. But the man who comes out of the man, that one is the will of the man and his own will, after that he becomes a man who another man can come out of. This happens because the first man, built by My hand, pulled himself out of My Spirit and made an evil spirit for himself, and I have remained crying and I have remained without man because from then on the man was no longer according to My will. Since then and until now I have been crying after the man, and My angels long near Me and they do their work, which I gave them, to keep the man away from the spirit opposing to Me, from the man’s opposition in order to be according to My will, and to keep the man from his will and to bring him again at My will.


As for you, Romanian Jerusalem, you shall not forget that you were chosen from among the people. You were chosen by God to make you His will on earth, and then, served by His angels, to do the Lord’s work, the work of the man’s coming back to My will, My people. You shall not be afraid of the opposing man to My will, My people, when I am with you and when you are with Me, for many of those who believe in Me according to their will, wait for the antichrist not for Me, and they have been looking after him as they have received teaching from the earth about the antichrist’s coming, and the antichrists of today rejoice greatly when they see the man waiting for someone with the name of antichrist! (See the selection topic: „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast[3]”, r.n.)


Oh, My people, the faithful man does no longer wait for Me. He gets lost in rumors, for the broods of antichrist know what to do to make the man no longer know of My coming and no longer prepare for it, and to lose his mind, his courage and his life waiting for the antichrist. However, you should wait from dawn to dawn for the Lord, your God, Who is coming to save you for His kingdom, Jerusalem of today. The man looks at you and does not want to know of My coming to you, My people, and behold how I come and when I come to you and how long I am with you! I go with you through the world but the world does not see Me, for I reveal Myself only to the eyes of those who have the Holy Spirit believing into My coming of two thousand years ago when I told My disciples that I would be with them to the end of the age, with those who are Mine, with those who do My will and My coming on earth.


Oh, My people, woe to the man who does not have Me as his God! However, I have no one to tell all these, because the man says that he has not got Me, but he does not say that the man cannot serve two or three gods. First, the man serves to his own self and those who come out of him and then he serves the man of vainglory, and by this he serves the evil spirit, the spirit opposing to God, the spirit of lawlessness, which I will destroy together with his man, by the breath of My mouth whenever I come to you as word on earth, My people, for this is the breath of My coming: My word, which breathes of My mouth, and that you hear from your midst, and by which I prove out the man of lawlessness; however, I always destroy his power displaying his work, hostile to Me and to the man who would try to get up and deny himself and then to be able to follow Me for his salvation, seeing all his wisdom for My kingdom on earth with the man, a kingdom that will never be destroyed. Amen. (See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God[4]”, r.n.)


I celebrate into your midst the memorial of the Gospel of My word of two thousand years ago, by which I spoke to My disciples about My kingdom, which I will come on earth with. I told them this: «When the Son of Man will come in His glory with all angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory and all the nations will be gathered before Him and He will separate them one from another and will set the sheep on His right hand and the goats on His left hand. Then the King will tell those on His right hand: Come, blessed of My Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry, and you gave Me food to eat; I was thirsty and you gave Me to drink; I was a stranger, and you took Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me. You served Me whenever you did it to one of the least of My brothers, for you did it to Me. And those who did not do this for My least ones, they did not do it to Me and they will remain in the place prepared to the devil and his angels». (Matt. 25:32-45)


But why do I speak so clearly the word of the Gospel, which is remembered today in a work of church? I speak of it and I call it the fearful judgment, to show to the man that he does not want and he does not look to be the blessed of My Father visiting Me, the One carried by those that are My least on earth. Those who have become great and so great that they rule the earth and every man on it; I do not find any of these to search out the shortcomings of those who are the least of My people: Mine are those little ones who suffer because they are Mine, for the big man says: “Let God give to those who are His.” But behold the fearful judgment: I am word on earth and sitting on the throne of My glory from the midst of the Romanian people with My angels, I speak for all the nations of the earth and I set them by the word on My right hand and I set them also on My left hand. (See the selection topic: „The fearful judgment[5]”, r.n.) Those who have visited Me and looked for Me with faith, when I, carried by those little of Mine, cross the earth with the word to bring the news of the kingdom of the heavens against the kingdom of the antichrist, the man of lawlessness, I call these the blessed of My Father, and I tell them to come to inherit their own things that are gathered there, where the moth does not eat and where the thief does not steal them.


But to whom shall I speak this word of My Father’s blessing, My people, when you, My least one and with whom I carry the cross of My second coming from the Father, are not helped under the cross? I have been teaching you not to receive anything as a gift, but rather to work for your food, for your drink, for your clothing, and to take care of you and to keep from the evil one, in such a way that the man may be drawn to the work of your hands when I come with it into the man’s way to speak to him about My coming with My kingdom and about its heirs who come together in it through My least ones, and for the man to take from you and to give you from him.


Oh, My people, the whole world, which still knows that God is and that the faith in God still is as well, and the reward for the sin of the man’s separation from Me, remains in the world too, a world of lawlessness, for the lawlessness is a greedy woman, who entices the man to take and to eat of it that he will not die but live instead. There is no man in the world to be able to stop him doing his trespasses, by which he heaps up treasures on earth. I seek and I seek again after the man to make him be the blessed of My Father, if he wants to find the fallow land with a treasure in it and to give everything he has got in order to buy it. Oh, how beautiful for the man and how sweet for him, if he made everything on earth with My blessing and not with the blessing of the man that takes after him! And behold, the man does not know who the antichrist is, who makes high places on earth for himself and then writes My name on them in order to draw to him all those who still have faith in Me. But these men do no longer see and do no longer know the way to Me because of the antichrist who set himself on a high place, clothed in My robe (Of priest and bishop, r.n.), because by assuming My name on him, he is no longer known by the man without wisdom, and the man does no longer see Me and does no longer discern Me to follow Me, the humble and poor One through those that are My least ones, and then to help Me while in need and sufferance, but rather he helps him and only him and his debauchery and haughtiness, drunken by the blood of the saints. However, I, the Lamb of the Father Sabaoth, am the Lord of the lords and the King of the kings and I wage war against every man who is My adversary and I will overcome him and you will also overcome those who are working together with Me for My victory, you who are called My elected, for behold the fearful judgment, because they have not gathered anything with Me, and they have not given anything to Me, but on the contrary, they have robbed Me, My name, My house, My clothing and My glory. And for this, here is what the fearful judgment says, which I spoke with My mouth and with the breath of My mouth two thousand years ago, when I came from the Father and when the ruler of this world was judged by My death, by My resurrection and by My sitting on the right hand of the Father as the King of the world, the slaughtered Lamb for the man’s redemption. Amen.


My people of today, it is for you that I help those under My heavy cross of today, because I have among people

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